Poland Urges Citizens to ‘Breed Like Rabbits’ to Counteract Falling Birth Rate November 9, 2017 Reversing one of the lowest birth rates in Europe.
Historic Christ Church Falls to Political Correctness November 8, 2017 Plaques honoring parish members Washington and Lee are removed.
Their America, and Ours November 3, 2017 "The spirit that produced the war in the 1860s, and lasting division in the 1960s, is abroad again."
Sowing the Seeds of Destruction: Gunnar Myrdal’s Assault on America October 29, 2017 Some of today’s most destructive ideas were first popularized by a socialist from Sweden.
Minister Duke Kwon at Leadership Weekend: Time to Pay Up, Blue-Eyed Devils September 27, 2017 Faction of the Presbyterian Church of America leads the hate whitey club.
Trump Cuts Obama’s Refugee Target in Half, Takes More Christians than Muslims September 27, 2017 And we got more Christians than Muslims.
Pope Francis Says Concern for ‘Cultural Identity’ Doesn’t Justify Opposition to Mass Migration September 22, 2017 Goes on to claim that Christian missionaries, past and present, are "migrants."
We’re at the End of White Christian America. What Will That Mean? September 20, 2017 An English leftist ponders the most recent demographic projections.
The German Election is a Christian Civil War September 13, 2017 And dissidents are likely to make inroads.
The Camp of the Saints: This Century’s ‘1984’ September 8, 2017 Does the West have the will to survive?
Catholic Cardinal Slams Steve Bannon for Claiming Church Wants Illegal Immigrants in the U.S. Ss It Can Fill Its Pews and Coffers September 8, 2017 Cardinal comments that Bannon's comments are so absurd they shouldn't be commented on.
French Monastery Turned into Asylum Centre as Calais Migrant Numbers Rise September 7, 2017 Locals are not pleased.
America’s Changing Religious Identity September 7, 2017 White Christians are now less than half of America.
The Vatican Attacks Trump Supporters September 6, 2017 White Christian Americans are "dangerous;" Islam is non-violent.
‘Italy Cannot Support Everyone’ Furious Backlash at Pope’s Demand for Migrant Protection August 23, 2017 Pope wants Italy to adopt birthright citizenship.
Virginia Catholic Priest Steps Down After Admitting to Being Former Member of the Ku Klux Klan August 22, 2017 40 years ago.
Steve Bannon Tried to Destroy “Globalism.” It Destroyed Him Instead. August 22, 2017 Hard to see the administration taking nationalist direction from here on out.
Video: Man Removed From Florida College After Standing in Front of Confederate Monument in Virginia August 21, 2017 Christian college cucks.
Trump is More in Touch Than You Think August 18, 2017 62 percent of Americans and 44 percent of blacks favor keeping the statues.
White Christian Conservatives Should Oppose Protests by White Supremacists August 14, 2017 "God sent his son – a brown Middle Eastern man . . ."
Competitive Altruism and White Self-Destruction August 13, 2017 Why do whites not promote their own interests?
Sam Dickson in His Own Words July 28, 2017 A veteran activist reflects on a life of devotion to a cause.
Alone Perhaps, but Is Trump Right? July 11, 2017 Liberated from Leninism, Russia returns to the old faith, as Germany returns to Weimar.
Judge Halts Deportation of More than 1,000 Iraqi Nationals from US June 28, 2017 He did the same thing last week.
Judge Halts Deportation of More Than 100 Iraqi Christians June 23, 2017 Courts now interfering with ICE removals.
Southern Baptists Reconsider Condemning ‘Alt-Right’ Movement June 14, 2017 White nationalism is the hot topic of their national meeting.
‘I am White and I Used to be a Terrible Racist’: Black Church in South Carolina Receives an Apology and a $2,000 Check From an Anonymous Donor June 2, 2017 Apology says Jesus and the Holy Spirit "cleansed" him of racism.
CBS: 800 Churches Nationwide Harbor Illegal Immigrants May 23, 2017 ICE has a policy of not entering churches.
Secular Brits Now Outnumber Christians, but Islam & Hinduism Growing May 15, 2017 Atheism used to be confined to the upper classes, but it has now reached the working class.
Is Democracy in a Death Spiral? April 21, 2017 Democracy is increasingly seen as a means to an end, not an end in itself.
The Untold Story of White Slavery March 26, 2017 Whites have forgotten what blacks take pains to remember.
Fairest Things Have Fleetest Endings March 12, 2017 Camp of the Saints — a haunting novel about the end of the white race.
You Have to Be Christian to Truly Be American? Many People in the U.S. Say So. February 13, 2017 43 percent of Republicans and 29 percent of Democrats agree.
Democrats Think Muslims Worse Off Here Than Christians Are In Muslim World February 9, 2017 Fewer than half of all Democrats think Christians in Islamic countries are mistreated.
Jesuits of Canada and the U.S. Denounce Plans to Increase Detention and Deportation January 27, 2017 Jesuits are now experts on immigration, too.
Video: Koran Sung in Arabic at Scottish Church Service Contradicts Christian Teaching About Jesus January 17, 2017 Koran claims Mary was ashamed after giving birth to Jesus.
An American Renaissance Reading List January 15, 2017 What are the best books for race realists and white advocates?
Charlotte Pastor Charged in Armed Robberies of 9 Businesses January 6, 2017 He's the pastor of True Love Church of Refuge.
What Does a Good, 21st-Century Immigration Policy Look Like? December 28, 2016 The former Archbishop of Canterbury weighs the arguments.
Toward Renewal and Renaissance December 25, 2016 The American racial dilemma is only part of the larger spiritual sickness of the West.
How Blacks Changed Our School December 23, 2016 A once-vital Catholic school is now is steep decline.
50 Christian Statues Defaced and Decapitated in Germany December 16, 2016 Police say they suspect motive reflects a "religious background."
Historic Christian Church to Be Converted Into Mosque; Members Take Down Cross From Altar December 13, 2016 Outgoing reverend: "Children of Abraham . . . can live together in respect and dignity."
Multiculturalism and the War Against White America November 27, 2016 A lecture on truths about race and the costs of denying them.
Civil Rights Commission: ‘Religious Liberty,’ ‘Religious Freedom’ Code Words for Intolerance, Homophobia, and ‘Christian Supremacy’ September 12, 2016 Non-discrimination is more important than religion.
North Carolina Church Holding Weekly Racists Anonymous Meetings September 1, 2016 Yet more goofy white people.
Sobeys Boycott Urged by Baptist Group After Appeal of Racism Ruling August 24, 2016 Canadian grocer had to pay $21,000 for wrongly accusing a black man of shoplifting.
Forty Years Since the Soweto Riots August 19, 2016 A legacy of arson, destruction, and killing one’s benefactors.
Belgian Priest Stabbed in His Home After Refusing to Give Cash to ‘Asylum Seeker’ August 2, 2016 Priest first let the man in to use his shower.
Catholics Must Resist Ethno-Nationalism July 28, 2016 Because Protestants once treated Catholics poorly, whites should give away their countries.
Hollande: Deadly Church Attack in France Carried Out in Name of ISIS July 26, 2016 Jihadists slit a priest's throat and took nuns hostage during mass.
Muslim Smashes Up Swedish Church, Italian Saint Defaced with “Allahu Akbar” Graffiti June 28, 2016 Islamic enrichment in Europe.
Race Leads the Agenda as Southern Baptists Gather in St. Louis June 15, 2016 Convention president: "Racism is a major sin and stronghold in America."
Christian Ice-Cream Salesman Is Tortured by 20-Strong Muslim Mob in Pakistan June 10, 2016 They called his ice cream "unclean merchandise" because he is Christian.
So You Say You’ve Got White Privilege. Now What? June 8, 2016 United Church of Christ lectures whites on their privilege.
Study: Changes in Racial Composition Lead to Decline in Church Attendance May 13, 2016 Lutheran churches with the greatest diversity growth had the sharpest declines in membership.
Europe Will ‘Soon Have More Muslims Than Christians’: Belgium Warns Against ‘Making an Enemy of Islam’ April 27, 2016 "Europe does not realize this, but this is the reality."
My Wife and I Are White Evangelicals. Here’s Why We Chose to Give Birth to Black Triplets. April 21, 2016 The wanted their newborns to feel at home with their other two non-white siblings.
Trump Triumphs over the Pope: Francis Backs Down over ‘Not Christian’ Claim as Vatican Says It Was Not a ‘Personal Attack’ February 19, 2016 But still emphasizes that we should build bridges, not walls.
Pope on Trump: Anyone Who Wants Border Walls Isn’t Christian February 18, 2016 Trump calls the Pope's statement "disgraceful."
Surging Number of Attacks in Germany’s Migrant Centres Sees Christians, Women and Homosexuals Forced to Flee from Muslim Men February 11, 2016 Migrants are not as accomodating as their hosts.
Stopping Islamic Immigration Is a Matter of Survival February 9, 2016 Geert Wilders says Europeans and Americans must solve a common problem.
Lender Discrimination May Be Pushing Black Churches into Bankruptcy December 28, 2015 60 percent of the religious institutions that file for bankruptcy are black churches.
Ethicists Square Off over Editing Genes in Human Embryos December 2, 2015 Some want a temporary ban on the technology.