Ann Coulter Says She Didn’t Vote for Vivek Ramaswamy ‘Because You’re an Indian’ May 9, 2024 A principled stance.
Ann Coulter Shocks Bill Maher as She Says if Super Bowl Parade Shooters ‘Were White We’d Know Their Identities by Now’ February 20, 2024 Nothing is more shocking than the truth.
Burning Questions, Even Hotter Answers on Censorship, Scott Adams, And… Scott Walker? March 17, 2023 Ann Coulter discusses Jared Taylor's banned books.
Ann Coulter ‘84 Vetoed by Hecklers at Wednesday Event November 16, 2022 Mob rule despite heavy security.
It’s Hate White History Month! February 3, 2022 Ann Coulter notes Jared Taylor's books are banned by Amazon.
Breonna Taylor: The True Story of a BLM Hero December 17, 2020 "Breonna Taylor was knee-deep in the criminal enterprise of her sometime-boyfriend, Jamarcus Glover."
Mass Immigration — Why You No Longer Recognize Your Country June 12, 2020 Ann Coulter on the immigrant origins of these — and past — riots
Zero Tolerance: Ann Coulter Interview January 6, 2020 Queen Ann on Donald Trump, Stephen Miller, and immigration policy.
Ann Coulter: If We Don’t Address Immigration, the Nuttiest of Democrat Proposals Will Come to the U.S. December 23, 2019 Including reparations for illegals.
As Ann Coulter Says, When It Comes to “Asylees” and “Refugees,” We Get the Skilled Liars November 25, 2019 When rejected by the US, many "refugees" return to the nation they were "fleeing."
How Can Dissidents Advance Nationalist Politics in America? November 24, 2019 A primer for white activists.
Atlantic Thinks ‘Conservatives’ Should Conserve Leftist Power November 14, 2019 By banishing all identitarians.
U.S. Isn’t Becoming Europe. We’re Becoming Rome May 23, 2019 "White Americans are one border surge away from becoming a minority in their own country."
Ann Coulter’s Embarrassing Rewrite of Civil Rights History June 21, 2018 Republicans facilitated the mission creep of civil rights.
Ann Coulter: ‘In One Generation’ U.S. Will Be ‘South Africa,’ Trump ‘Betrayed’ Voters with ‘Paul Ryan Republicanism’ March 26, 2018 Coulter "can’t imagine how it could be any worse."
Racial Quotas Kill Kids March 8, 2018 Effort to end "school-to-prison pipeline" masked Nikolas Cruz's crimes.
Ann Coulter Blasts Trump After Bannon Firing, Saying the ‘Emperor God’s Tiny Ego’ Is Getting in the Way of His Agenda August 20, 2017 And goes on to claim that Stephen Miller doesn't have much influence.
@BreitbartNews And @TownHallcom Censor @AnnCoulter to Cover Up Anti-Trump Hate Crimes June 22, 2017 They weren't willing to link to American Renaissance.
‘This is the Great Negotiator?’ Donald Cheerleader Ann Coulter Admits She’s Frightened that the Trump-Haters Were Right May 15, 2017 "I still believe in Trumpism. I have no regrets for ferociously supporting him. What choice did we have?"
Berkeley Students File Lawsuit Over Canceled Ann Coulter Speaking Engagement April 25, 2017 They claim there is a secret policy that discriminates against conservatives.
The Gift of the MAGA: An American Greatness Symposium on Great Reads for the Greatness Agenda December 28, 2016 James Burnham, Ann Coulter, and Peter Thiel are all included.
Ann Coulter on Kobach in the Cabinet, Immigration, and Building the Wall November 29, 2016 "There's nothing the matter with wanting to be around people who are like you."
Ann Coulter Defends ‘4 Grandparents’ Tweet After Backlash November 9, 2016 There's one group whose voting preferences we can't discuss.
Our New Country: Women And Minorities Hardest Hit October 27, 2016 Ann Coulter: "Look to Mexico for your future--or any Third World country."
Ann Coulter: Rubio’s Running an ‘Anti-White Men Campaign’ February 22, 2016 She also says: "Diversity" = nonwhite; "White supremacist" = Not anti-white.
Conservatism, Inc. to Trump: “I Was Hoping for a TALLER Honest Man” January 28, 2016 Ann Coulter calls this "an existential election like no other has ever been."
It’s Time for the Other 13 Candidates to Drop Out December 17, 2015 Ann Coulter says Trump is the only one saying things Americans care about.
San Bernardino Shooters Unknown–But It’s A Lie That Mass Shooters Are ‘Mostly White Men’ December 3, 2015 "The media use their own lack of coverage as proof that mass murder by non-whites almost never happens."
OK, Who Ordered the Mexican Heroin? November 5, 2015 Hispanics are much more likely than blacks to be drug dealers.
The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth, But They Shouldn’t Be President October 29, 2015 Evangelical leaders are helping to destroy Christian America.
The Problem Isn’t Guns or White Men October 8, 2015 The media refuse to mention mass shooters' mental illnesses.
Correcting Bill O’Reilly (Again!) on “Birthright” Citizenship and the Constitution August 27, 2015 Ann Coulter schools more "experts."
Fox News Anchored in Stupidity on 14th Amendment August 20, 2015 Ann Coulter gives a history lesson to people who should know better.
Donald Trump — Still Right About Mexican Rapists August 6, 2015 Ann Coulter says there is "a cultural acceptance of child rape in Latino culture."
Every Pro-Immigration Claim Is a Lie July 16, 2015 Ann Coulter dismantles studies that claim immigrants are less criminal than natives.
You’re Barking up the Wrong Tree, GOP June 17, 2015 Ann Coulter says working-class whites are the only swing voters.
¡Adios, America!: Coulter’s Call for Immigration Sanity June 16, 2015 A monument to common sense makes the best-seller list.
Ann Coulter Credits White Nationalist As “Intellectual Influence” on Her Anti-Immigrant Book June 11, 2015 Anyone who learns anything from Peter Brimelow is bad.
Coulter: Some Cultures, Like Mexico’s, ‘Obviously Deficient’ May 27, 2015 She says Americans should fear immigrants more than ISIS.
Ann Coulter’s Upcoming Book Directly Confronts Mass Immigration April 15, 2015 Full title: ¡Adios America! The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hell Hole.
Three Generations of Imbeciles Are Enough February 5, 2015 Expected Republican presidential candidates are hopeless on immigration.
Would It Kill You to Hire More Black Cops? (Yes) August 28, 2014 When "diversity" is a priority, standards drop.
No Facts, No Peace August 21, 2014 In police shootings, white officers are "racist until proven innocent."
NYT on Amnesty: Cheap Labor Profiteering Millionaires Need Your Help! April 3, 2014 Amnesty is yet another farm subsidy.
Raise the Minimum Wage to $14 an Hour Using This One Weird Trick! February 27, 2014 An immigration moratorium!
Liberals Talk Race and Crime–And Hilarity Ensues! December 5, 2013 Liberals actually admit that blacks are violent.
Racism Card Looking a Little Dog-Eared August 15, 2013 Ann Coulter eviscerates judge's "stop-and-frisk" ruling.
To Avoid Looking Like a Criminal, Don’t Commit a Crime July 19, 2013 People fear young black men because they are the most violent people in America.
Ann Coulter: U.S. ‘Finished’ If Amnesty Passes June 20, 2013 "The 1965 immigration act was the worst thing that ever happened to this country."
Coulter: ‘Not a Gun Problem,’ U.S. Has ‘Demographic Problem’ with Non-Whites January 16, 2013 She points out that the white murder rate in America is the same as that in Belgium.
Ann Coulter Causes Mass Hysteria on ‘The View,’ Whoopi Bleeped . . . September 28, 2012 Couler claims liberals don't care about blacks.
Ann Coulter: “White Guilt Has Produced Mistake After Mistake” September 25, 2012 Says everyone is better off when white guilt is shut down.
Tinley Park Attack: Anarcho-Tyranny in America May 22, 2012 At least the press is reporting this attack.
Piers Morgan Asks Ann Coulter If Tea Party Is Modern Version of Hitler and Mussolini’s Followers June 8, 2011 At the 3:15 mark, Ann Coulter gets confused.
40 Excuses and a Mule October 28, 2004 Columnist accuses Democrats of cynical manipulation of black vote.