The Taboo That Could Break America, Part III November 25, 2020 Intellectual paralysis means economic paralysis.
The Taboo That Could Break America, Part II November 22, 2020 Yes, the races are not equal in intelligence and genes are part of it.
The Taboo That Could Break America, Part I November 13, 2020 You must not ask why blacks don't succeed.
Brace Yourself for Biden/Harris November 6, 2020 Surprising voting patterns brought unexpected results.
Meet the Not Fu**ing Around Coalition October 30, 2020 Black uniforms, black rifles, and “kid glove” treatment from the authorities.
Biden or Trump? How Should We Prepare? October 23, 2020 It will make a difference, but we keep fighting either way.
Have Afrikaners Reached the Breaking Point? October 17, 2020 Anger over South African farm killings boils over.
Interview with an Israeli Journalist August 29, 2020 Race realism, the moral righteousness of self-preservation, and of course, Donald Trump.
Who Kills Whom: The Truth About Black Crime August 20, 2020 It's not what the media would have you believe.
What If Black Lives Really Mattered? August 7, 2020 We would do the opposite of what we are doing now.
Let the Revolution Eat Its Own Children July 24, 2020 If cancel culture goes far enough it may cancel itself.
Target: The White Man June 25, 2020 The attack on statues is an assault not just on “racists” but on whites.
Paved With Good Intentions: A Story of Race Relations in America January 24, 2020 And the steady creep of censorship.
Why Are Whites Dying of Despair? December 13, 2019 Arjumand Siddiqi and Odmaa Sod-Erdene can explain everything.
Is Muslim Immigration Good for the West? December 12, 2019 Jared Taylor debates a missionary for Islam.
Why Conservatives Are Doomed November 29, 2019 They won’t conserve the one thing that must be conserved.
Demographic Change: Imagined or Inevitable? November 15, 2019 If you want it it’s real; if you don’t, it’s a conspiracy theory.
Remember the Red Scare? Now We Have the White Scare. November 8, 2019 And unprecedented attacks on the First Amendment.
Jared Taylor Explains White Advocacy to Italian TV November 6, 2019 Italian TV appears none the wiser.
Interracial Crime: Denial, Deceit, and Delusion September 17, 2019 Colin Flaherty fights censors to promote the truth.
Putting Blacks ‘at the Very Center’ of American History September 6, 2019 The fashionable way to look at the past.
Democrats ‘Declare War’ on White Nationalism August 30, 2019 They seem to think “racism” is the number-one problem in the country.
Lefty Media Suddenly Against Immigration August 15, 2019 Breathtaking turnaround goes largely unnoticed.
The Real Solution to ‘Racist’ Mass Shootings August 6, 2019 Politicians and media get it completely wrong.