Pope Francis: ‘Christians and Muslims Are Brothers and Sisters’ December 1, 2015 Speaking event required "tight security" and "armed UN peacekeepers."
Pew: White Christians No Longer a Majority November 23, 2015 White Christians are only 46 percent of the US population.
Pew: Muslims, Hindus Most Pro-Immigration Groups in U.S. November 9, 2015 Atheists also favor immigration.
Suspect Arrested in String of St. Louis Area Church Arsons October 30, 2015 Black man set fire to black churches.
The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth, But They Shouldn’t Be President October 29, 2015 Evangelical leaders are helping to destroy Christian America.
Agony of Congo’s 50,000 ‘Child Witches’ Who Are Brutally Exorcised to ‘Beat the Devil out of Them’ October 19, 2015 African priest: "These witches they eat human flesh, they drink human blood."
World’s First Lesbian Bishop Calls for Church to Remove Crosses, to Install Muslim Prayer Space October 6, 2015 To do otherwise would be "stingy towards people of other faiths."
Vandals Desecrate Carmel Mission Where Junípero Serra Is Buried September 28, 2015 Targets are not just Confederates.
‘Camp of the Saints’ Seen Mirrored in Pope’s Message September 25, 2015 Novel predicted a Latin American "people's pope" would welcome immigrants.
In Speech to Congress, Pope Francis Urges Action on Immigration, Climate September 24, 2015 "We must not be taken aback by their numbers."
Why Pope Francis’ Canonization of Junipero Serra Is So Controversial September 23, 2015 Indians don't like the "patron saint of immigration."
Growing Number of EU States Say They Prefer Non-Muslim Refugees September 15, 2015 Bulgarian Prime Minister opposes immigration that "radically changes the country’s demography."
Muslims Threaten Europe’s Christian Identity, Hungary’s Leader Says September 3, 2015 Says he is doing Europe a service by stopping refugees from leaving Hungary.
Tennessee Couple ‘Do a Brangelina’ with World Record Adoption of Eight Children from Sierra Leone Orphanage August 10, 2015 Got crowd funding to expand their house.
England’s Most Senior Catholic: ‘We Weary Westerners Need Migrants to Bring Us New Hope’ July 10, 2015 Says the church is "enormously enriched by those who come here."
Fires at Black Churches Do Not Appear to Be Linked, Racially Motivated: ATF July 2, 2015 There are nearly 1,800 church fires every year.
As SC Fire Investigated, Stats Show Church Fires Not Unusual July 1, 2015 Useful statistics on church fires.
Fanning the Flames of Another Black Church Arson Hoax July 1, 2015 More unsubstantiated claims of "racism."
Man Who Admits to Posting Hate Signs in Colorado Springs Arrested July 1, 2015 Signs referred to the KKK.
What Happens When an Entire Country Becomes Infested with Demons? June 22, 2015 Mexico has carried out an exorcism of the entire country.
Multiculturalism Doesn’t Work in Hungary, Says Orban June 3, 2015 He does not want "mass-scale" mixing of people with different religions.
The White Protestant Roots of American Racism May 28, 2015 More reasons to feel bad about being white.
France Police Arrest Man ‘Planning to Attack Churches’ April 22, 2015 Police caught him only because he shot himself and had to call an ambulance.
Nun, 86, Murdered in KZN Convent April 21, 2015 Nun in South African was also bound, gagged, and raped.
Migrants Killed in ‘Religious Clash’ on Mediterranean Boat April 17, 2015 Muslims tossed Christians overboard on their way to Italy.
Southern Baptists Grapple with Racist History April 3, 2015 Baptist conference covered "white privilege," "persistent poverty," and gentrification.
Study: Muslims to Outnumber Christians Worldwide at 2070 April 2, 2015 And by 2050, four out of every 10 Christians will live in sub-Saharan Africa.
Up to 150 Killed in Kenyan University Massacre: Terrorists ‘Behead’ Christian Students April 2, 2015 "If you were a Christian you were shot on the spot."
SCLC Director Calls on Black Families to Arm Themselves April 1, 2015 "You stand there, [police] shoot. You run, they shoot. We’re going to have to take a different tack."
Muslim Prayers in Church of England Parish March 13, 2015 It's the first time a Muslim prayer service has taken place in a C of E church.
William Johnson Interview with Nationalist ‘Russian Imperial Movement’ February 27, 2015 Chairman of American Freedom Party explains his views.
Mexico Objects to Pope Francis’ Advice to Avoid ‘Mexicanization’ February 25, 2015 . . . by which he meant rampant corruption and drug trafficking.
Frank Borzellieri and the Death of Free Speech February 19, 2015 Straight talk about race and IQ is the kiss of death.
Britain Authorises ‘Three-Parent’ Babies February 3, 2015 A second woman would supply healthy mitochondrial DNA.
Pope Mulls Crossing U.S.-Mexico Border to Show Solidarity with Immigrants January 27, 2015 Says it would "be a beautiful sign of brotherhood and help for immigrants."
Southern Baptist Leaders Call for Integrated Churches January 26, 2015 Just 1 percent of 51,000 Baptist churches are considered multiracial.
Bishop Silences German Priest for Speaking at PEGIDA Rally January 26, 2015 The priest pointed out Europe's history of conflict with Islam.
The Extraordinary Story of Columba Bush January 22, 2015 If Jeb wins, she'll be the first Hispanic first lady.
Charlie Hebdo: Niger Protesters Set Churches on Fire January 19, 2015 French cultural center also attacked.
Pope Picks 15 New Cardinals Reflecting Diversity January 5, 2015 Of 15 new cardinals, only 5 are European.
Nun Pleads for Christians Raped, Sold, Killed by ISIS December 24, 2014 She says "ISIS is real Muslim believers who like to follow the Quran."
Florida Triple-Murder Suspect Is Arrested. What He’s Accused of Has Left a Church Absolutely Devastated. December 22, 2014 Minister wanted diversity . . . and got it.
Does the New ‘Exodus’ Movie Whitewash the Bible? December 11, 2014 Associating "whiteness" with "divine favor and heroism" is unacceptable.
Dozens Arrested on Fourth Day of St. Louis Protests October 14, 2014 Clergy led the marches on "Moral Monday."
‘Youngest African-American CEO’ Pleads Guilty to $7M Fraud October 13, 2014 He fleeced church congregations.
Church Pastor Confesses He Has AIDS, Slept with Flock October 10, 2014 Juan Demetrius McFarland has been a pastor for 21 years.
If ISIS Is Not Islamic, Then the Inquisition Was Not Catholic September 15, 2014 Liberals: “True” faith "promotes the kind of behavior we like.”
Burn Pictures of Jesus as White Man, Demands #BurnWhiteJesus Social Media Challenge September 10, 2014 Blacks want to stop thinking of Jesus as white.
3 Columbus Churches Vandalized with Graffiti Overnight September 2, 2014 It was Muslim, anti-Christian graffiti.
Pat Robertson on Bobby Jindal: “Wouldn’t It Be Great If We Had a President Who Was a Former Hindu from India?” August 5, 2014 "Conservatism" takes on a whole new dimension.
U.S. Religious Leaders Embrace Cause of Immigrant Children July 23, 2014 Catholic Charities USA has even opened "welcome centers" at the border.
Feds to Open $50 Million Resort for Illegal Children July 16, 2014 600-bed resort with 650 staffers has tennis courts, Olympic size pool, jacuzzis.
Pope Denounces ‘Racist, Xenophobic’ Attitudes Toward Immigrants July 16, 2014 He says the world needs "new forms of legal and secure migration."
U.S. Muslims Most Approving of Obama, Mormons Least July 11, 2014 Protestants not keen on him either.
Colleges and Evangelicals Collide on Bias Policy June 11, 2014 Grounds for permitted discrimination become even narrower.
The Second-Largest Religion in Each State June 9, 2014 In the western states Buddhism is the second largest religion.
Church of England to Bar Clergy from Joining Parties Seen as Racist June 5, 2014 BNP spokesman: "It's like the dark ages when people used to hunt witches."
Sorcery at War May 20, 2014 In the Central African Republic, 60 percent of the women in prison are convicted witches.
Latinos in the U.S. Have a Strong Belief in the Spirit World May 19, 2014 39 percent believe in "the evil eye."
French Journalist Murdered in Central African Republic May 14, 2014 26-year-old woman's body found by French troops.
British Islamist: Muslims Should Humiliate Christians to Make Them Convert May 12, 2014 This appears to be his plan for Britain.
Republicans Think Religion Could Help Them Woo Hispanics. They’re Wrong. May 9, 2014 Even Hispanic evangelicals vote Democrat.
S. Sudan Rebels Slaughter ‘Hundreds’ in Ethnic Massacres: UN May 5, 2014 The Nuer are killing the Dinka.
Central African Republic’s Seleka Rebels Call for Secession amid Sectarian War April 29, 2014 Separation may be a solution to "massive ethnic-religious cleansing."
David Cameron Risks ‘Alienation’, Public Figures Claim April 21, 2014 He called Britain a "Christian country."
Good Samaritan Who Tried to Save Newlywed Nathan Trapuzzano, 24, Who Was Shot on His Morning Walk Claims Attack Was Part of a Senseless Gang Initiation April 8, 2014 Victim's wife is due to give birth next month.