L.A. County Welfare to Children of Illegal Immigrants Grows September 7, 2010 Children of illegals receive almost one-fourth of all county welfare payments.
Racial Differences — Why They Matter August 27, 2010 To refuse to acknowledge racial differences is to court disaster.
Milford’s Melting Pot Boils Over July 15, 2010 We thought they were supposed to celebrate "diversity" in Massachusetts.
Welfare Recipients Get $12,000 From Strip Club ATMs July 1, 2010 Last week it was casinos, now it's strip clubs.
Kenney Urges Provinces to Review ‘Generous’ Welfare for Refugees April 1, 2010 Canada's welfare system attracts fraudulent refugee claims.
Birth Tourism in US on the Rise for Turkish Parents March 16, 2010 12,000 new Turkish-Americans since 2003.
Welfare Use By Immigrant- and Native-Headed Households with Children February 15, 2010 More than half of immigrant families with children use some form of welfare.
County Spent Millions on Welfare for Illegal Immigrants’ American Children January 20, 2010 And the mainstream press has finally noticed.
Immigration Law Ignites Fear in Arizona January 4, 2010 New state law requires government workers to report illegals applying for certain benefits.
Racial Concerns at Conn. Child Welfare Agency November 9, 2009 Race hustlers upset because welfare commissioner is white.
More Welfare Going to Parents Here Illegally November 4, 2009 How to make money from "anchor babies."
Half of U.S. Kids Eventually Must Use Food Stamps November 4, 2009 90 percent of black children are on food stamps at some point in their lives.
More Welfare Going to Parents Here Illegally October 27, 2009 With an anchor baby a non-citizen gets welfare.
Do ‘Black’ Names Matter in Hiring? October 19, 2009 Yes, but only because "people don't accept that we live in a pluralistic society."
Video: Free Money From Obama’s Stash October 9, 2009 Blacks have no idea where welfare money actually comes from.
How Immigration and Multiculturalism Destroyed Detroit October 7, 2009 Multiculturalism: how to kill our language, culture, way of life, and country.
Facing Economic Crisis, Bitter Debate, Survey Finds Immigrants Hold Fast to American Dream September 10, 2009 72 percent want amnesty.
Hunger Hits Detroit’s Middle Class August 14, 2009 Urban areas become farms, middle-class Detroiters go on welfare.
Welfare Agency Is Sued Over Translation Service August 13, 2009 Translation services needed so non-English-speakers can access welfare system.
Back to School Spree: Billionaire, Feds Give Out $175M to Aid Neediest Students Around the State August 12, 2009 "It's free money! Thank God for Obama. He's looking out for us."
Mass Immigration Destroying Black American Communities August 6, 2009 Blacks pushed aside by Muslim and Hispanic immigrants.
Solutions to the Illegal Immigration Crisis July 6, 2009 If you take away the goodies, most illegals will self-deport.
The Threat of Puerto Rican Statehood May 29, 2009 An alien island with a people, language, culture, and traditions incompatible with the United States.
Prof: Blacks Still Second-Class April 24, 2009 Black ex-cons aren't trusted, can't vote, and are denied welfare.
Obama Immigration Proposal May Not Be at Odds With Economy April 15, 2009 Report says amnesty is good for the economy.
Per Capita Federal Welfare Expenditures by State April 6, 2009 Some populations are more expensive than others.
Buchanan Suggests Obama Have a Real Conversation With America February 23, 2009 White America's convictions, grievances, and demands.
New Guide Highlights Benefits Immigrants Are Eligible to Get November 20, 2008 Naturally, the guide comes in six languages.
Turpentine in Old Wineskins October 31, 2008 Jared Taylor reviews Prof. Paul Gottfried’s "Conservatism in America."
GOP Official Removed for Racial Remarks September 29, 2008 Said Democrats made blacks dependent on government and will do the same to Hispanics.
LaBruzzo Considering Plan to Pay Poor Women $1,000 to Have Tubes Tied September 26, 2008 More whites than blacks on welfare, so plan is not racist.
Guess What Happens to Violent Crime When Illegals Invade? September 18, 2008 Hint: It doesn't go down.
What Science Says About Diversity (Part II) May 16, 2008 The results are in: Diversity brings conflict.
Legislators: Deport Illegal Immigrants in Florida’s Prisons to Save Money April 3, 2008 Weak measure requires immigrants to volunteer.
Hundreds Seeking Housing Money Overwhelm Boca Authority March 13, 2008 Welfare scroungers display poor manners.
Illegals Costing US Taxpayers More Than Iraq War February 6, 2008 Illegals cost $338.3 billion per year.
Suburb Adopts New Anti-Immigrant Law January 24, 2008 Town to require tenants to seek license before renting.
Illegal Aliens Receive $37 Million From County in November January 7, 2008 25 percent of all welfare in LA County going to children of illegals.
Welfare Loopholes Found in Maryland December 14, 2007 Maryland may have sent welfare cheques to illegals.
Wave of Illegals Turns Into Tsunami December 3, 2007 US is importing both poverty and an insurance crisis.
Immigrants, Illegals Use Welfare More Often November 29, 2007 Family-based immigration system burdens social services.
3 Ex-Wives of Muslim Bakery Founder Allege Elaborate Welfare Scam November 19, 2007 100 wives; 46 children; rapes; relatives in the bureaucracy = Your Black Muslim Bakery.
Race/ IQ Explanation Gap at “Achievement Gap Summit” November 14, 2007 The black-white achievement gap continues to baffle America’s best minds
Rep. Ellison to Go on Food Stamps September 19, 2007 Black Muslim congressman pulls a new publicity stunt.
2 Va. Counties OK Immigration Crackdown August 28, 2007 Resolutions withhold nonemergency services from illegals.
Conservatives: We Must Band Together On Immigration Bill June 7, 2007 Phony conservatives want real conservatives to sell out just like they did.
Many Katrina Evacuees In Houston Still Unemployed 2 Years Later May 30, 2007 Many Houstonians think evacuees raise crime rates.
Low-Skilled Aliens Exact A Burden April 5, 2007 Report: low-skilled workers receive $3 in government benefits for every $1 they pay in taxes.
Tackling Welfare’s Racial Gap January 22, 2007 American Indians and blacks stay on welfare longer than Hispanic and Somali immigrants.
Original Immigrants On Welfare November 1, 2006 Half of immigrants who came to Norway in the early 1970s are now on welfare.
Importing Poverty October 26, 2006 Today's immigrants are poorer and less-educated than pre-1960 immigrants.
Food-Stamp Program Finally Speaks Their Language October 16, 2006 Mexican consul in Los Angeles: Food stamps for illegals a "right."
More Refugees Are Settling in Mid-Size Cities, Study Finds September 28, 2006 US to import 70,000 refugees this year--30,000 from Africa.
Poverty Rates Rise In Many Suburbs September 19, 2006 Cause is more immigrants and minorities, especially Hispanics.
Babies Born In U.S. Stir Dispute August 30, 2006 "Anchor babies" are first step for illegals to claim welfare benefits.
Church Closes Off Its Doors To Activist’s Debate August 29, 2006 Black anti-amnesty activist barred from attending church where illegal is hiding out.
The Immigration Crisis…Or Not August 3, 2006 Pro-immigrant "conservative" admonishes: Don't call our immigration problem a crisis.
100,000 Will Have To Prove Status July 31, 2006 Recipients of taxpayer-funded aid in Colo. must prove they are legal.