Verified Hate: Biting the White Hand September 14, 2021 The people who depend on the system say it’s racist.
How a Black Man Discovered the Truth About Race September 4, 2021 "The best cure for delusions about race is to expose yourself to blacks."
I Lived Through California’s Transformation August 28, 2021 "I want back my city! My streets! My ocean!"
Black Nationalist Baffles White Interviewer August 22, 2021 Recognizes that Britain is a white country.
How Almost-Whites can Improve their White Lineage August 17, 2021 Can we compromise on genes if the heart is white?
The Taliban Is Retaking Afghanistan. Good News for America? August 16, 2021 We should have fewer drug overdoses.
Forced Busing Taught Me Race Realism August 14, 2021 "Blacks beat whites for no reason, and shook them down for pocket change."
The Muggers Stole, Among Other Things, All My White Guilt August 7, 2021 . . . and then I read The Bell Curve.
Race and Immigration in Scandinavia and Finland August 1, 2021 Europe's "great white north" is growing darker.
The Story of My (Racial) High School Education July 31, 2021 A story of integration and disintegration.
Sights and Sounds: South Africa Burns July 29, 2021 Our future? Or, considering what happened in 2020, already our past?
Proud to Be Gay and Proud to Be White July 24, 2021 "[W]hen push comes to shove, my guess is that race trumps sexual identity."
Alabama to Araucanía: Racial Polarization Looks the Same July 21, 2021 Elections are always "us versus them."
Reading The Bell Curve Woke Me Up July 10, 2021 "To be sure, race does matter, and as I’ve come to learn, it matters a great deal."
UPDATE: More Copies of Race and the American Prospect Now Available June 28, 2021 Get one while you still can.
President Biden Turns “The War On Terror” Against Whites June 23, 2021 The White House’s domestic terror plan is a clear threat against white America.
Towards a Better Understanding of the Left June 21, 2021 Herbert Marcuse, Antonio Gramsci, and others.
What Could Be Driving Dysgenics in the Black Population? June 10, 2021 "It is evident that the black-white IQ gap will remain pervasive."
Sights and Sounds of the New South Africa June 7, 2021 Cell phone videos show what the mainstream won’t.
Three Powerful Films Identitarians Can Watch Right Now June 5, 2021 Movies on Amerindians, the Alamo, and ICE.
I’ll Answer That, Mr. Hill June 1, 2021 I’m not stumped like Christopher Rufo. I know what I like about being white.
Why I No Longer Ignore the Reality of Race May 22, 2021 "During these dark times, we have to be smart and strategic about how we fight, but fight we must."
Verified Hate: The Great Replacement Is Back Again May 18, 2021 It’s not a conspiracy theory anymore!
How I Left Colorblind Conservatism May 8, 2021 "[D]uring the 2016 campaign I became very interested to know why journalists hated Donald Trump so much."