Amnesty and Continued Low Skill Immigration Will Substantially Raise Welfare Costs and Poverty May 15, 2006 The Senate immigration bill would be the largest increase in the welfare state in 35 years.
Welfare to Kids of Illegals At $276 Million April 26, 2006 American-born children of illegals in Los Angeles county cost $276 million in welfare.
Teacher’s Biting Blog Stirs Storm April 24, 2006 Teacher gets threats for revealing chaos at black high school on his blog.
Welfare Applications Rife with Mistakes April 13, 2006 Mistakes processing applications mean illegal aliens in Minnesota got benefits.
The Welfare-Fraud Link April 11, 2006 Chicago blacks and Arabs cooperate with each other in defrauding welfare.
Swedish Welfare State Collapses as Immigrants Wage War March 29, 2006 Young Muslims say they are waging a war against Swedes through robbery.
My E-Mails Are Proof of White Privilege December 5, 2005 American Renaissance readers' comments distress white privilege professor.
The Myth of No-Cost Immigrants November 17, 2005 New study finds each immigrant family costs taxpayers $1,800 a year in Florida.
U.S., Mexican Officials Launch Outreach Campaigns November 9, 2005 USDA wants to make sure Mexicans get their fair share food stamps.
Grand Wizard Bush October 6, 2005 Federal spending on poor New Orleanians increased during Pres. Bush's term.
New Paper Points to Growing Conflict Between Canada’s Welfare State and Increased Immigration October 6, 2005 Think tank estimates immigrants cost Canadians $18 billion per year.
Hurricane Refugees Told: We Don’t Want You Here September 22, 2005 White town in Louisiana refuses refugees, but swears race has nothing to do with it.
Cheaters Get ‘Easy Money’ From FEMA September 20, 2005 Inner-city residents know how to get "free money" for disasters—real or invented.
Sending Somalis Here Was Ill-Advised August 30, 2005 Story on Bantu refugees provokes outraged letter to editor.
A Year Later, Somalis to be Refugees Again Family Says it Can’t Afford Life in the City August 26, 2005 Bantu refugees in New Hampshire can't pay the rent.
Bomber Duo Lived On UK Welfare July 26, 2005 Muslim London bomber received political asylum and $46,000 (US) in welfare benefits.
Further Down The Road (Paved With Good Intentions) July 15, 2005 Jared Taylor's new introduction to his classic book on race.
U.S. Promotes Mexican Immigrant Programs, Services June 7, 2005 US tells Mexican consuls how illegals can use government programs.
Prop. 200 Confusion Being Lamented April 4, 2005 Illegals are afraid to apply even for services not denied them by the new law.
Migrants’ Kids Missing Out February 9, 2005 One in five children under six has a foreign-born parent.
A Boost for Food Stamps January 26, 2005 Oakland will use federal grant money to promote food stamp use among Asian immigrants.
Prop. 200’s Potential Impact Clear — As Mud October 19, 2004 The smear campaign against Prop. 200 may be working.
Blacks, Indians, Hispanics Angry About GOP Welfare Ad October 15, 2004 Non-white lobbies attack ad that shows dark hands counting welfare money.
Study: Half Of Americans Will Use Food Stamps September 1, 2004 85 percent of blacks will use food stamps at some point between the ages of 20 and 65.
Illegal Immigrants At Least $10 Billion Net Cost At Federal Level August 26, 2004 The new CIS study actually undertstates the costs of illegal immigration.
Conservatives Pushing Immigration Initiative August 5, 2004 Californians launch yet another initiative designed to deny benefits to illegals.
Anti-Initiative Group Gets Rolling August 5, 2004 Opponents of Protect Arizona Now promise legal challenges and Hispanic vote drive.
Eugenics Backer Causes Stir in Tenn. Race August 4, 2004 Candidate goes door-to-door saying, "white children deserve the same rights as everyone else.”
Romance Of Refugee Story Isn’t Universal July 6, 2004 Angry calls from whites to Hmong politician over refugees described as “hateful.”
Group Files Petitions To Put Immigration Initiative On Ballot July 2, 2004 190,887 signatures so far.