How Whites on the Frontier Forged a Common Identity February 2, 2021 Europeans united into one people against Indian savagery.
White Renegade of the Year — 2020 January 1, 2021 Joe Biden: It’s not the man, it's what he represents.
Strom Thurmond: From Segregationist to Servant of the Regime December 22, 2020 Another Republican who sold out whites.
What’s It Like to Work for the Border Patrol? December 18, 2020 A retired agent talks with American Renaissance.
Rich Blacks Want White Neighbors December 15, 2020 Even the ones who complain the most about white racism.
Race and Crime: Who Attacks Whom? December 11, 2020 Whites are the most frequent victims of interracial violence.
First Principles and What We Can Do Now December 4, 2020 All solutions are political because all solutions are about power.
Interview with an Afrikan Nationalist Group November 27, 2020 Black identity, homosexuality, and eugenics.
America’s Social Credit System Is Worse than China’s November 13, 2020 But there are ways to escape it.
Brace Yourself for Biden/Harris November 6, 2020 Surprising voting patterns brought unexpected results.
Will Asians Stay Woke? October 28, 2020 Or could they lead a conservative shift in elite attitudes about race?
The White Vote, the Hispanic Vote, and the Future of the GOP October 9, 2020 A look at 2020 and beyond.
‘I Have Had A Good Life’ October 6, 2020 A review of Richard Lynn’s Memoirs of a Dissident Psychologist.
An Outsider Reports on White Advocacy October 2, 2020 An investigation that does not seek to pass judgment.
AFFH: Four Letters that Spell TROUBLE September 18, 2020 The fight against “systemic racism” is coming to your backyard.
Who’s Afraid of QAnon? August 14, 2020 Why are journalists going crazy about a conspiracy theory that teaches complacency?
A Conversation with Renaud Camus August 7, 2020 We are fighting against what may be the worst crime in human history.
BLMania and the New Progressive Faith July 29, 2020 We aren’t dealing with something rational, but something more powerful.
The American Conquistador July 17, 2020 William Walker’s attempt to build an Anglo-Saxon Central America.
Rushton Tells His Own Story: Part I May 27, 2020 The years before his fateful meeting with Arthur Jensen.
Why Conservatives Are Afraid of Free Speech May 22, 2020 And why they will turn on Trump when he is gone.
After Twenty Years Working in Multiracial Public Schools, a White Teacher Tells All May 12, 2020 The reality is grim.
Coronavirus and the Greatest Conspiracy Theory of All May 5, 2020 Many journalists are conspiracy theorists, not arbiters of truth.
Italy, China, and the Coronavirus April 24, 2020 Outbreak spotlights huge, unassimilated Chinese colony in Italy.
Race Realism Is Not Enough April 7, 2020 Birmingham's integration, the Mariel boatlift, and a positive thesis about us.
How Poles and Hungarians Turned Back the Mongol Horde and Saved Europe March 27, 2020 Christendom at its finest.
How to Be Convicted of ‘Racism’ in South Africa February 25, 2020 It is a crime to utter certain words — if you are white.