Posted on January 25, 2021

White People’s War on Western Civ

Lipton Matthews, Chronicles, January 21, 2021

Many argue that whiteness is a major problem in America. {snip}

Those who are steeped in history, however, are aware that Western society is distinctly individualistic and open to new ideas. For example, today one is far more likely to find white people studying African history, than Africans writing about Europe.

White Americans are usually quick to blame themselves for the state of race relations, and despite their high propensity for tolerance, they are unjustly characterized as racists. Across the country school districts are lowering standards to appease minority activists, yet it appears that whites can do nothing to placate their anger. What is also quite ironic is that whenever black professors proclaim racist sentiments, they are often enabled by their white colleagues, citing free speech. Anti-white racism is acceptable to the point of being virtuous, while whites are never allowed to defend themselves from racism charges.

To some, the nebbish behavior of whites needs explaining. But we ought not to be surprised at the pathological altruism of whites. Conservatives like to brag that Western culture holds freedom and individual expression in high esteem. If white people as a whole have greater respect for individual agency and are less ethnocentric than other groups, then they will generally be more inclined to tolerate dissenting opinions, even to the detriment of their own interests.


As such, white intellectuals have become partners in the quest to destroy the cultural heritage of the West. Blinded by pathological altruism, they are unable to acknowledge that a civilization without a culture must collapse. Therefore, as a gesture to non-whites, in 2020 Yale scrapped a survey course in art history on account of the course focusing too much on white artists. {snip}

But the real issue is that radical non-whites and their liberal peers want to annihilate the Western canon. Contrary to the naïve perceptions of most white people, movements to decolonize curriculum are not efforts to create an intellectually diverse environment. Rather, they reflect contempt for Western civilization.


Unlike non-whites, apparently most white people have no sense of pride in their culture. According to Pew, black adults are most likely to say that race is central to their identity, whereas whites are the least likely to be invested in their racial identity. Whites are not sufficiently ethnocentric to create an influential white agenda. {snip}
