An Active-Duty Officer Analyzes the Latest George Floyd Video August 7, 2020 The idea that this was murder is not just absurd; it’s dangerous. By Bob Peele
Systemic Racism or Systemic Rubbish? August 6, 2020 It might be a myth, but believing it can still have dire consequences. By Ilana Mercer
Fact Check: Yes, the Mob Is Coming for You August 5, 2020 The United States of Anarcho-Tyranny. By Michelle Malkin
‘White’ or ‘white’ — What’s in a Word? August 4, 2020 Conservatives propping up a bankrupt raceless America. By Gregory Hood
MLB Loves BLM July 30, 2020 Conservatives’ favorite sport shoves black politics down our throats. By Robert Hampton
American ‘Stormtroopers’ — A Bright Shining Lie July 28, 2020 "At some point soon, America is going to say: Enough is enough." By Pat Buchanan
Stress Test of a Straining Superpower July 24, 2020 "How great a burden can even an unrivaled superpower carry before it buckles and breaks?" By Pat Buchanan
One Nation Under Anarcho-Tyranny July 22, 2020 "[W]e, the law-abiding, are the enemy." By Michelle Malkin
Rising Diversity Is Joe Biden’s Worry, Too July 21, 2020 "The Democratic left wants to terminate the succession of white folks making the history of the country." By Pat Buchanan
How ‘Con. Inc.’ Sells Out Dissidents to the SPLC July 20, 2020 American conservatism capitulating to America-haters. By Ilana Mercer
Heidi Beirich Cancels Generation Identity July 16, 2020 Twitter and YouTube did as they were told. By Gregory Hood
What Finally Happened in Our Suit Against Twitter July 15, 2020 A strategic retreat we hope will pave the way for future success. By Jared Taylor
Will Tuck Cuck? We’ll Find Out Tonight. July 13, 2020 Will the mainstream American Right’s real leader bow to cancel culture? By Gregory Hood
White Women Are in an Abusive Relationship with the Left July 11, 2020 The Left hates its new allies. By Robert Hampton
The Story of a Hispanic Race Realist July 11, 2020 There's only so much a man can take. By Dean Lefferts
‘National Review’ Fails to Defend America — Pathetically July 10, 2020 Our country is more than a vague statement about equality. By Gregory Hood
The New ‘Systemic Racism’ That Is Coming July 10, 2020 "[T]he color of the beneficiaries and the color of the victims will be reversed." By Pat Buchanan
Stand with Steven Baca July 8, 2020 "This isn't just one statue and one armed American's freedom at stake." By Michelle Malkin
A Culture War Battle Trump Can Win July 7, 2020 "Trump's stand for tradition and against mob rule is the only stand the president can take." By Pat Buchanan
A Declaration of White Spiritual Independence July 4, 2020 A racial identity is being forced on us whether we want it or not. By Gregory Hood
Are Uncivil Protests and Mob Violence Winning? July 3, 2020 "Mob demands to 'Defund the Police' have been met by political concessions and capitulations." By Pat Buchanan
Rewriting American History to Please Blacks July 2, 2020 It’s part of the logic of Black Lives Matter. By Robert Hampton
What’s the Matter with Kansas State University? July 1, 2020 On the recent travails of Jaden McNeil. By Michelle Malkin
The Attack on John Wayne Is an Attack on White America June 27, 2020 The nation's hall monitors have dug up some of his "racist" quotes. By Paul Kersey
The Son of Illegal Honduran Immigrants on Race Realism, “Social Justice,” and White Identity June 27, 2020 "It is impossible to fault whites for not wanting to be overwhelmed by Hispanics." By M. Castrejon
Biden’s Basement Strategy: Just Say Nothing June 26, 2020 It's the best way of avoiding tough questions. By Pat Buchanan
The Left Is Creating a Class That May Overthrow It June 24, 2020 The left constantly purges its own. What happens when "the purged" reach a critical mass? By Chris Roberts
How Long Will the Vandals Run Amok? June 23, 2020 "[A] society whose history is hated by millions of its members will not survive." By Pat Buchanan
When Loyalty to Your People is Treason to the State June 21, 2020 Have we reached that point today? By Gregory Hood
Black Athletes Dictate Terms to Coaches and Owners June 19, 2020 White people: Stop watching. By Robert Hampton
DACA Decision Shows the Constitution Has Failed June 19, 2020 Voting GOP “for good judges” isn’t much of an argument anymore. By Gregory Hood
The White Supremacist Lynching Hoax June 17, 2020 "The credibility of American journalism is swinging in the wind. R.I.P." By Michelle Malkin
Cancel the White Men — And What’s Left? June 16, 2020 "A second Reconstruction is being readied." By Pat Buchanan
Could Trump Have a Gaullist Moment? June 15, 2020 He is neither placating the mob nor reassuring Americans. By Sinclair Jenkins
From Public Policy to Public Quackery June 13, 2020 The urge to “do something” about “racism” leads to the search for miracle cures. By Joseph Kay
A Young White Man’s Struggle with Identity June 13, 2020 From drugs and crime to fatherhood and MAGA. By Michael Williams
We Should Cancel Conservatism June 12, 2020 National Review denounces “cancel culture” while celebrating Steve King’s ouster. By Gregory Hood
Will Churchill’s Statue Be Next to Fall? June 12, 2020 "How this ends without permanent division in the country escapes me." By Pat Buchanan
Revolution from the Top June 11, 2020 Where power lies in American society, and why “conservatives” can’t challenge it. By Gregory Hood
The Monumental Campaign to #CancelAmerica June 10, 2020 "How does pretending away an entire generation of Americans and their progeny promote 'healing'?" By Henry Wolff
The Left’s Coming War on Cops June 9, 2020 "[T]his, too, is likely to become a forever war in America." By Pat Buchanan
How Much Does It Cost When a Big-Box Store Is Looted? June 7, 2020 A retail pro looks at the big picture. By George Barnes
There’s No Denying the Realities of Black Behavior June 6, 2020 Or the consequences of affirmative action. By Jason Smith
Verified Hate on Twitter: It Only Intensifies June 6, 2020 Remember: We can’t have an account, but they can. By Gregory Hood
Is the Case Against Derek Chauvin a Slam Dunk? June 5, 2020 A former police officer weighs in. By Ambrose Kane
Liberal Mush from the Mad Dog June 5, 2020 "The general has just defected to the resistance." By Pat Buchanan
‘Karen’: The Latest Anti-White Slur June 3, 2020 Media mock suburban white women who insist on standards. By Robert Hampton
A Nation of Dupes Led by Fanatics June 2, 2020 Futile goals and manufactured emotions in multi-racial America. By Gregory Hood
Assaulted and Vilified, the Cops Save the Cities June 2, 2020 "Wherever they had to draw back or pull back, anarchy ensued." By Pat Buchanan
How Did George Floyd Die? June 1, 2020 The ambiguous case that set off nation-wide rioting. By Jared Taylor
Why Joe Biden Can’t Pick Elizabeth Warren to Be His VP May 31, 2020 And why he is doomed if he does. By Chris Roberts
Twitter’s Selective Punishment May 29, 2020 The President is “fact-checked,” but racial incitement is fine. By Gregory Hood
Michael Moore Is Right, Whites Shouldn’t Police Blacks May 29, 2020 Sixty years of babysitting are enough. By Gregory Hood
A Fatal Failing of Establishment Elites May 29, 2020 "Biden’s message to Middle America: This may have been your country, but no more. Get used to it." By Pat Buchanan
Last Night’s Riots in Minneapolis May 28, 2020 This is a neighborhood where mass violence was just waiting to happen. By Gilbert Cavanaugh
The New York Times Smears Whites for Memorial Day May 25, 2020 The arguments made against Confederate soldiers can be made against the Founding Fathers. By Gregory Hood
What’s Behind the Nursing Home Attack? May 23, 2020 Race hatred, mental illness, both? By Gregory Hood
The Great Replacement: Indianapolis May 23, 2020 The “Crossroads of America” is a different place now. By Gregory Hood
Stop Training Saudi Arabia’s Jihad Pilots May 20, 2020 The U.S. military continues schooling Saudi airmen. By Michelle Malkin
Who, Not What: Gun-Toting Protesters Edition May 13, 2020 Another case of black privilege. By Gregory Hood