New Mexico County to Block Democratic Governor from Releasing Migrants in Its Backyard April 29, 2019 Southern New Mexico is running out of room to take in the thousands of migrants being released each month.
Legal Cannabis Is Here. Minorities Are Owed a Place in the Industry April 19, 2019 Non-whites “disproportionately carried the burden of federal prohibition.”
D.C. Housed the Homeless in Upscale Apartments. It Hasn’t Gone as Planned. April 18, 2019 It has gone as could have been foreseen.
Kirsten Gillibrand Has Endorsed Steps to Reduce Racial Wealth Gap April 18, 2019 Reparations, postal banking, federal job guarantees, etc.
2020 Dems Audition for Al Sharpton’s Support April 3, 2019 At least 10 Democrat presidential candidates will speak before the National Action Network.
San Franciscans Raise $46,000 to Stop Homeless Shelter in Wealthy Area March 29, 2019 The wealthy Left: “Not in my backyard.”
Kamala Harris Announces $315 Billion Plan to Address Educational Inequality in Black and Brown Communities, Jump-start HBCUs March 26, 2019 Half of it would go to HBCUs and “minority-serving institutions.”
‘Not Beneficial’: Think Tank Puts Huge Price Tag on Iraqi, Somali Migrants March 25, 2019 The average Somali immigrant arriving to Finland will cost the state $1 million.
Dreamers Denied: Evidence Mounts FHA Is Not Backing DACA Mortgages March 22, 2019 It’s getting harder for DACA beneficiaries to get any kind of mortgage.
Denmark in a State of Unreported Collapse March 15, 2019 The country is expected to have 507,000 "non-Western" immigrants by 2060.
Border at ‘Breaking Point’ as More than 76,000 Migrants Cross in a Month March 5, 2019 Catch and release of Central Americans is the biggest "pull factor."
Zimbabwe Needs R3.2 Billion in Aid Donations to Feed Its People — UN March 5, 2019 The country is “in the grip” of a drought and a bad economy.
N.J. Gave 500 Undocumented Immigrants Tuition Money March 1, 2019 Taxpayers pay for DACA recipients to go to college in 12 states.
‘Pay What You Can Afford’ Runs Panera out of Bread February 19, 2019 Human nature triumphs over liberal delusion.
Citizenship Question Goes to the Supreme Court February 15, 2019 Fast-tracked case will be heard in late April.
Citizenship Question Stays on Census, Federal Judge Rules February 14, 2019 The case will go to the Supreme Court.
Kamala Harris Supports ‘Some Type of’ Slavery Reparations February 12, 2019 Her plan is to “lift people up” who make less than $100,000.
Bulgarian Nationalists’ Roma ‘Integration’ Plan Dismays Rights Advocates February 8, 2019 Gypsies must integrate or lose welfare.
Cory Booker Announces Presidential Bid February 4, 2019 He timed his announcement to coincide with the first day of Black History Month.
Asylum Seekers Travel to Portland in Droves, Overwhelming City Services January 31, 2019 The word is out: Free stuff in Portland!
Border Patrol Struggles with Flood of Sick Migrants January 28, 2019 Agents have spent 20,000 hours since October driving asylum seekers to and from medical exams.
Church World Service Sets Up Hotline to Connect Illegal Aliens to Sanctuary Locations in US January 28, 2019 And all on your dime.
Judge Rejects Citizenship Question for 2020 U.S. Census January 15, 2019 Judge says commerce secretary “concealed his true motives” about the question.
Half the 600,000 Residents Aided by NYC Care Are Undocumented Immigrants January 9, 2019 The cost? An estimated $100 million.
Ottawa to Spend $113 Million on Pre-Arrival Services for New Immigrants January 4, 2019 Will enable "new Canadians" to "hit the ground running."
Trump’s White Male Supporters May Lose Their Food Stamps December 28, 2018 Black writer wonders if white supporters will ditch Trump if they lose food stamps.
Nation of Islam Receiving Federal Cash to Teach Prisoners December 21, 2018 Highest spending year was under Obama in 2012.
Federal Judge Orders Trial over Census Citizenship Question December 20, 2018 Hispanics and Asians are afraid they won’t get their "fair share" of federal money.
CBO: Criminal Justice Bill Would Reduce Federal Prison Population, Increase Spending December 17, 2018 Bill would facilitate the release of tens of thousands of federal prisoners.
Why Is It Legal for Landlords to Refuse Section 8 Renters? December 14, 2018 Writer claims “There’s no research to show that voucher holders make worse tenants than any other renters.”
What’s ‘Immoral’ About Caring for America’s Poor First? December 13, 2018 6.8 million children of immigrants are enrolled in Medicaid.
We Must Face Persistent Racial Gaps in Academic Performance December 5, 2018 Inferior education is "of course" to blame.
63% of Non-Citizen Households Access Welfare Programs December 3, 2018 Nearly double the rate of citizen-headed households.
Life Along the Fault Line November 25, 2018 An unblinking look at racial friction in an American city.
Divided We Stand November 14, 2018 "Let’s just admit that this arranged marriage isn’t really working anymore, is it?"
Immigrants Will Not Fund Our Retirement November 5, 2018 Immigrants are a net burden on the welfare state.
Central American Immigrant Population Increased Nearly 28-Fold Since 1970 November 2, 2018 Poverty and welfare use are double that of natives.
An Exclusive Look at Cory Booker’s Plan to Fight Wealth Inequality: Give Poor Kids Money October 23, 2018 Low-income children would be given "opportunity accounts” of up to $50,000.
With New Caravan Coming From Honduras, Trump Issues Fresh Threat to Cut Aid October 16, 2018 Caravan has swollen to 3,000.
Billionaire Koch Brothers: Trump Is ‘Wrong,’ It’s ‘Morally Right’ to Import Foreign Welfare Dependents October 15, 2018 “Immigrants contribute ideas and talents in a mutually beneficial way to society.”
Births to Legal and Illegal Immigrants in the U.S. October 10, 2018 There are about 297,000 births to illegals every year, costing about $2.4 billion.
Asylum Seekers Housed in Hotels Will Have Their Stays Extended Four Weeks October 3, 2018 Shelters are at capacity, and the universities needed their dorm space back.
Violence Spurs Support for a Radical in Once-Calm Southern Brazil October 1, 2018 Most residents in the area are of European descent.
More Scare Tactics from the Trump Administration September 26, 2018 Denying green cards to moochers could affect 382,000 immigrants each year.
Immigrant Advocates Vow to Fight Trump Plan to Clamp Restrictions on Green Card Applicants September 25, 2018 New rules would ensure green card applicants aren't on the dole.
USAID Spends $89.7 Million Finding Jobs for 55 Afghan Women September 14, 2018 Program was to "promote gender equality in Afghanistan."
Sudanese Mother and Son Were Stealing $440,000 a Week from Taxpayers at Height of Childcare Scam August 30, 2018 She said that investigators were too stupid to catch her.
Chicago’s Predatory Funeral Homes Target Homicide Victims, Cash In on Taxpayer-Funded Expenses August 27, 2018 The city hands out $7,500 for funerals for murder victims.
California Legislature Kills Bill for Free Health Care for Adult Illegal Aliens August 23, 2018 Some things are too expensive even for California.
52.1% of Kids Live in Households Getting Means-Tested Government Assistance August 23, 2018 It's been above 50 percent since 2013.
States Attempt Closing Racial Gaps to Improve Graduation August 21, 2018 Plan is to close the gaps by 2025.
Ben Carson Ends Obama-Era Efforts to Reduce Housing Segregation August 14, 2018 "Affirmatively furthering fair housing” initiative will be scrapped.
Undocumented Immigrants on Dialysis Forced to Cheat Death Every Week August 9, 2018 They cost taxpayers $285,000 a year.
Now the Trump Administration Wants to Limit Citizenship for Legal Immigrants August 7, 2018 Wants them to prove self-sufficiency.
Italy Slashes Asylum Seeker Benefit Payments July 27, 2018 The money saved will go to police overtime.
Black and Hispanic Women Are Less Likely to Get Patents Than Whites July 25, 2018 "Patent gap” results from the “exclusion” of non-white women from STEM jobs.
Why Don’t We Always Vote in Our Own Self-Interest? July 20, 2018 Even poor whites don't support programs that disproportionately benefit non-whites.
Proposed San Diego Law Would Prohibit Landlord Bias Against People with Federal Housing Vouchers July 9, 2018 Proposed law is supposed to address San Diego’s “stark segregation.”
Hey Dan Rather: Want to Know What It Would be Like If Only Whites Voted? June 28, 2018 We’d have conquered space.
Aldermen Reject Northwest Side Affordable Housing Proposal After Heated Debate June 27, 2018 “Not in my backyard.”
Now Even Swedes Are Questioning the Welfare State June 26, 2018 Declining support is probably due to the influx of Syrians.
54% of Alien Children, Teens, on Welfare, Nearly Half for Adults June 13, 2018 Trump is considering cuts in green cards for illegals on welfare.
Judge Strikes Down Minneapolis Section 8 Protection June 13, 2018 Ordinance presumed landlords' only motivation could be prejudice.
Rachel Dolezal, Who Posed as Black, Accused of Welfare Fraud May 25, 2018 She received nearly $9,000 in food assistance despite making $84,000 in book royalties.
Germany Sees Migration-Related Spending of 78 Billion Euros Through 2022: Report May 22, 2018 Thirteen billion euros to be spent on “integrative measures” alone.
Millions of Dollars in Suitcases Fly Out of MSP, but Why? May 15, 2018 Somali immigrants are fleecing taxpayers with bogus day cares.
More People Than Ever Now Have Electricity in Africa, but 600 Million Are Still in the Dark May 8, 2018 "[G]overnments, donors and investors need to rally anew . . ."