Race-Hustling Results October 30, 2013 Asians have no Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton but seem to do very well.
Southern Nationalism Is Growing Up September 4, 2013 League of the South mixes regional and racial consciousness
A Discussion on Race, Crime and the Inconvenient Facts August 28, 2013 Strong words from a Notre Dame professor.
Obama, Race and Class August 27, 2013 The President talks about economics and class rather than race.
Jesse Jackson Tweets That Killing of Chris Lane ‘Frowned Upon’ August 22, 2013 A tepid tweet is all the reverend can muster.
The Gruesome Story of a Murdered Tennessee Couple You May Never Have Heard–But That You Will Never Forget August 14, 2013 Glenn Beck reports on the murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.
Both Jacksons Get Prison Terms; He’ll Serve First August 14, 2013 30 months and 12 months for stealing campaign funds.
Jesse Jackson Speaks About Florida Black-on-White Bus Beating August 13, 2013 "We must learn to live together respectfully."
Stupidity, Not Race, Caused Oakland Killing August 8, 2013 Would a white man have behaved as this black man did?
Unsung Black People July 26, 2013 There are blacks who tell the truth, but the media never tell us about them.
The Decline of the Civil-Rights Establishment July 23, 2013 Black leaders are struggling to remain relevant.
Eric Holder to the NAACP: DOJ Still ‘Has an Open Investigation’ into the Trayvon Martin Shooting, ‘Stand Your Ground’ Laws Must Go July 16, 2013 Even though Zimmerman's defense was not based on that law.
Feds Seek to Seize Homes of Jesse Jackson Jr. and Wife June 28, 2013 Partial restitution of the $750,000 he looted from his campaign fund.
Government Recommends 4 Years in Prison for Jesse Jackson Jr. June 10, 2013 Recommends 18 months for his wife, too.
Black Leaders: Immigration Bill Will ‘Harm’ American Workers June 3, 2013 Finally, some sensible black resistance to amnesty.
Obama Needs to Stop Lecturing Predominantly Black Audiences, Some Supporters Say May 22, 2013 Legitimate criticism is unwelcome.
Ex-Constituents Ask Judge to Sentence Jesse Jackson Jr. to Hard Time May 10, 2013 He spent $750,000 in campaign funds on personal expenses.
Black Pols Stymied in Obama Era May 1, 2013 Congressman John Lewis: Election of a black President was "just a down payment."
Why Are Liberals Afraid of Black Conservatives? April 16, 2013 Columnist calls the Democratic Party a "liberal plantation."
Juan Williams: Race and the Gun Debate March 27, 2013 Surprisingly pertinent observations from Juan Williams.
Jesse Jackson Calls for Mass Protest Against Detroit’s Emergency Financial Manager March 22, 2013 Says blacks won't tolerate their votes taken away "whether it's Gov. Snyder or Wallace or whoever."
Oberlin College Cancels Classes After Racist and Homophobic Incidents March 5, 2013 "KKK sighting" prompted the closure; was probably just a student in a blanket.
In Selma, Jesse Jackson Says Supreme Court Challenge to Voting Rights Act Could Be “Terribly Damaging to Democracy” March 5, 2013 Joe Biden joined him in Selma to support Section 5.
Jackson Graft Case Further Indicts Black Caucus February 21, 2013 One-third of sitting black lawmakers have been subject to ethics investigation.
Obama Returns To Chicago: Gun Control Utopia — Or Black Dystopia? February 15, 2013 The problem isn't guns; it's blacks with guns.
Amnesty: Nail in the Coffin for Black America February 8, 2013 Jesse Lee Peterson is a rare voice of sanity among blacks.
Feds Investigating Finances of Former Ald. Sandi Jackson: Sources February 5, 2013 Jesse Jackson Jr.'s wife appears to have been fiddling the bank accounts.
Race to Fill Jackson’s Seat Highlights New Challenges for the Black Caucus December 26, 2012 Blacks worry about losing one of "their" seats.
He’s BAAACK!: Dem Child Molester Melvin Reynolds Running for Congress; The Clinton Commutation That Keeps on Givin’ November 30, 2012 Clinton-commuted creep running for Jesse Jackson, Jr.'s seat.
A Family Business in Disarray November 26, 2012 Jesse Jackson Sr. can't spin the story about his son.
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Has Resigned from Congress November 21, 2012 Likely candidates for the special election are all black.
Jesse Jackson Jr. Wants Disability Pay, Report Says November 15, 2012 Then he agrees he'll give up his congressional seat.
Jesse Jackson Jr. ‘To Resign From Office by End of the Year if Plea Deal Is Accepted’ November 12, 2012 Congressman would plead guilty to misuse of campaign funds.
Jackson: Black Voters Deserve a Return on Election ‘Investment’ November 12, 2012 “What’s good for blacks is good for everybody.”
Jesse Jackson Jr. Wins Reelection from Mayo Clinic November 7, 2012 What would it have taken for him to lose?
Barack Obama and the Paradox Behind His African American Support Base November 5, 2012 It's not a paradox at all.
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Beset by Difficulties, But Election Day Isn’t One November 5, 2012 Should sail back into office despite being AWOL since June.
Jackson Jr. Allegedly Misused Campaign Funds for Home Decor: Report October 17, 2012 Will authorities indict him before the election?
Black Anger in Chicago at Obama: “He Done Did It. He Ruined It for Us. White People Don’t Feel Guilty No More and Won’t Do Stuff for Us Now” October 15, 2012 "White guilt was a finite resource that has now been depleted during the Obama presidency."
RNC vs. DNC: “Ocean of Whiteness” vs. Star Wars Cantina September 11, 2012 Both conventions are resigned to America becoming a "second Brazil."
Secret Service Rental Stolen Ahead of Biden Visit to Detroit September 4, 2012 It must have been the Romney people.
Police Chief Blames ‘Pilgrims’, Cops for Chicago Violence July 2, 2012 White police are to blame for black crime.
Black-on-White Crime and the Reasons for a Media Double-Standard May 21, 2012 Columnist defends biased reporting of interracial crimes.
Richard Land Apologizes Again for Trayvon Martin Comments After Meeting Black Southern Baptists May 11, 2012 Again?!
Five Myths of the ‘Racist’ Criminal Justice System April 23, 2012 Some are promoted by the President himself.
Leaked Stratfor Emails: Democrats Manipulated the 2008 Election Results April 23, 2012 Specifically, "black" Democrats.
Obama’s Zimmerman Problem April 13, 2012 Pat Buchanan asks: "Is this how justice is advanced in Obama’s America?"
Whites Are Mostly Missing at Trayvon Martin Rallies April 3, 2012 A lack of evidence couldn't be the reason.
Trayvon Martin Case: Martin Was the Aggressor, Police Sources Say March 26, 2012 Why has this not been widely reported?
For Harry Belafonte and Other Progressive Blacks, the Reality of the Obama Presidency Is a Bitter Pill to Swallow January 13, 2012 Blacks want Obama to be their president.
Diversity Perversity January 10, 2012 "The left’s version of diversity is social, cultural, economic and ethnic rot," Ted Nugent says.
We’ll Use Civil Disobedience if Needed to Oppose Detroit Emergency Manager, Coalition Says December 23, 2011 Democracy itself is at stake, Jesse Jackson says.
Michigan Civil Rights Leaders Plan an Occupy Protest at Gov. Rick Snyder’s Home on Martin Luther King Jr. Day December 14, 2011 The latest chapter in the Detroit saga.
Newt Gingrich: The White Party’s Candidate? December 9, 2011 The former House Speaker has a long history of being anti-white.
Jackson, Jr: Obama Should ‘Declare a National Emergency,’ Add Jobs with ‘Extra-Constitutional’ Action October 14, 2011 Just as wise as his father.
99% What? ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Organizers Look for Minorities October 7, 2011 The "Occupy Wall Street" protests are clearly racist.
Cupertino Cement Plant Shooting Victim Recalls Bloody Morning October 6, 2011 Black activist goes on shooting rampage. Thought everyone was out to get him.
Obama’s America in Black and White June 24, 2011 Someone else has noticed that race is still a problem.
Bill Cosby: “Your Dirty Laundry Gets out of School at 2:30 Every Day” June 3, 2011 Young blacks have "betrayed the legacy of civil rights victories."
Rand Paul Under Fire for Equating the Right to Health Care With Slavery May 16, 2011 Blacks say nothing they support can be called slavery.
Atlanta Shines As Civil Rights Game Host May 16, 2011 Civil Rights Game--another occasion for blacks to show racial solidarity.