Are Whites the ‘Biggest Terror Threat in This Country’? March 29, 2022 Yes, if you think Arabs are white.
Will the Supreme Court Extend the O’Connor Deadline? February 1, 2022 Whatever it does, the debate ignores the interests of whites.
‘Continue to Labor Towards Those Sunlit Uplands’ January 21, 2022 An interview with Morris van de Camp.
How and Why Men and Women Differ in Intelligence January 7, 2022 A review of Richard Lynn's latest book.
Military ‘Extremism’ Guidelines Make Us Weaker December 28, 2021 Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
The Real Racial Reckoning December 10, 2021 Gregory Hood's speech at the 2021 American Renaissance conference.
A Pro-White President for France? November 26, 2021 Eric Zemmour may be president in fewer than 150 days.
AmRen Conference Comes Roaring Back November 15, 2021 It was a conference that could have hardly been better.
Adored Now for What He Was Once Hated October 22, 2021 Thaddeus Stevens and the fight against whites.
What Really Happened at Charlottesville, Part II October 15, 2021 The press coverage, deplatforming and doxing campaigns, and criminal and civil suits.
What Really Happened at Charlottesville, Part I October 12, 2021 A review of Charlottesville Untold: Inside the Unite the Right Rally.
‘The Many Saints of Newark’ and the Great Replacement October 8, 2021 An identitarian view of American decline.
AmRen Poll: White Americans Waking Up on Race September 24, 2021 There are forty million potential white advocates.
The Lee Statue and the Rebellion to Come September 10, 2021 The terms of surrender have been withdrawn.
The Lifeblood of a Nation September 3, 2021 Donating blood, organs, and bone marrow is a white thing.
Why People Don’t Trust ‘the Science’ July 30, 2021 There are good reasons not to trust American institutions.
Yes. Teach Critical Race Theory in Schools. June 25, 2021 But the current version is wrong about who needs to be liberated.
The Washington Post: Treat America Like a Conquered Nation June 11, 2021 If we tolerate this, we deserve it.
Elon Musk, SNL, and the Purpose of Life May 7, 2021 An idiotic culture war skirmish shows what matters.
Let Me Be Anything but White April 16, 2021 Explaining pronouns, mental illness, and other pleas for mercy.
American Settlers Meet Spartans March 19, 2021 An even-handed history of the war with the Plains Indians.
Genes, Brains, and Intelligence: What’s New? March 2, 2021 The latest research confirms the hereditarian position.
Conservatives Betray Dutch Nationalists February 23, 2021 Media and ‘respectable’ conservatives gang up against patriotic resistance.
Antifa’s Bravest Enemy February 19, 2021 Andy Ngo's new book documents "Antifa’s radical plan to destroy democracy.
How Whites on the Frontier Forged a Common Identity February 2, 2021 Europeans united into one people against Indian savagery.