‘Kill the Boer’ Song Fuels Backlash in South Africa and U.S. August 3, 2023 The Times does its best to defend the song.
Elon Musk Urges Ramaphosa to Address Malema’s ‘Kill the Boer’ Chant August 1, 2023 Musk: “They are openly pushing for genocide of white people in South Africa."
Cornell Medical CRT Class Calls to Dismantle ‘White Spaces’ August 1, 2023 "This is naked racial discrimination and . . . a blueprint for racially segregated health care."
White Toronto School Principal Richard Bilkszto Dies by Suicide After He Was Accused of Backing White Supremacy July 26, 2023 He dared criticize a black instructor during "anti-racism" training.
School District Faces CRT Battle After Book Teaches ‘White America Is a Syndicate’ July 25, 2023 "We had students email some board members that they feel ashamed to be white after reading these books."
Poll: Trump Voters Say Racism Against White Americans Is a Bigger Problem Than Racism Against Black Americans July 24, 2023 "Among white Americans, meanwhile, just 17% say yes to reparations; 66% say no."
Drunk Muslim Woman, 20, Brawled at Bowling Alley and Called Police ‘F****** Whites’ July 19, 2023 She says a "sobriety tag" will hinder her ability to attend Friday prayers.
US Military: White Males Need Not Apply July 19, 2023 Colonel wants to stop hiring "middle aged white people . . . especially dudes."
Straight White Men ‘Dangerous’ Says San Francisco Campaigner for Slavery Reparations July 3, 2023 “They have the most, I watch these shows, the most serial killers. Straight white men are the ones who are shooting up schools."
DC School Board Approves Curriculum Centered on Critical Race Theory June 26, 2023 Anti-White Racism 101.
Private School Sicced FBI on Us When We Protested Critical Race Theory, Moms Claim June 25, 2023 "They said we were violent and dangerous and it worked."
Verified Hate: Traditional Juneteenth Celebrations Edition June 20, 2023 Strange folkways within our borders.
CNN Begs ‘Older’ White People to Step Aside, Give Values Up June 20, 2023 Those pesky whites are always the problem.
California Teacher Suspended for Allegedly Targeting White Students on Basis of Race, Gender June 19, 2023 She asked the white kids to stand up if they "felt like a minority."
Bishop Declares White People ‘Demonic Force of Evil’ June 15, 2023 He previously called whites "melanin deficient demons."
School Scraps Racism Lesson Because It Makes White Students ‘Uncomfortable’ June 14, 2023 “I actually felt ashamed to be Caucasian."
Maryland Democrat Declares White Women Should Be Struck Down From Leadership to Dismantle ‘Systemic Racism’ June 12, 2023 "Speaker lineups need to be. . . intersectional and multi-racial. White people. . . should be few and with good reason."
Rep. Cori Bush Slams ‘Anti-Woke’ Republicans Amid Push for Federal Reparations June 7, 2023 "[U]nless you are saying, ‘I'm racist, white supremacist, and I'm bigoted,’ stop talking about wokeness."
Target Diversity Chief Demands ‘White Women’ Get to Work Against America’s Systemic Racism June 2, 2023 She says the company is preparing for future "demographic shifts."
Progressive Church Apologizes Over Calendar Depicting White Child on Cover June 2, 2023 The cover "failed to live up to our commitments to be an antiracist body."
Anarcho-Tyranny in Black and White June 1, 2023 "Whites can’t interfere with black criminals, but blacks can take out white Good Samaritans."
Jane Fonda Blames ‘White Men,’ ‘Racism’ for Climate Change June 1, 2023 "We have to arrest and jail those men."
Lawmakers Including Ted Cruz Slam NYC College for Allowing ‘Hateful Graduation Speech’ by Law Grad May 31, 2023 "The law is a manifestation of white supremacy that continues to oppress and suppress people in this nation."
Parents Sue Elite Schools for ‘Indoctrinating’ Their Kids With Anti-Racist Policies May 27, 2023 Parents say it's "nearly impossible" to find an elite education that isn't "politicized."
Seattle Firefighters Now Drilled on Ibram Kendi Before Promotion to Top Jobs May 25, 2023 Check your privilege before entering the burning building.
Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh: “Diversity Is an Anti-White Conspiracy” May 25, 2023 "Diversity absolutely means anti-white."
Uber’s Diversity Chief Put on Leave After Complaints of Insensitivity May 23, 2023 She wanted employees not to be bigoted toward white women.
Nevada Middle School Teacher Calls White People ‘Problematic’ May 22, 2023 She also claims "education is inherently racist."
Killers of the Flower Moon Review: A Cautionary Masterpiece on the Insidiousness of White Men May 22, 2023 An utterly sick movie by Martin Scorsese.
Virginia Man Charged in Baseball Bat Attack on Congressional Staff Also Facing Hate Crime Charge May 19, 2023 Deranged Asian attacked a white woman.
Colorado Teacher Calls for ‘Forceful Cultural Revolution’ Targeted at ‘Whiteness’ May 19, 2023 "We're talking about whiteness and white supremacy. And I'm willing to advocate for any form of disruption to it."
Young Couple Attacked by Group of 10 Migrants During Evening Stroll Through Nice May 19, 2023 "S***ty French filth, White filth.”
Three Teenagers Attack Man While Spewing Anti-White Remarks: Police May 18, 2023 "The NYPD did not reveal the race of the suspect."
Where Is the Outrage When Black Men Commit Racist Killings Against White People? May 11, 2023 Conservative writer highlights an inconvenient truth.
Elon Musk’s Obsession With Anti-White Bias May 10, 2023 Liberals are upset Elon drew attention to hate facts.
Neil deGrasse Tyson Uses Science to Show Why Whites Resemble Monkeys More Than Blacks May 7, 2023 "People say, ‘Well how about Obama? First Black President and he's got big ears.' He's exactly half-white."
Swedish City Deletes Ad Over ‘Too Many’ White People May 3, 2023 Ad producer: "The new version will contain what is in our mission, that is to represent diversity and inclusion."
California School District Works to ‘Decolonize Education’ April 26, 2023 It works with a consulting group that thinks DEI is insufficiently radical.
Alabama Education Director Ousted Over Book’s Stance on Race April 25, 2023 The director wanted pre-K children to be taught that "the United States is built on systemic and structural racism."
DEI Captures the University of Florida April 24, 2023 The college encourages white employees to do a twelve-step program called "Racists Anonymous."
Artemis II Pilot Wants to Talk About “Whitey on the Moon” With His Colleagues April 21, 2023 Black astronaut loves the anti-white poem.
DFL Rep Says White Kids Should ‘Feel Bad’ About American History April 21, 2023 An elected official says the quiet part out loud.
NYC Teachers Union’s Workshop on ‘Harmful Effects of Whiteness’ Canceled After Influx of ‘Hate’ March 31, 2023 Event was going to address the “harmful effects of whiteness in our lives.”
Philadelphia University Hosts Seminar Calling To End ‘White Christian America’ March 31, 2023 "Is Christian faith possible apart from anti-Blackness?"
Germany: Berlin Court Rules Anti-White Critical Race Theory Can Be Taught in Schools March 29, 2023 The court argues children should "be expected to be confronted with the views and values of a pluralistic society."
Greens Co-Leader Responds to Criticism for Blaming ‘White Cis Men’ for Violence March 28, 2023 "I am a prevention violence minister, and I know who causes violence in the world."
‘Woke’ DOD Official Kelisa Wing Reassigned After GOP Highlights Anti-White Tweets March 24, 2023 "I’m so exhausted at these white folx . . . ."
UCF Professor Fired for Rejecting Notion of Systemic Racism Speaks Out March 22, 2023 "Diversity is pretty much anti-white."
Black NYC Subway Passenger Hurls Vile, Unprovoked Anti-White Racist Abuse at Young Couple March 22, 2023 "Take em' back to Europe ya'll."
‘White Fragility’ Author Warns People of Color to ‘Get Away From White People’ March 21, 2023 "Anti-racism" to believe in.
Ibram X. Kendi Says a Backlash Has ‘Crushed’ the Nation’s Racial Reckoning March 20, 2023 He complains about "a pretty well-organized force and movement of people who are seeking to conserve racism."
Race-Based Hatred Permeates the Black Population March 17, 2023 "Blacks perpetrate the vast majority of interracial crime."
‘F—ing Angry’ Marxist Teacher Calls for Urgent War Against Capitalism March 14, 2023 She wants to skip math and science to focus on "anti-racism."
A Partial Malcolm X Quote That Sparked Protest Is Removed From a University Building March 13, 2023 The full quote mentions "battling the white man."
NJ Men Suing Schools for Discriminating Against White Students Can’t Stay Anonymous March 12, 2023 The majority-white school taught about “white people's roles in perpetuating racism.”
Pennsylvania School Graffiti Threatens 5 White Teachers’ Lives Unless ‘More Black’ Staff Hired March 9, 2023 Parent: "The kids in our school district are out of control."
The Sudden Dominance of the Diversity Industrial Complex March 9, 2023 “In the scope and rapidity of institutional embrace, nothing like it has transpired since the conversion of Constantine.”
Dad of White Boy Shoved to Ground by Black Bullies and Made to Chant ‘Black Lives Matter’ Shares His Outrage March 8, 2023 "The school have been trying to brush it off . . . but my son said lots of kids have been feeling threats at school."
‘Dilbert’ Creator Scott Adams Says He Won’t Apologize for Offending People With Comments on Race March 8, 2023 "I was concerned that there was a lot of anti-whiteness. I used some hyperbole, but my purpose was to teach them."
City Probing Anti-White Texts Linked to Black Superintendent March 6, 2023 “White folks need to recognize this is not the boys club anymore."
Two Native Hawaiians Get Prison in a Crime That Exposed the State’s Racial Complexity March 5, 2023 The AP sympathetically portrays anti-white Hawaiians.
Cotton, Colleagues Introduce Bills to Stop Teaching of Critical Race Theory in Schools and Military Institutions March 2, 2023 “Critical race theory . . . must be ripped out, root and branch, from our institutions."
NYC Will Name Harlem Block After Anti-Semitic Nation of Islam Leader Elijah Muhammad February 28, 2023 The black nationalist taught that the white man is the "devil."
Elon Musk Claims US Media Is ‘Racist Against Whites and Asians’ February 27, 2023 "Same thing happened with elite colleges and high schools in America."
IRS Accused of Using ‘Racial Equity’ for Audits Targeting White, Asian Taxpayers February 23, 2023 Conservative group says Biden poses "a clear and present danger" to white taxpayers.
‘It’s Ok to Be White,’ Agree 72%, Including 53% Of Black People February 23, 2023 And nearly 80 percent of Americans think blacks can be "racist."