Posted on January 12, 2018

Tens of Thousands of Migrants in Germany Unable to Read or Write

Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, January 10, 2018

The German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has released new figures showing that around 43,000 individuals engaged in integration courses are unable to read or write at all.

The 43,000 migrants were placed into special courses meant to help them learn how to both read and write but many have been totally unable to learn how to speak German in the language component of the courses, Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung reports.


Less than a fifth, or 17 per cent, of the migrants, engaged in the programme were able to speak German at an intermediate level which is required for basic labour jobs. Of the various nationalities, BAMF reports that Iraqis and Eritrean migrants performed the worst in the language schools.

The report confirms the assessment of some economists who have predicted that mass migration will have a negative impact on the long-term economic growth of Germany.


As a result of not being able to find a job, many migrants have ended up on the German benefits system. Last year the German Federal Agency for Employment (BA) announced that there were half a million asylum seekers living on state handouts.
