More People Than Ever Now Have Electricity in Africa, but 600 Million Are Still in the Dark May 8, 2018 "[G]overnments, donors and investors need to rally anew . . ."
‘Islam Is the Problem!’ French Mayor Says Government Plan to Tackle Poverty Ignores Root of Crisis May 8, 2018 “Where do you live? Go into those neighborhoods and you’ll see,” says French mayor.
2 Black Men Arrested at Philadelphia Starbucks Settle with City for $200,000 Youth Program May 2, 2018 The shakedown includes a separate settlement from Starbucks for an “undisclosed amount.”
The University of California Stands Out Among Top Schools When It Comes to Serving Poor Students May 2, 2018 Could it be because UC's poor students are disproportionately Asian?
Financial Aid for ‘Dreamers’ Becomes a Reality in Connecticut April 27, 2018 Now eight states offer public scholarships to illegal "dreamers."
$46,654: Annual Cost of Detaining Illegal Alien Exceeds Average American Income April 26, 2018 The "bed rate" alone is $127.82 per day.
The Planet’s Population Explosion, and What to Do About It April 22, 2018 Garrett Hardin tackles questions most choose to ignore.
Revealed: Dream Democrat Agenda Includes Reparations April 20, 2018 It's part of the "Way to Win: 2022 Victory Party."
PM Meets South African President Cyril Ramaphosa April 20, 2018 Britain will give £50 million "to support South Africa’s transformation."
Baltimore Councilman Proposes $15 Million Fund to Help Eliminate ‘Structural and Institutional’ Racism April 16, 2018 The city needs to "develop and implement an equity action plan."
Children of Illegals Are Getting Getting £300 a Week While They Are Living in Africa April 13, 2018 The High Court ruled that the money would guarantee the children “a safe and comfortable childhood.”
America’s Federally Financed Ghettos April 12, 2018 New York Times wants HUD to integrate communities by fiat.
Justice Dept. to Halt Legal-Advice Program for Immigrants in Detention April 11, 2018 A network of 19 government-funded non-profits provides legal advice to illegals.
Under Ben Carson, HUD Scales Back Fair Housing Enforcement March 30, 2018 Ben Carson has removed "inclusive" and "free from discrimination" from HUD's mission statement.
Taking Benefits May Penalize Immigrants March 29, 2018 New proposal would deny legal residency to immigrants on the dole.
Collateral Damage: How Trump Threw Canada’s Refugee System into Turmoil March 23, 2018 Despite the drain on its services, Canada remains committed to taking in refugees.
Liberals Told to Be Careful as Feds Prepare to Consult on Plan to Combat Racism March 22, 2018 Trudeau's party wants a "national anti-racism strategy."
Chicago Car Wash Operators Charged with Defrauding City in Minority Business Pass-Through Scheme March 21, 2018 Their crimes: creating fraudulent invoices and dealing with white people.
50 Years Later: Why Do They Still Riot? March 20, 2018 Because America still doesn't understand race.
198 Ensnared in Jacksonville Food Stamp Fraud Totaling $3.7M March 20, 2018 Businesses swapped SNAP benefits for cash and drugs.
Bill Targets Milwaukee’s Segregation March 15, 2018 Not renting to applicants receiving housing assistance is a “proxy” for racial discrimination.
Cutting Welfare to Illegal Aliens Would Pay for Trump’s Wall March 12, 2018 Building the wall would save taxpayers $64 billion.
Why Is Liberal California the Poverty Capital of America? January 16, 2018 Nearly one in five California residents is poor.
Tens of Thousands of Migrants in Germany Unable to Read or Write January 12, 2018 They can't get jobs and end up on the dole.
Mexicans in U.S. Send Cash Home in Record Numbers January 3, 2018 $26.1 billion sent from January to November in 2017.
Somali Refugee Family Given £2m Council House in Exclusive London Neighbourhood December 29, 2017 Somali family pays £90 per week to rent a home that could fetch £900.
Germany: 95% of “Refugees” Not Working December 29, 2017 Figures do not count those in state-sponsored “apprenticeships.”
Judge’s Ruling Paves Way for Tampa Bay’s Poor to Move to Better Neighborhoods December 28, 2017 23 metro areas will now be required to adopt "small area fair market rents" for Section 8 housing.
Teacher Punched in The Face by Student Can’t Keep Getting Workers Comp December 27, 2017 She says she is afraid of young black men.
Sweden Forced to Raise Retirement Age to Pay for Mass Immigration Policy December 18, 2017 We thought immigrants were going to pay for whites’ retirement!
A Dangerous Distortion of Our Families December 14, 2017 Report: Black families are much more wholesome than the media would have you think.
Trump May Get Tax Cut Bill with More Generous Credits For Illegal Immigrants December 11, 2017 Increased tax "refunds" to people who haven’t paid any taxes.
Researchers Explore the Effects of Section 8 Grants in Houston November 14, 2017 "Unexpected" relationship between Section 8 grants and violent crime.
Global Demographics and White Survival: What Is to Be Done? Part III October 30, 2017 There must be a rekindling of the European spirit.
Millions Return to Poverty in Brazil, Eroding ‘Boom’ Decade October 24, 2017 Welfare payments that boosted millions from poverty are now being cut.
German Towns Filled With Refugees Ask, ‘Who Is Integrating Whom?’ October 16, 2017 In some schools, "refugees" outnumber German children.
Austria Puts the Squeeze on Refugees with Benefit Cuts October 4, 2017 Immigration is the top issue ahead of the October 15 parliamentary elections.
Feds Allege 12 Stole over $20 Million Trading Food Stamps for Cash October 3, 2017 Defendants have unsurprising names.
For Whom the Bell Curves September 4, 2017 This book, and its reception, mark an important intellectual breakthrough.
Video: Steve King: Use Funding From Food Stamps, Planned Parenthood to Pay for Border Wall July 12, 2017 CNN host can barely contain her rage.
Trump’s Proposed 5-Year Welfare Ban for Immigrants Is Already Law June 23, 2017 He proposed it at a campaign-style rally in Iowa.
An Alaska Native Reflects on His People June 19, 2017 Discusses welfare dependency, native politics, and relations with whites.
Thousands Dropped from Food Stamps Due to Work Requirements May 26, 2017 Food stamp rolls in some trial counties have dropped by 75 percent.
Why Immigrants in California Are Canceling Their Food Stamps March 28, 2017 So much for "Immigrants don't use welfare."
Danes Fighting for ISIS in Syria Receive Disability Benefits at Home – Report February 27, 2017 How welfare works in Denmark.
Pennsylvania Woman Is Arrested for ‘Collecting $130,000 in Welfare Benefits for Three Children Who Never Existed’ December 13, 2016 They were Thomas, Tomalyia and Tyreik.
How to Spread the Truth About Race If Twitter Bans Us November 30, 2016 Be ready to spread the truth if we cannot.
What the Alt-Right Actually Wants From President Trump November 28, 2016 Jared Taylor is quoted at length.
Don’t Write Off the Liberals September 18, 2016 A real racial movement cannot be exclusively conservative.
Maine Refugee ‘On Welfare’ Fought for ISIS August 22, 2016 He was on the dole for four years before he caught a flight to Turkey.
Terrorist Suspects in Europe Got Welfare Benefits While Plotting Attacks August 5, 2016 Is anyone surprised?
Illegals Cut the Line for Food Stamps July 12, 2016 States don't have to count all the income of illegals when calculating eligibility for handouts.
Feds Spend Nearly $20,000 to Settle Every Refugee June 8, 2016 A majority then go straight on the dole.
The Cost of Immigrant Welfare Use June 7, 2016 Tucker Carlson and Jason Richwine discuss immigration's costs on Fox News.
Obama’s Last Act Is to Force Suburbs to Be Less White and Less Wealthy May 10, 2016 New voucher scheme will drive non-whites to the suburbs.
The Cost of Welfare Use by Immigrant and Native Households May 9, 2016 New report breaks down welfare cost per household by race.
Half of Immigrant-Led Households Collect Welfare as Admission Rules Go Unenforced May 4, 2016 Over the last three years, only one person was deported for being a public charge.
Denmark, a Social Welfare Utopia, Takes a Nasty Turn on Refugees April 12, 2016 "We used to have a safe, monocultural society. Now our welfare state is under huge pressure."
Immigrants Denied Admission to the U.S. Due to Welfare Dependency Risk Plummets March 25, 2016 It used to be the leading reason for denial.
In Denmark, 84 Percent of Welfare Recipients Are ‘Non-Western Immigrants’ March 17, 2016 It is a "large and especially expensive problem."
Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote February 10, 2016 She supported her husband's efforts to cut welfare spending and get tough on crime.
Marco Rubio’s 7 Top Achievements in U.S. Senate February 5, 2016 He's been a staunch backer of open borders and the displacement of American workers.