Jesse Jackson Declares Federal Budget Fight the American Civil War All Over Again April 8, 2011 Jackson: If you are for states' rights you are pro-rich and against workers' rights.
Some in Black Caucus Embrace GOP Member, But Others Say They’re ‘Leery’ February 15, 2011 Rep. John Lewis says the Caucus is "very diverse."
African-American Leaders Unite Around Carol Moseley Braun for Mayor January 3, 2011 Deal to cut out other black candidates so Braun can do better against white opponent.
Black, Hispanic Caucus Members Gain Clout November 23, 2010 Blacks and Hispanics hold almost one-third of Democratic House seats.
Civic, Community Leaders Tell How to Get a Black Mayor October 7, 2010 Chicago blacks see their best chance in decades to elect a black mayor.
The Politics of Resentment September 21, 2010 Blacks want patronage more than they want well-educated children or low crime.
The Irony of Jesse Jackson’s Stripped SUV September 3, 2010 A metaphor for what Jackson has been doing to auto industry for 35 years.
Jury in Blagojevich Corruption Trial Only Agrees on 2 Counts Out of 24: Judge Says Keep Deliberating August 12, 2010 Jury hasn't yet considered charges that Blago tried to sell Obama's senate seat.
Ethics Cases Raise Racial Questions August 2, 2010 Black lawmakers appear to be more likely to break the rules.
Black Leaders Chide Obama White House, ‘Right-Wing Press’ July 30, 2010 Blacks at Urban League conference see threats to their political power on every side.
Ed Dept, Civil Rights Leaders Discuss Reform July 27, 2010 They think money will close the racial achievement gap.
The True Face of Campus Progress: A Report from the Conference July 15, 2010 It was just as bad as you would imagine.
Jesse Jackson Says LeBron Treated Like a ‘Runaway Slave’ July 12, 2010 Black hucksters obsessed with "slave" imagery.
Blagojevich Trial: How Damaging to Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.? July 9, 2010 Former Illinois deputy governor: Jackson's approach was "utterly shameless."
Black Political Leaders to Recapture 08 Momentum July 9, 2010 Next week's NAACP convention to close "enthusiasm gap"?
Black Group: ‘Obama Not Interested in Enforcing Immigration Laws’ May 3, 2010 Supports Arizona law, denounces blacks who oppose it.
A Delicate Balancing Act for the Black Agenda March 19, 2010 Black leaders: "Barack Obama is ignoring the black community."
PBS Host Smiley Calls Meeting to Urge Black Agenda March 4, 2010 Because Obama isn't doing enough to help blacks.
Why Obama Should Reconcile With Rev. Jesse Jackson February 24, 2010 Jesse Jackson deserves more respect from the president.
Lawsuit Claims Racial Bias in CTA, Metra Funding February 1, 2010 Should rail lines that carry more non-whites get more public money?
Did “African American” History Really Happen in Atlanta, Cleveland, Philly, and Detroit? Listening to the Census. January 28, 2010 Time to get rid of the silly term "African American."
Justice Dept. Fights Bias in Lending January 14, 2010 Lenders' attempts to comply with discrimination laws deemed discriminatory.
New Campaign Book: Bill Clinton’s Remark About Obama Angered Teddy Kennedy January 11, 2010 "A few years ago this guy would have been getting us coffee."
Blacks Urge Effort to Improve Census Count December 17, 2009 Sharpton: "We want what is ours." And what is ours, too.
Popular Restaurant Went From Hot Water to Grant Bonanza December 8, 2009 Black "community institution" refuses to pay sales tax but gets $144,000 grant from city.
A Decade After Decatur Fracas, Racial Gap in School Discipline Widens November 24, 2009 Blacks still more likely to be suspended or expelled.
Jesse Jackson: ‘You Can’t Vote Against Healthcare and Call Yourself a Black Man’ November 19, 2009 Many Congressional Black Caucus members apparently agree.
Chia Obama’s Hairy Question: Is It Racist Scorn or Sincere Tribute? November 10, 2009 You never know what is going to be "racist" next.
Racial Disparity: All Active Ethics Probes Focus on Black Lawmakers November 3, 2009 Blacks say they are targeted because they have less money.
Conservatives Say It’s Their Turn for Empowerment September 17, 2009 It is "racism" or is it just politics?
Ethics Panel Defers Probe on Jesse Jackson Jr. September 16, 2009 House ethics committee has its hands full.
Was Atlanta’s ‘Black Mayor First’ Memo Racist–Or Just Blunt? September 2, 2009 It would be "absurd" to expect black leaders not to advance the political interests of blacks.
Is Racial Profiling Racist? August 19, 2009 Once again, Walter Williams goes where no white man dares to tread.
Jesse Jackson Named Prince of African Tribe August 19, 2009 Jesse Jackson is the successor to Michael Jackson.
Fire Scorches the City’s Cultural Landscape, Too August 4, 2009 Collection of "minority" art destroyed in fire.
The Evolution of Racial Differences in Morality July 24, 2009 Races appear to have evolved different levels of morality; this has important social consequences.
Obama’s Seat Race Could Cost Senate Some Diversity July 23, 2009 Illinois's "black" Senate seat almost certain to be held by a white man in 2011.
Jesse Jackson’s Bizarre Political Advice July 21, 2009 Jesse Jackson says Obama needs to spend more time with Jesse Jackson.
African Immigrants, Affirmative Action, and Harvard University June 22, 2009 Most beneficiaries of racial preferences are not the descendants of American slaves.
Al Sharpton Emerges As Obama Ally June 3, 2009 Sharpton "embraced" by Education Department as reward for campaign support.
Jesse Jackson Jr. Pays Campaign Funds to Chicago Alderman Wife May 21, 2009 Another investigation for Congressman Jackson to "fully cooperate" with.
Investigators Take Closer Look at Rep. Jackson in Blagojevich Case April 14, 2009 Congressman too busy helping constituents to answer press questions.
Ethics Board Launches Probe Into Rep Jesse Jackson Jr. April 8, 2009 Congressman, his brother, and Indian immigrants implicated in Blagojevich scandal.
The Rev. Al Sharpton Is the New Sheriff Politics Needs April 2, 2009 Sharpton "a national powerbroker with A-list access to the Oval Office."
Liberian Gov’t Holds Talks With US to Prevent Deportation of Liberians February 12, 2009 Congressional liberals say sending Liberians back home would destabilize the country.
Blago Raises the Stakes January 5, 2009 How about a dozen Democratic senators resigning so their governors can appoint blacks?
Black Leaders See Senate Seat Being Hijacked December 16, 2008 Illinois blacks feel entitled to Obama's Senate seat.
Sources Say Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Is ‘Senate Candidate No. 5’ December 10, 2008 Jackson cronies may have offered $1 million to corrupt governor for Senate seat.
What’s Worse for Wal-Mart: Lawsuit or Jesse? December 5, 2008 Lawsuit says Wal-Mart discounts gave stampeding customers "crowd daze."
State Says Jesse Jackson Academy Owes $3.2 Million December 5, 2008 Black charter school in Houston has "bookkeeping issues."
Some See Pride in Obama’s Win As Wrong November 13, 2008 Many see Obama win as example of blacks’ "looking out for their own."
The Night We Waved Goodbye to America . . . Our Last Best Hope On Earth November 12, 2008 The left have shown themselves the equals of Moonies and Scientologists.
Black Power Brokers Ready to Rise in Tandem With New President November 10, 2008 Blacks looking to rise in new administration, law firms, corporations, Wall Street.
For Some White Voters, Obama’s Race is Seen as a ‘Bonus’ November 3, 2008 White liberal: "Those who fail to feel guilt are sociopaths."
Racial Profiling: The Myth that Never Dies October 29, 2008 Study accusing LAPD of racial profiling missing crucial information.
Attacking Our Black Leaders October 10, 2008 A deliberate campaign to eliminate the rise of black leadership?
Black Congressmen Declare Racism In Palin’s Rhetoric October 8, 2008 "Hockey moms," "Joe Six-Pack," and other racist code words.
Failed Effort to Prove Diversity October 6, 2008 A survey of student attitudes is no evidence of benefits.
Black Republicans & Obama: Torn Between Party and Race August 18, 2008 Voting for Obama is being "on the right side of history."
The End of Identity Politics? Not Likely August 14, 2008 Black woman tells what it will really be like.
Could Obama’s Rise Signal the End of Black Victimology? August 6, 2008 An Obama presidency could end "dependency thinking" among blacks.
Governor Deval Patrick: “Together We Can” Have Racial Preferences July 31, 2008 Massachusetts governor supplies preview of Obama presidency.
Freddie, Fannie Funded Jesse Jackson’s Pet Projects July 30, 2008 Shares may fall, but there’s always money to pay off Jesse.