Could the Next Pope Be Black? Ghanaian and Nigerian Cardinals Are Both Possible Replacements for the Pontiff February 11, 2013 Before the previous two popes, only Italians were considered.
Immigration’s Latest Ally: Christian Right February 7, 2013 Leaders of Christian groups think the time is ripe for an amnesty.
Resettlement Contractors Should Bear More Costs January 25, 2013 Catholic Charities makes money dumping refugees onto the dole.
Christianity ‘Close to Extinction’ in Middle East January 22, 2013 Report claims Christianity is world's most persecuted religion.
Pastor Leads ‘Forward’ Chant at Obama Pre-Inauguration Church Service January 21, 2013 Likens the President to Moses.
Evangelicals Mobilize 100,000 Churches for Immigration Reform January 15, 2013 Evangelical Immigration Table is issuing the "I Was a Stranger" challenge.
Why Evangelicals Are the New Partners for Immigration Reform January 9, 2013 If you can't fill your church with whites, fill it with Mexicans.
Queen’s Chaplain Says Church Of England Has Racism Problem December 24, 2012 Jamaican-born female chaplain serves a predominately black congregation.
Pressure Building for Immigration Amnesty November 27, 2012 Evangelical churches say "it's the moral thing to do."
Are Liberal or Conservative Americans More Likely to Support Restrictions on Racist and Anti-Religious Speech? November 20, 2012 Answer the question before you read the article.
No, It’s Not ‘Christians” Fault Obama Won November 19, 2012 Obama won a majority of the Catholic vote.
Survey: Religiously Unaffiliated, Minority Christians Propelled Obama’s Victory November 16, 2012 Ninety-five percent of black Protestants voted for Obama.
Tale of 2 Surveys: What U.S. Muslims Believe November 14, 2012 40% say American Muslims should be judged by Sharia law.
Ryan Warns Obama Will Take Nation on a ‘Dangerous Path’ That Threatens ‘Judeo-Christian Western Civilization’ November 6, 2012 In the final hours, a nod to the evangelicals.
Romney vs. Obama: “If America Is to Endure as a Nation….” October 30, 2012 Pat Buchanan says "Romney alone offers a possibility of hope and change."
Mega Church Pastor Beaten to Death with Electric Guitar by Man Who Rammed Car into Church October 30, 2012 Assailant also dies mysteriously.
Film on Muslim Birthrates in Europe Raises Eyebrows at Synod October 17, 2012 Catholic bishops skeptical of Islam's spread in Europe.
For the First Time Ever, Protestants Are Not the Majority in U.S. — Due to Rising Number of Americans with ‘No Religion’ October 10, 2012 And the non-religious vote overwhelmingly Democrat.
Sweden: Mosque to Blast Prayer Calls from Minaret October 3, 2012 Stockholm residents will experience the cultural enrichment every Friday.
Black Pastors Say ‘Stay Home’ Election Day September 21, 2012 They don't like Obama's support for homosexual marriage.
Black Pastor Uses Lynching Photo to Help Get out the Vote September 14, 2012 Taking fear-mongering to the next level.
Southern Whites Troubled by Romney’s Wealth, Religion September 11, 2012 They are more suspicious of a "very wealthy" candidate than of a black.
Christians Demand Separate Province in Pakistan to Protect Them from Persecution September 10, 2012 Diversity doesn't work very well for them either.
Christian Girl Accused of Blasphemy in Pakistan Must Stay in Prison After Bail Hearing Delayed August 31, 2012 In Pakistan blasphemy is a crime punishable by death.
US Government and Politics No Longer Run by WASPs. Does It Matter? August 21, 2012 Who would dare say that it matters?
‘Bona Fide Rock Star’: Archbishop of York’s Controversial Evangelical Preacher Brother August 3, 2012 Ugandans make a mark for themselves.
In Mexico, Central American Immigrants Under Fire July 16, 2012 Residents chant, "Immigrants, get out."
Rioters Were Having Spiritual Experience, Says Bishop July 10, 2012 The problem is "structural sin," which appears to be like "institutional racism."
Restaurant Faces Investigation for Offering Church Discount July 9, 2012 The scourge of discrimination is on the march again!
Citizenship Test: Immigrants Must Learn the National Anthem July 9, 2012 The old test included questions on how to claim benefits.
Ministers Urge People to Turn in Gunman Who Killed Girl, 7 June 29, 2012 A gang member was firing at a rival who was buying a drink at her lemonade stand.
Southern Baptists Elect Fred Luter as First Black President June 22, 2012 Convention attendees "leapt to their feet, cheered, and shouted 'Hallelujah."
Christian Musician Killed Nicola for Refusing Sexual Advance, Say Police June 20, 2012 It appears he may have drugged her before the murder.
Holder to Brief Black Pastors on Campaign 2012 May 30, 2012 They have "a theological responsibility to participate in the political process."
Churchgoers Pelted with Stones May 30, 2012 French Christians attacked by young men of "north African descent."
Richard Land Apologizes Again for Trayvon Martin Comments After Meeting Black Southern Baptists May 11, 2012 Again?!
Christians ‘More Likely to Be Leftwing’ and Have Liberal Views on Immigration and Equality April 9, 2012 ‘They put a greater value on equality than the non-religious," study's author says.
U-Turn on 1st Amendment in Michiganistan April 6, 2012 City of Dearborn didn't want to be held responsible if Muslims beat up Christians.
Christians Nailed to Crosses in Gruesome Good Friday Re-Enactment of Jesus’s Death in the Philippines April 6, 2012 17 Filipinos were "crucified."
Report on Europe finds ‘Numerous’ Anti-Christian Actions, Crimes March 23, 2012 Says 85 percent of hate crimes in Europe targeted Christians.
British Government Says Christians Don’t Have Right to Wear Cross or Crucifix at Work March 14, 2012 And churchmen say the government is right.
Christianity Gets Less Sensitive Treatment than Other Religions Admits BBC Chief February 29, 2012 Other faiths have a "very close identity with ethnic minorities."
Catholic Leaders Urge Gingrich and Santorum to Leave Racist Talk Behind January 24, 2012 No talking about disproportionate black welfare dependence.
Cops: Suspect with Shotgun Robs Church Choir January 20, 2012 Tells choir “Keep your heads down, I’ll blow your head off.”
The Crucifixion of Tim Tebow January 13, 2012 Is he the vanguard of the culture war or simply an anachronism?
Poll Finds 43 Percent of People Believe God Helps Tebow Win January 13, 2012 81 percent of Hispanics, 60 percent of blacks, and 38 percent of whites believe this.
Landmark Supreme Court Ruling a ‘Resounding Win’ for Religious Groups January 12, 2012 Churches now have a broader right to discriminate.
Pakistani Christian on Death Row Cooks Own Meals for Fear of Being Poisoned January 6, 2012 Muslims do not believe in "tolerance."
Turiano, Candidate for Governor of Montana December 30, 2011 He learned conservatism by reading Pat Buchanan and Sam Francis.
‘We Were Sacked for Being White and Christian’, Claim Principal and his Wife Dismissed from Dubai-backed ‘Multicultural’ College December 30, 2011 From the Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education in Dundee, Scotland
Hagia Sophia in Istanbul May Become Mosque November 10, 2011 "A mimbar--a platform for the imam--is planned to be built in the museum."
Multiculturalism and the End of White America November 8, 2011 Only Buchanan can raise this topic in the mainstream media.
Jesus’ Name Ruled ‘Unconstitutional’ November 3, 2011 Public prayers must never mention Jesus; it could offend followers of other faiths.
Church of England Faces Being Wiped Out, Report Warns August 24, 2011 In four decades, the "number of adult churchgoers has fallen by half."
Family of Albino Muslims Terrorised After One of Them Marries a Christian Man August 8, 2011 British Muslims practice the religion of peace and tolerance.
Cowards in the Archdiocese August 2, 2011 Frank Borzellieri is fired as Catholic school principal for "racism."
Ala. Churches Lead Opposition to Immigration Law July 15, 2011 Making up for their inactivity during the civil rights era.
Christians Should Learn How to Be a ‘Minority’ from Muslims, Bishop Says July 14, 2011 Calls it "a fantastic opportunity" for British Christians.
Christians Are More Militant than Muslims, Says Government’s Equalities Boss June 20, 2011 Clearly has a firm grip on reality.
Southern Baptists Elect First Black VP June 15, 2011 The move is part of "a push for greater participation among... 'non-Anglo' members."
Archbishop of York Urges English to Be More Patriotic and Celebrate St George’s Day May 20, 2011 Black archbishop says it's OK for English to be patriotic.
Vicar Arrested and Church Searched As Police Probe Hundreds of ‘Sham’ Marriages March 16, 2011 English clergymen use church services to break UK immigration laws.
More Black Women Single; Church Possibly to Blame March 15, 2011 Black women have trouble finding black men who share their religious beliefs.
Christianity Isn’t Dying, It’s Being Eradicated March 4, 2011 British couple barred from adopting because of religious convictions.
Ethiopian Community Gathers to Celebrate Timket January 24, 2011 They shout "Hallelujah" for hours on end.
Christmas Weekend Violence Kills 38 in Nigeria December 27, 2010 Police suspect Muslim sect with the name "Western education is sacrilege."