The High Cost of Resettling Middle Eastern Refugees December 7, 2015 Each Middle Eastern refugee costs an average $64,370 over five years.
North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory Signs Into Law Bill Targeting ‘Sanctuary Cities’ October 29, 2015 Bill also expands the state's use of E-verify.
Leak: 81 Percent of Migrants to Germany Are Unskilled, Government Predicts 400,00 New Welfare Claimants October 28, 2015 It will take 3,500 new employees to manage the handouts.
Black Violence Matters September 15, 2015 Colin Flaherty sums up the last two weeks of whitey-hunting.
Report: Every Deported Illegal Household Saves Taxpayers More than $700,000 August 25, 2015 Illegals cost taxpayers $100 billion every year.
How the Nordic Far-Right Has Stolen the Left’s Ground on Welfare July 27, 2015 "The election is a choice between mass immigration and welfare. You choose."
Memo: 353,000 Refugees on Food Stamps April 23, 2015 That's nearly 75 percent of all refugees in the U.S.
Kansas to Ban Use of Welfare on Tattoos, Cruises, Psychics April 7, 2015 No more nail salons or lingerie either.
DHS Launches “Family Reunification,” Refugee Program for Central Americans April 2, 2015 We'll fly them in for free and put them on welfare.
3 in 4 Refugees on Food Stamps, Many Using Other Forms of Public Assistance April 2, 2015 Africans and Middle-Easterners are the worst moochers.
Robert Rector Estimates Lifetime Retirement Costs of Illegals Granted Executive Amnesty at $1.3 Trillion March 18, 2015 Amnestied illegals would contribute only $7.2 billion in taxes each year.
Rep. Gene Alday Claims He’s Not Racist, Despite His Comments February 19, 2015 He talked candidly about blacks in his district.
Sen. Sessions Releases Timeline of Obama Administration’s Dismantling of Immigration Law February 17, 2015 It's lengthy.
Report: California’s High Welfare Benefits Attract New Immigrants January 28, 2015 More welfare, more immigrants.
Obama Admin Threatens to Cut Maine Food Stamp Funds over Photo ID Law November 25, 2014 Putting photos on EBT cards will scare away the poor.
What I Learned in Kindergarten September 23, 2014 I got my education about race as a kindergarten teacher.
Japanese Supreme Court Rules Against Foreign Residents on Welfare July 23, 2014 Legal permanent residents are not entitled to Japanese welfare.
Maine Governor Puts Squeeze on Welfare, Immigrants July 17, 2014 "Illegal aliens . . . are not our most vulnerable citizens."
Ingraham: Time for Mass Deportations ‘By the Thousands,’ End Birthright Citizenships July 7, 2014 Common sense spoken on the air for a change.
Jeh Johnson: Welfare State Doesn’t Draw Illegal-Alien Children to U.S. June 13, 2014 We lather them with services "because our values require it."
Why Reparations for Slavery Could Help Boost the Economy June 5, 2014 They could be a "pilot program for a new America."
Georgia Governor Signs Law to Drug Test Some Welfare Recipients May 5, 2014 The state should not give public money to drug-takers.
NYT on Amnesty: Cheap Labor Profiteering Millionaires Need Your Help! April 3, 2014 Amnesty is yet another farm subsidy.
More Than One Third of All Puerto Ricans on Food Stamps, Official Says March 11, 2014 Food stamps are essentially a second currency in Puerto Rico.
Sen. Sessions: Immigration Spikes Income Inequality January 28, 2014 Someone is finally stating the obvious.
The White Ghetto January 9, 2014 Despite widespread poverty, Appalachia's violent crime rate is half the national average.
Senate Dems Block Amendment to Restore Veteran Benefits by Closing Illegal Immigrant Welfare Loophole December 18, 2013 Republicans wanted to stop illegals from qualifying for Additional Child Tax Credits.
‘Dog Shaming’ Undermines Pets’ Dignity, Welfare Experts Say November 18, 2013 New horizons for sensitivity.
No Demagoguery Needed October 30, 2013 A majority of US blacks and Hispanics are on means-tested welfare.
Census Bureau: Means-Tested Gov’t Benefit Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Year-Round Workers October 25, 2013 Nearly 110 million people lived in households receiving means-tested benefits in 2011.
Study: Food Stamps Most Rapidly Growing Welfare Program October 17, 2013 47 million Americans are on food stamps.
House Republicans Pass Deep Cuts in Food Stamps September 20, 2013 Even with the proposed cuts, the program would cost $700 billion over the next decade.
23,116,928 to 20,618,000: Households on Food Stamps Now Outnumber All Households in Northeast U.S. September 18, 2013 Food stamp enrollment is up more than 50 percent under Obama.
Undocumented LA County Parents on Pace to Receive $650M in Welfare Benefits September 17, 2013 The total cost to Los Angeles taxpayers--excluding education--is $1.6 billion a year.
5 Immigration Falsehoods from the White House September 9, 2013 Cecilia Muñoz lists illusory advantages.
Sessions to Republicans: GOP Elite View on Immigration Is ‘Nonsense’ July 29, 2013 Instead of pandering to big business, the GOP should adopt a "humble and honest populism."
NY Food Stamp Recipients Are Shipping Welfare-Funded Groceries to Relatives in Jamaica, Dominican Republic and Haiti July 22, 2013 Uncle Sam suckered again.
The Fiscal Cost of Unlawful Immigrants and Amnesty to the U.S. Taxpayer May 6, 2013 The Heritage Foundation predicts a $6.3 trillion price tag.
USDA to Mexico: Illegal Immigrants Can Have Food Stamps April 30, 2013 Budget deficit? What budget deficit?
Record Number of Households on Food Stamps–1 out of Every 5 April 25, 2013 For a total of nearly 50 million Americans.
24 Signs That Our Once Proud Cities Are Turning into Poverty-Stricken Hellholes April 25, 2013 Striking facts, but not one word about race.
Store Owner Arrested for Using Food Stamps to Stock Shelves April 3, 2013 Don't we need more entrepreneurial immigrants?
California Org. Focused on Curbing Population Growth Under Scrutiny for Anti-Immigrant Stance March 27, 2013 Tell the truth; get in trouble.
Senators Agree on Path to Legal Status for Illegal Immigrants March 11, 2013 Senators McCain, Graham, and Rubio make the proposal "bipartisan."
Food Stamps for Postage: USPS Accepts EBT February 27, 2013 "Food stamps" aren't just for food anymore.
DHS Admits It Does Not Track Immigrants Who Become Welfare Dependent, Pursued Zero Cases Last Year February 14, 2013 Even though it is their job to catch moochers.
Great Moments in Black History: The Black Experience in Chicago, 1790–2013 February 14, 2013 Racial spoils system created Chicago's black middle class.
Millions Improperly Claimed U.S. Phone Subsidies February 13, 2013 The bill for this fraud-riddled program is added to your phone bill.
Welfare Payments to Be Slashed ¥74 Billion to Root Out the Comfortably Poor January 28, 2013 The Japanese are headed in the right direction.
Inaugural Address: A Defiant Obama Reminds Americans Why He Is the Most Liberal President in US History January 22, 2013 Vows to be a big-government President.
Don’t Confuse My Heartfelt Convictions with Racism January 18, 2013 Charlie Daniels has a bleak view of America's future.
Federal Welfare Spending to Skyrocket 80 Percent in Next Decade January 15, 2013 It's already risen drastically over the past five years.
Welfare Recipients Take Out Cash at Strip Clubs, Liquor Stores and X-Rated Shops January 9, 2013 "Cash assistance" can be used anywhere in New York.
Horrifying Story of Pregnant South Africans Who Are Deliberately Binge Drinking… So They Get More Welfare for the Babies They Harm January 8, 2013 Brew made from yeast, water, and battery acid is the drink of choice.
French Government Cuts Immigrants Welfare by 83% December 31, 2012 The amount given to immigrants who want to go home will also be reduced.
U.S. Clears Criminal Illegals with Removal Orders for Public Benefits December 26, 2012 One in eight aliens awaiting deportation are on the dole.
Jobless Mum ‘I’m Splashing £2k of My Benefits on Christmas Gifts!’ December 14, 2012 Says she's "trapped in the system."
Obama’s America Will Become Detroit December 12, 2012 Author thinks Detroit was ruined by "socialism" and a lack of "Judeo-Christian values."
Total Welfare Spending Equates to $168 per Day for Every Household in Poverty December 10, 2012 You can live better on welfare than on the median American wage.