Smug Diversity Pushers and the Safe White Neighborhoods They Live In February 24, 2014 "Diversity for thee, but not for me."
Central African Republic Soldiers Murder Man in Cold Blood After Presidential Speech February 14, 2014 Presence of journalists is no deterrent.
UN Warns of “Unspeakable” Horror as Mass Grave Found in Central African Republic February 14, 2014 UN Secretary General warns of possible genocide.
Welby Flies to Africa Telling Anglicans to Treat Gay People as ‘Children of God’ February 14, 2014 The white man's new burden.
Conservatives to DOJ, FBI: Stop Advancing Southern Poverty Law Center’s Anti-Christian Agenda February 12, 2014 Government has long used SPLC as a "resource."
A Different Kind Of Catholicism Grows in Latino Communities February 5, 2014 One-third of Hispanic Catholics say they are "Charismatic."
A Month of Horror for Christians Under Islam: September 2013 January 28, 2014 This is apparently not considered an important human rights problem.
UN Warns the ‘Seeds of Genocide’ Are Being Sown in Central African Republic January 27, 2014 Religious and tribal groups slaughtering each other.
Pope Francis Calls upon the Nations of the World to Welcome Immigrants January 23, 2014 He told migrants he hopes they keep "the values of [their] culture of origin."
Central African Republic Cannibal Drags Muslim off Bus and Eats His Leg ‘to Avenge Murder of His Pregnant Wife’ January 14, 2014 He and his accomplices are all "Christian."
South African Preacher Makes Congregation Eat Grass to ‘Be Closer to God’ January 10, 2014 Eating grass "demonstrates that, with God's power, we can do anything."
How Ethnic Conflict Could Dominate This Century January 6, 2014 War is obsolete. Instead, this is the era of massacre.
Children Beheaded as Violence Grows in Central African Republic, U.N. Says January 3, 2014 6,000 children have been recruited as soldiers.
Church Displays Bleeding Trayvon Martin Nativity Scene December 26, 2013 "A child is born, a son is given."
Paul Ryan Finds God December 23, 2013 In the lead-up to the presidential election, he wanted to focus on non-whites.
Fox News Host Megyn Kelly Says Jesus and Santa Are White December 13, 2013 She was responding to the view that Santa Claus "should not be a white man anymore.”
U.S. Military Aircraft to Aid Central African Republic Mission December 10, 2013 African Christians and Muslims are killing each other.
Diversity Is Not a Catholic Value November 29, 2013 The "creed of relativism" is "the scourge of the twentieth century."
The Background of Real Conflict in the World November 21, 2013 Jobbik leader Gábor Vona clarifies his controversial statements about Islam.
America’s Angriest White Men: Up Close with Racism, Rage and Southern Supremacy November 20, 2013 Salon psychoanalyzes "white supremacists."
Christian-Muslim Bloodbath Devastates Central African Republic November 15, 2013 UN adviser says there is a possibility of genocide.
Biden: Don’t Let Immigration Die Like Gun Control November 14, 2013 Not everyone has given up on passing amnesty this year.
Boehner: House Won’t Negotiate with Senate on Immigration Bill November 13, 2013 This "signals the end of chances for action on immigration this year."
Chamber Pushes Boehner to Pass Immigration Bill October 30, 2013 They want millions of new workers every year.
Rev. Al Sharpton Defends Mission in Chicago, Might Bring ‘Diddy’ Here October 24, 2013 Some black Chicago preachers think he should stay home in New York.
At ‘Justice for Immigrants’ Mass, Bishop Calls Jesus ‘Divine Immigrant’ October 21, 2013 Hosted by Catholic Charities and Office of Catholic Social Services.
Holy War in Harlem: Pastors Want Al Sharpton Out October 15, 2013 They say he neglects his own community.
Mexico: “Mestizo Christianity” September 26, 2013 Mexicans have mixed folk custom with Christian forms.
Suicide Bomb Attack Kills 60 at Pakistan Church September 23, 2013 Another Muslim response to religious diversity.
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood to Coptic Christians: Convert to Islam, or Pay ‘Jizya’ Tax September 12, 2013 Don't Islam apologists assure us this will never happen?
Quebec Releases Controversial ‘Values Charter,’ Proposes That Anyone Giving, Receiving Public Services Would Need Face Uncovered September 10, 2013 "Overt and conspicuous" religious symbols will be banned for those providing or receiving state services.
IRS Gave Black Nonprofits Preferential Treatment September 9, 2013 Eric Holder told black preachers how to skirt the law and promote Obama.
Catholic Church Set to Launch Mass Immigration Amnesty Pitch August 23, 2013 Will tell priests to preach amnesty from the pulpit.
Egyptian Islamists Turn Their Rage onto Christian Community August 19, 2013 Forty-four churches have been attacked in the past week.
Islamic Extremists Cause Unrest as Tensions Rise on Island of British Acid Attack Girls August 13, 2013 Christians, moderate Muslims, and foreigners are targets for Tanzanian fundamentalists.
UPenn Prof on Zimmerman Verdict: God Is a ‘White Racist’ Who Carries Gun and Stalks ‘Young Black Men’ July 17, 2013 Says Christianity is to blame for racism in America.
Church Sign Generates Emotional Debate over Race After Zimmerman Verdict July 16, 2013 “It Is Safe To Kill Black People In Amerikkka.”
Paul Ryan Working Behind the Scenes to Push Comprehensive Immigration Legislation July 12, 2013 His Catholic identity is central to his position. What of his white identity?
Baltimore Officials and Clergy Ask for Help After Dozens Killed July 1, 2013 Preachers from 120 churches are praying for peace.
Arab International Festival in Dearborn is Canceled in Wake of Religious Tensions May 24, 2013 Christians and Muslims don't get along in Michigan.
German Women Should ‘Stay at Home and Have Three or Four Children’ May 24, 2013 He says Germany should not "simply present immigration as the solution to our demographic problem."
Diversity, Not Jesus, Saves Says Presiding Bishop May 21, 2013 It's "the only road to the kingdom of God."
Love Thy Stranger as Thyself May 20, 2013 Richard Land on immigration: “Leaders are usually ahead of the laity — that’s called leadership."
Christianity Declining 50 Percent faster than Thought–As One in 10 Under-25s Is a Muslim May 20, 2013 Islam replacing Christianity among young Brits.
John McCain’s ‘Judeo-Christian’ Shamnesty May 16, 2013 Emulating Israel's immigration policies would align with "Judeo-Christian" values.
Vatican Declares Mexican Death Saint Blasphemous May 9, 2013 Mexican Catholics mix indigenous religiosity with Christianity.
My Immigrant Family Were Proud to Assimilate. I Despair That Too Many Today Expect Britain to Adopt Their Culture May 8, 2013 Civilization and multiculturalism are incompatible.
Leaders of Anti-Immigration Groups Aren’t Exactly Conservative April 19, 2013 A bizarre argument in favor of amnesty.
In France, Foreign Aid in the Form of Priests April 10, 2013 African priests for white French congregations.
Police: Va. Minister Painted Racial Slurs on House Before Setting It on Fire April 8, 2013 He's a music minister at Good Shepherd Baptist Church.
Criticism of Cesar Chavez Google Doodle: Intolerance at Its Worst April 2, 2013 Everything is "bigotry."
New Pope Revives Question: What Is a ‘Latino?’ March 25, 2013 Is a carrot planted in the cabbage patch a cabbage?
African Dancers, Bongo Drums and a Punjabi Hymn . . . The Oh-So Modern Arrival of Britain’s New Archbishop March 22, 2013 The Duchess of Cornwall couldn't suppress her laughter.
Census That Revealed a Troubling Future February 28, 2013 British author says, "mass immigration has altered our country completely."
Police: More Than 20 Killed in Nigeria After Muslim, Christian Youths Argue over Soccer Field February 26, 2013 More than fifty buildings were damaged in the mayhem.
Anti-Racist Activist Blames Catholic Church for Slaughtering American Indians in Speech at Catholic University February 22, 2013 Tim Wise also suggests we make Jesus black for a year.
U.S. Catholics Divided on Church’s Direction Under New Pope February 21, 2013 Sixty percent think a pope from the "developing world" would be a good thing.
Muslim Accused of Beheading 2 Christians in U.S. February 20, 2013 The victims were Coptic Christians.
Could the Next Pope Be Black? Ghanaian and Nigerian Cardinals Are Both Possible Replacements for the Pontiff February 11, 2013 Before the previous two popes, only Italians were considered.
Immigration’s Latest Ally: Christian Right February 7, 2013 Leaders of Christian groups think the time is ripe for an amnesty.
Resettlement Contractors Should Bear More Costs January 25, 2013 Catholic Charities makes money dumping refugees onto the dole.
Christianity ‘Close to Extinction’ in Middle East January 22, 2013 Report claims Christianity is world's most persecuted religion.
Pastor Leads ‘Forward’ Chant at Obama Pre-Inauguration Church Service January 21, 2013 Likens the President to Moses.