Media Get Hate Crimes Wrong — Again September 1, 2021 Blacks are twice as likely as whites to commit them.
And They Wonder Why We Despise Them August 23, 2021 No deception is too degrading for the Los Angeles Times.
Media Hegemony July 9, 2021 Noam Chomsky's analysis of media power is right — but applied incorrectly.
America’s Media-Poisoned Well April 14, 2021 "[T]he . . . rights to an impartial jury, fair trial and due process have all gone up in choking flames."
Why Can’t We Talk About Ideology’s Role When Killers Aren’t White? April 8, 2021 Media dismiss Capitol attacker's black nationalism.
Verified Hate: Black Nationalist Attack on the Capitol April 6, 2021 It vanished from the news but Justice Thomas offers hope.
Some Thoughts are Worse Than Murder April 3, 2021 Theodore Kaczynski was arrested 25 years ago today.
Verified Hate: How the Lefties Coped March 24, 2021 Great disappointment when there’s no white guy to crucify.
The Terrible Cost of Willful Ignorance March 4, 2021 Unchecked liberal fantasies cause incalculable damage.
CPAC Pandering Leads to the Usual Disaster February 25, 2021 Conservatives keep falling in traps no one actually set for them.
Conservatives Betray Dutch Nationalists February 23, 2021 Media and ‘respectable’ conservatives gang up against patriotic resistance.
The ‘Tainted’ Sources in Dinesh D’Souza’s The End of Racism February 14, 2021 A contemptible streak of dishonesty runs through this book.
Would a ‘Russian Dissident’ Do Better in the ‘Free World?’ February 11, 2021 The case of Alexei Navalny.
Amnesia of the Anarcho-Tyrannists January 13, 2021 "There simply cannot be peace and civil order in such a dysfunctional country of double standards and stifled dissent."
China Trolls the West’s Delusions and Hypocrisies January 12, 2021 I’m laughing along with the Communists.
Media Ignore Raphael Warnock’s Racial Radicalism January 5, 2021 A candidate for Senate is held to a lower standard than ordinary Americans.
Some Church Lives Matter More Than Others December 16, 2020 "Silence is not just complicity. It's media malpractice."
Antifa Now Trying to Derail Trains? December 2, 2020 Fortunately, all 41 attempts since January have failed.
Why I Would Vote for Donald Trump if I Were American November 2, 2020 A view from across the Atlantic.
The Great Replacement Isn’t Happening. It’s Good That It Is October 20, 2020 More doubletalk from the New York Times.
Journalists’ ‘Security’ Kills a Conservative Demonstrator October 12, 2020 Which kind of violence is the greatest threat?
Rioters Attack Drivers in Hollywood September 25, 2020 And the Los Angeles Times wants you to think the driver was the aggressor.
‘If We Lose, We Burn the Place Down’ September 14, 2020 The Atlantic lays the Democrats’ cards on the table.
Photos of America’s Summer of Rioting September 10, 2020 So much for "mostly peaceful" demonstrations.
Trump is Right: The 1619 Project Promotes Fake History September 9, 2020 British tabloids know more about US history than American blacks do.
Kyle Goes to Kenosha: A Folk Hero Is Born September 4, 2020 He stood up when the police and politicians stood down.
The Facts About Race and Crime September 3, 2020 What the media have failed to tell you — since 1990.
As If You Needed More Reasons to Despise the Times September 1, 2020 And I mean “the times” in both senses of the word.
How Can You Check Facts When There Are No Facts? September 1, 2020 Center for Strategic and International Studies makes headlines with secret data.
All the Bias Fit to Deceive August 27, 2020 Dishonesty about the riots is as prevalent as the riots themselves.
Why No One Mentions American Renaissance in Discussions About “Cancel Culture” August 23, 2020 . . . because discussing AmRen's cancelation might get you canceled.
Who Kills Whom: The Truth About Black Crime August 20, 2020 It's not what the media would have you believe.
Analysis You Can Trust August 19, 2020 American Renaissance has a better record than much of the mainstream.
Media and Politicians Blame White Supremacists for Black Violence August 16, 2020 They invent facts to suit themselves.
America’s Race Reality: Inhuman, Insane, Incoherent August 14, 2020 "Patriots, please quit the 'rest in peace' platitudes."
Who’s Afraid of QAnon? August 14, 2020 Why are journalists going crazy about a conspiracy theory that teaches complacency?
‘White’ or ‘white’ — What’s in a Word? August 4, 2020 Conservatives propping up a bankrupt raceless America.
Two Months Since the Riots, and Still No “National Conversation” July 29, 2020 Shoe-leather reporting from journalist Michael Tracey.
What Happened to an America Where You Could Freely Speak Your Mind? July 29, 2020 Cancel culture comes for John Kass for daring to mention George Soros.
‘Impact of Hate: Charlottesville’ Gives Survivors a Voice July 28, 2020 Sure to be a balanced, thoughtful presentation.
Let the Revolution Eat Its Own Children July 24, 2020 If cancel culture goes far enough it may cancel itself.
Context is King: How the Left Talks About Demographic Change July 23, 2020 Now you see it, now you don't.
Video: Bret Weinstein and Matt Taibbi: Corruption and Its Consequences July 23, 2020 Two leftists on how the "woke mob" went mainstream.
Tucker Carlson Denounces the New York Times for Threatening His Family’s Safety and Times Responds July 21, 2020 “Nice little house ya’ got here. Shame if something happened to it.”
Brimelow Vs. New York Times Moves Forward July 18, 2020 Could this be the case that brings a little sanity to American defamation laws?