Homeland Security Promotes Welfare to New Immigrants in Government ‘Welcome’ Materials November 19, 2012 Also explains that no hospital can turn them away even if they can't pay.
Why Do White People Think Mitt Romney Should Be President? November 5, 2012 Columnist can't think of a legitimate reason white men would prefer Romney.
Romney vs. Obama: “If America Is to Endure as a Nation….” October 30, 2012 Pat Buchanan says "Romney alone offers a possibility of hope and change."
Welfare Spending Jumps 32% During Obama’s Presidency October 19, 2012 Welfare is now the single biggest chunk of federal spending.
Will the Election Results Cause Massive Riots to Erupt All over America? October 16, 2012 If Twitter users are to be believed, yes.
Obama USDA Met 30 Times with Mexican Gov’t to Promote Food-Stamp Use Among Mexican Immigrants October 1, 2012 Though Bush's USDA started the practice.
Census: PR Poverty Up, Income Down September 25, 2012 Nearly half of Puerto Ricans are officially poor.
CRS Report: Number of Able-Bodied Adults on Food Stamps Doubled After Obama Suspended Work Requirement September 21, 2012 Loosening of work requirements had predictable result.
The Data Behind Romney’s 47% Comments September 18, 2012 Half of American households receive some government benefit.
Food Stamp Fraud Convict Had Plastic Surgery and Souped-Up Car September 17, 2012 It seems that just about anyone can get food stamps.
The Obama Administration Pays Illegal Aliens to Come Here August 10, 2012 Receiving food stamps apparently does not make an immigrant a "public charge."
Study Finds Poverty & Welfare Common Among Immigrants August 8, 2012 One in four public school students now speaks a foreign language at home.
In the Long Run, Is the GOP Dead? July 31, 2012 Pat Buchanan argues that the party has long been on the path to suicide.
USDA Partnering with Mexico to Boost Food Stamp Participation July 19, 2012 And they don't have to combat "mountain pride."
USDA Uses Spanish Soap Operas to Push Food Stamps Among Non-Citizens, Citizens July 12, 2012 Illegal immigrants need love, too.
USDA Combats ‘Mountain Pride,’ Self-Reliance to Boost Food Stamp Rolls July 5, 2012 Whites in North Carolina are reluctant to accept handouts.
USDA Suggests Food Stamp Parties, Games to Increase Participation June 29, 2012 Only 46 million are on food stamps. USDA wants more.
Study: More Than Half a Trillion Dollars Spent on Welfare But Poverty Levels Unaffected June 26, 2012 Cato study never mentions the impact of poor immigrants.
Has Bell Begun to Toll for the GOP? May 22, 2012 Pat Buchanan on the consequences of white demographic decline.
Why Derbyshire Had to Go April 9, 2012 There is nothing hypocrites hate more than men who live by their convictions.
Jared Taylor to Address French Nationalists in Paris March 9, 2012 Nationality-Citizenship-Identity expects an audience of 1,000.
States Consider Drug Testing Welfare Recipients March 5, 2012 But isn't requiring photo IDs for voters racist?
Racial Code Words Obscure Real Issues February 1, 2012 Juan Williams says appeals to "Founding Fathers" and the "Constitution" are racial euphemisms.
Catholic Leaders Urge Gingrich and Santorum to Leave Racist Talk Behind January 24, 2012 No talking about disproportionate black welfare dependence.
Supervalu-Led Stores Chasing $55 Billion in Food Stamps: Retail January 18, 2012 Grocers changing their marketing plans to appeal to food stamp-users.
Cost of High School Dropouts Draining US Taxpayer December 8, 2011 How many dropouts are immigrants or children of immigrants?
Indigenous Fall Foul of Big-Stick Welfare Tactics November 21, 2011 20 percent of Australian Aborigines on welfare have been cut off.
Obama Seeks Ideas on Reducing Black Joblessness November 10, 2011 Throwing race-neutrality to the wind.
Swiss Cantons Deporting Foreigners on Welfare November 3, 2011 "Many cantons practice a zero tolerance policy."
Nearly Half of U.S. Lives in Household Receiving Government Benefit October 6, 2011 And nearly half of all households pay no federal income tax.
ACLU Sues to Stop Florida Welfare Drug Tests September 9, 2011 We wouldn't want druggies to be disqualified.
America’s 14 Most Ready to Riot Cities August 15, 2011 This article stupidly--incredibly stupidly--avoids race.
Clayton County Food Stamp Snafu Angers Many August 11, 2011 Handouts are delayed; blacks are furious.
Years of Liberal Dogma Have Spawned a Generation of Amoral, Uneducated, Welfare Dependent, Brutalised Youngsters August 10, 2011 "They are essentially wild beasts."
Nixon OKs Drug Tests for Welfare Recipients July 19, 2011 Missouri takes a bold step along the path of common sense.
Holder Launches Witch Hunt Against Biased Banks July 11, 2011 Making banks lend to non-whites with bad credit ratings.
The Food-Stamp Crime Wave June 24, 2011 Costs of food stamp programs continue to balloon; even millionaires can qualify.
Sheriff: Head of Largest Heroin Operation in Polk County History Was On Food Stamps, Here Illegally June 22, 2011 Nice to know our largess is going to aid such vulnerable members of society.
Somalians Protesting Abuse from Swedish Welfare June 6, 2011 Somali boy demands "as many [rooms in our house] as mommy says."
Welfare Drug Test Bill Heads to Fla. Gov. Scott May 9, 2011 Flunk the drug test and the handouts stop.
Why Does Britain Have an Islamist Problem While America Doesn’t? Answer: The Welfare State May 2, 2011 Terrorists have taken hundreds of thousands of pounds in welfare payments.
The Racialization of Deficit Cutting April 28, 2011 Many Americans think helping blacks is more important than fiscal prudence.
Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children: A Look at Cash, Medicaid, Housing, and Food Programs April 5, 2011 57% of immigrant families with children get some form of welfare.
Former Kansas Welfare Worker Says Illegal Immigrants Abused the System March 11, 2011 Kansas is being "bled dry" by illegals on welfare.
Violence Linked to Immigrant-Help Programs February 15, 2011 Someone has noticed the obvious: Somalis make awful immigrants.
Letter from a Friend–Unpleasant Truth and a Serious Warning That Politicians Will Just Ignore Because of Political Correctness January 26, 2011 Detroit: Multiculturalism "kills our language, culture, country, and way of life."
Welfare Tab for Children of Illegal Immigrants Estimated at $600M in L.A. County January 20, 2011 Throw in adults, jails, and medical care, and the total rises to $1.6 billion.
Feds Save Millions After Undocumented Immigrants Lose Benefits December 17, 2010 Who would have thought it?
Pregnant Again, the Mother With Five Children in Care Who Vows to Keep Having Babies Until She Gets a Council House November 23, 2010 She doesn't work, but she gets close to $1,000 a month in benefits.
West: Black Caucus Promotes Welfare Dependency November 22, 2010 Newly-elected black congressman opposes handouts.
Media Coverage of CA Welfare Debit Card Abuse Hides Racial Element to Scandal October 12, 2010 California accounts for 30 percent of the country's welfare cases.
State Officials Cancel Access to Welfare Benefits on Cruise Ships and at All Casinos October 5, 2010 California turns off the tap after newspaper tracks welfare debit-card spending.
Detroit Sees Rise in White Residents After 60 Years September 30, 2010 Young whites reportedly think the city is "cool."