Brutal Attack at Memphis Gas Station Caught on Camera April 15, 2015 Mob attacks black man who tried to help a frightened white woman to her car.
28 High-Ranking MPD Officers Could Be Demoted January 23, 2015 Black officers were promoted under to a court order that has now been overturned.
Online Memorial: Black-On-White Murders in 2014 December 29, 2014 Conservative site has tried to catalog and characterize every single one.
World’s Worst Deadbeat Dad Now Has 26 Kids November 18, 2014 He was just ordered to pay $60 a week to support 2-year-old Ja'Voin.
Three Cited After Another Teen Mob Strikes in Memphis September 30, 2014 "Had I had been armed we would have had a lot of kids laying in the Bellevue street."
10 Teens, 1 Adult Charged in Brutal Kroger Parking Lot Attack September 10, 2014 100 young blacks had been kicked out of a pizza restaurant just before the attack.
Widow’s Anguish as Three Teens Indicted for Killing Married Father of Two After He Willingly Gave the Muggers His Wallet April 24, 2014 Perps have long criminal records.
The Shocking Gallery of Guns, Drugs and Money Posted Online by Boy, Thirteen, Just Hours before He Was Accidentally Shot Dead February 28, 2014 By a friend . . . with one of the guns he posed with.
This Data Visualization of Pigford II Claims Says It All October 11, 2013 Claims are concentrated in an area where group encouraged Pigford fraud.
2 More Educators in the South Are Charged in Test Cheating June 24, 2013 Race unspecified, of course.
Memphis Renames 3 Parks That Honored Confederacy February 7, 2013 New, innocuous names for Confederate, Jefferson Davis, and Nathan B. Forrest parks.
The 5 Most Dangerous Cities in the U.S. January 2, 2013 Even the AARP has noticed--but is mum on the real problem.
Merger of Memphis and County School Districts Revives Race and Class Challenges November 30, 2012 "As far as racial trust goes, I don't think we've improved much since the 1970s."
The 25 Most Dangerous Cities in America November 6, 2012 Alternate headline: 25 Cities with Heavily Non-white Populations.
The Most Dangerous Cities in America, 2012 June 15, 2012 In many, violence is up and the police force is shrinking.
Child Left Alone in Car Points Gun at Memphis Police February 9, 2012 Just another afternoon at the nail salon.
Merger of Memphis and County School Districts Revives Race and Class Challenges November 9, 2011 Whites fled from a similar mixing 38 years ago.
America’s 14 Most Ready to Riot Cities August 15, 2011 This article stupidly--incredibly stupidly--avoids race.
United in prayer: March honors legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. August 5, 2011 Whites ask blacks for forgiveness.
James Hawkins Found Guilty of Murdering Charlene Gaither, Issued Death Sentence June 13, 2011 17 prior convictions!
Memphis Man Brings Gun to Party After Kids Miss Ice Cream, Cake June 10, 2011 It must have been really good cake...
Sagging Pants Hamper Rape Suspect Fleeing Memphis Police May 17, 2011 Now here's a good argument against bans on saggy pants.
New York, San Diego No Longer Have White Majorities April 15, 2011 Surprise: 320 of those metro areas are still majority white.
In Memphis, Old Strife Heats Up Over Schools, Race February 21, 2011 Majority white county doesn't want to consolidate with city's mostly black schools.
MCS Board Working to Deal With Pregnancies at Frayser High School January 14, 2011 20 percent of girls are pregnant at a school that is 98 percent black.
America’s 25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods December 7, 2010 And what could these neighborhoods possibly have in common . . . ?
Ex-Mayor Makes Memphis Primary About Race July 26, 2010 Black candidate hopes blacks will look at race when deciding whom to vote for.
Herenton: Voters Need to Send ‘Just One’ African-American to Congress June 15, 2010 It's just "wrong" for Tennessee not to have even one black in Congress.
Former Memphis Mayor Is Target of Federal Probe October 28, 2009 Black former mayor resigned under a cloud; now campaigning under a cloud.
White US Rep. in Black Tenn. District Faces Fight June 18, 2009 White congressman's district was created to elect blacks to Congress.
Council Says OK to City Lawsuit January 8, 2009 Memphis city council wants "predatory" lenders to pay for lost tax revenue.
Updated: Mitchell High Principal Responds to “Rape Dance” Investigation May 9, 2008 Behavior at all-black high school leaves much room for improvement.
Realtor Stops Immigrant Loans April 10, 2008 Harder for banks to get insurance for loans to illegals.
Wright’s Remarks ‘Ugly Truth’ March 20, 2008 Wright’s anti-white preaching typical of black churches.
West Memphis Street Crimes Unit Returns To The Streets March 13, 2008 Chief: If you don’t want to live in a safe city, move
Should New MCS Superintendent Be a Black Man? February 26, 2008 Black Memphis school board member: New superintendent "needs to be black."
Anti-Semitic Note Attacks Tenn. Lawmaker February 20, 2008 "He’s not black, and he can’t represent me. That’s the bottom line."
Mayor Herenton: Suburbs Should Have No Say in Consolidation January 8, 2008 Memphis mayor: "Black people ain’t going nowhere."
Experts Say ‘Most Dangerous City’ Rankings Twist Numbers November 20, 2007 Comparing crime rates does "groundless harm to many communities."
Desegregation Rulings Cause Confusion November 16, 2007 After 44 years, 253 school districts still under federal court supervision.
New Enforcement Initiatives Could Mean More Deportations September 24, 2007 Deportation figures are still too low in the South.
First Civil Rights Game Set For March 31 December 5, 2006 Baseball game commemorates the "civil rights" movement.
St. Louis Named Most Dangerous U.S. City October 31, 2006 Camden N.J. mayor thrilled her city no longer tops the list.
Memphis’ Black Mayor Looks At The U.S. Senate Race Through Tinted Glasses. October 27, 2006 Memphis mayor: Senate candidate Ford "light enough" to be accepted by Tenn. voters.
Property Owner “Didn’t Know” About Prostitution In Her Home October 26, 2006 Hispanic prostitution ring advertised "15 minutes with an illegal alien" for $30.00.
Black On Black Crime Growing In Memphis July 20, 2006 “Jim Crow didn’t destroy us, racism didn’t destroy us, it is us destroying us.”
Post Office Caters to Hispanics — It’s Memphis’ First Bilingual Mail Center March 28, 2006 First bilingual post office in the South opens.
Sharpton to Rally Memphis Blacks to Push for Renaming of Public Parks August 9, 2005 Says removing Confederate names is "a significant battle."
Six Charged With Beating Student During Gang Initiation September 17, 2004 Black 13- to 15-year-olds kill student during gang initiation.
Comic Actor Charged With Rape In Tennessee July 29, 2004 Black actor charged with raping woman on movie set.