Standing Firm
Jeremy Carl, American Mind, November 7, 2022
While it did not by itself start a “national conversation” amidst the flurry of last-minute electioneering, a series of political advertisements appeared in late October that may be the most consequential ads of the 2022 election cycle.
The most prominent ad, playing on some Georgia radio and TV stations during a hotly contested Senate race, puts forth a simple question:
“When did racism against white people become OK?”
It then details the various ways in which elected Democrats, from Joe Biden on down, have supported racist anti-white policies on issues from healthcare to employment.
The underlying claims made in the commercial are true. Biden did develop a program during COVID to help restaurants that excluded all white male restaurant owners. White people really were de-prioritized for lifesaving COVID vaccines and treatments in a way that could not be justified by racial/ethnic biological susceptibility. The administration did extend $5 billion in aid to nonwhite farmers, which was blocked by a federal judge as an unconstitutional violation of equal protection under law.
The Democrats are, in countless ways, developing policies that actively discriminate against white Americans.
To be fully accurate, the ad would need thirty minutes, rather than thirty seconds, to catalogue the range of anti-white policies of the Biden administration, which build on decades of such policies now being enacted by the Democrats at an accelerating pace.
Within days of its release, the ad had gone viral, being viewed millions of times on YouTube.
The ads are being run by America First Legal, the brainchild of former senior Trump aide Stephen Miller, which has arguably become the most effective right-wing policy and legal organization to emerge from the MAGA movement.
{snip} Over the years, this oligarchy has been so effective at policing the boundaries of politically acceptable speech that the average American, particularly the average white American, has almost unquestioningly fallen into line. {snip}
These speech commissars were outraged by the portrayal of white Americans as a legitimate interest group with equal rights and actual grievances, rather than simply an avatar of “privilege,” or a convenient rhetorical punching bag for the Left.
An MSNBC (natch) anchor hyperventilated, “That is a real ad on the airwaves right now in Georgia. It’s not @stephenm’s first racist ad or his only one.”
Vanity Fair was outraged that “Stephen Miller’s Group is Running a White Grievance Ad Campaign in Georgia Ahead of the Midterms.” The grievances of white Americans, are, of course, inherently illegitimate.
Politico called the ad “one of the most openly race-based spots of the cycle, amplifying tropes that have historically been used to generate backlash to minority groups.” No word, of course, on whether the claims were accurate, or why telling voters the truth should provoke a “backlash.”
New York Times political reporter Michael Bender tweeted that “Stephen Miller’s America First Legal group has turned its ‘white racism’ messaging into TV ads. An eagle-eyed viewer in Georgia spotted the commercial which closes with an image of a blue-eyed, blonde-haired white female and a plea to ‘end anti-white bigotry.’”
The NAACP went even further than the Twitter and media drama queens, sending a letter to the stations in question demanding they take down the ads.
“No ‘spin’ can be put on the statements contained in America First Legal’s advertisements that would make them true. Accordingly, such advertisements are an impediment to the democratic process,” the NAACP claimed. {snip}
The America First Legal ads are an opening salvo in a war over who defines racial discrimination in this country. Will conservatives continue to accept the Left’s Orwellian definition in which state-sponsored racism is “anti-racism” and “equity,” or will they, like America First Legal, demand equal treatment under the law?