Sam Francis: An American Hero Dies February 15, 2020 Sam Francis died fifteen years ago today. We still miss him.
ADL: White Supremacist Propaganda Distribution Hit All-Time High in 2019 February 12, 2020 More than double the figure for 2018.
Litigation Works! Patriot Conference Going Ahead! January 24, 2020 Jared Taylor on the next AmRen gathering.
Our Votes Don’t Matter, But Our Ideas Do January 23, 2020 "How should White Nationalists take part in American electoral politics?"
January Is “It’s Okay to be White” Month January 17, 2020 A guide to some simple and straightforward activism.
Jack London: Socialist and Racialist January 14, 2020 Working man, writer, sailor, socialist — he never lost sight of the importance of race.
Biden Appeals Both to Black Voters — and to White Voters Suspicious of Black Lives Matter January 3, 2020 An interesting look at white racial consciousness among Democrats.
Perth City Centre ‘It’s Okay to Be White’ Stickers Condemned December 18, 2019 Local politician: "We must stand together to resist this unacceptable material."
Suspended Student Expelled After Posting “IT’S OKAY TO BE WHITE” Flyers at OCU December 11, 2019 Perhaps it isn't okay to be white . . .
Nicholas J. Fuentes Is Winning December 6, 2019 "Conservatives are . . . starting to realize that although race isn’t everything, it’s also not nothing."
Kids in Defense of the Culture December 6, 2019 "The shock troops against Conservatism, Inc. have arrived."
Forthcoming from Counter-Currents: White Identity Politics November 20, 2019 A new book by Greg Johnson.
Elizabeth Warren Ties Guns, Trump and Domestic Terrorism Together in Her Plan to Fight White Nationalism November 20, 2019 "State and local governments will be required to submit reports of suspected hate crimes to the federal government."
More Than Half of Italians in Poll Say Racist Acts Are Justifiable November 13, 2019 Racial consciousness is spreading.
Jared Taylor Explains White Advocacy to Italian TV November 6, 2019 Italian TV appears none the wiser.
Hoard of Golden Treasure Is the Most Important Anglo-Saxon Find in History November 5, 2019 Probably seized from the kingdoms of Northumbria, East Anglia, and possibly Wessex.
White Identity Is Not Perverse November 4, 2019 Racial identity is one of the “strong gods” the West needs for it to survive.
‘An Indictment of South Africa’: Whites-Only Town Orania Is Booming October 25, 2019 “It’s like Boer Disneyland. Except you never have to go home.”
Government Finally Grants Money for New Viking Ship Museum in Oslo October 18, 2019 The new building will be three times as large as the current one.
Poland Rejects European Union Migrant Redistribution Plan October 1, 2019 Ambassador in Rome says only migrants who share Polish language and culture will be welcome.
Why Racial Separation is Necessary for White Survival September 29, 2019 A reply to American nationalists.
Sam Francis, the Prophet September 27, 2019 Sam Francis is more relevant than ever, and his critics have nothing to teach us.
The Man Behind a Toxic Slogan Promoting White Supremacy September 24, 2019 Renaud Camus, creator of the phrase “great replacement.”
White Separation for White Preservation September 22, 2019 A new perspective on the need for separation.
A DNA Test Revealed This Man Is 4% Black. Now He Wants to Abolish Affirmative Action. September 20, 2019 Since race is a social construct, how does the government decide who is non-white?
It’s All White People’: Allegations of White Supremacy Are Tearing Apart a Prestigious Medieval Studies Group September 20, 2019 Medieval studies has to confront its connection to whiteness and sexism.
Red Flag Laws for ‘White Nationalists’? September 18, 2019 Both Dems and Repubs seem to like the idea.
Vigilantes in Slovenia Patrol Borders to Keep Out Migrants September 17, 2019 Slovenian citizens do the job police aren't doing.
Which Way, Western Man? September 8, 2019 A new form of political organization may be needed to save Western Civilization.
Why ‘White Identity’ Must Be Destroyed September 6, 2019 Or at least turned into a negative identity.
Conservatives Call for ‘Anti-Racism’ September 5, 2019 This will prove their virtue and scare "racists" away.
Racial Preservation: The Alternative to the Nordish Apocalypse August 31, 2019 A Northern European perspective on survival.
Democrats ‘Declare War’ on White Nationalism August 30, 2019 They seem to think “racism” is the number-one problem in the country.
We Invite You to the Scandza Forum August 29, 2019 Jared Taylor interviews Frodi Midjord about two upcoming conferences.
Biden: Racism Is an Institutional ‘White Man’s Problem Visited on People of Color’ August 28, 2019 Asked who his VP would be, Joe said: "preferably someone who was of color and who was of a different gender."
Candidate Who Wanted Michigan City as White ‘As Possible’ Ends Run August 27, 2019 She lasted less than a week.
City Council Candidate: Keep Town as White ‘As Possible’ August 26, 2019 The town is 95 percent white.
How the Army’s Equal Opportunity Program Saved a White Boy from Himself August 25, 2019 How one military man woke up.
The White World’s Southernmost Front August 9, 2019 Identitarianism in Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile.
The Racial Revolution: Race and Racial Consciousness in American History August 3, 2019 And the seismic change of the last half century.
National Conservatism Without Race? July 18, 2019 Our correspondent reports from last weekend’s conference.
CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Interviews Jared Taylor (Full Interview) July 1, 2019 A heavily edited version appeared on CNN yesterday.
‘The State of Hate’ June 28, 2019 CNN’s "serious treatment of white nationalism" and of Jared Taylor.
It’s Time to Let Classical Music Die June 26, 2019 Classical music "is not about culture. It’s about whiteness."
AmRen 2019 Conference Videos June 14, 2019 Speeches from James Allsup, Lana Lokteff, John Derbyshire, and more.