Are Uncivil Protests and Mob Violence Winning? July 3, 2020 "Mob demands to 'Defund the Police' have been met by political concessions and capitulations."
The Top Ten Criterion Collection Films for Whites June 28, 2020 Recommendations for racially conscious cinephiles.
Target: The White Man June 25, 2020 The attack on statues is an assault not just on “racists” but on whites.
The White Supremacist Lynching Hoax June 17, 2020 "The credibility of American journalism is swinging in the wind. R.I.P."
Revolution from the Top June 11, 2020 Where power lies in American society, and why “conservatives” can’t challenge it.
Videos: Fists Fly as Mayhem Engulfs Downing Street During Anti-Racism Rally June 4, 2020 And police take a knee in "solidarity."
Asian Americans Need to Talk About Anti-Blackness in Our Communities June 4, 2020 A Hmong cop was present at George Floyd's death.
Scenes from America’s Riots: White Victimization and White Blowblack June 2, 2020 A few whites are fighting back.
Over a Dozen U.S. Governors Summon Thousands of National Guardsmen to Quell Violent Protests May 31, 2020 About 17,000 men are now on the ground.
How to Stop the Rioters May 30, 2020 Government must reassert its monopoly of force — by using force.
‘It is Not a Riot. It is a Revolt’: Councilwoman Responds to Breonna Taylor Protest May 30, 2020 "What I'm seeing is people who are trying their best to do something with their hurt."
Twitter’s Selective Punishment May 29, 2020 The President is “fact-checked,” but racial incitement is fine.
Will President Trump Let America Burn Just to Try to Win Black Votes? May 29, 2020 Rumors suggest "yes."
Michael Moore Is Right, Whites Shouldn’t Police Blacks May 29, 2020 Sixty years of babysitting are enough.
Asphyxiation Not the Cause of George Floyd’s Death: Autopsy May 29, 2020 Preliminary autopsy finds preexisting conditions and "potential intoxicants" were in part to blame.
‘Trump Knows Nothing of Minneapolis’: Mayor Hits Back at President’s Tweets May 29, 2020 Mayor assures President that Minneapolis is "strong as hell."
Jesse Jackson Condemns George Floyd Death as a ‘Lynching in Broad Daylight’ and Calls for Minneapolis Police Department to ‘Cleanse Itself, Inside and Out’ May 29, 2020 Minneapolis PD must "cleanse itself, inside and out."
Last Night’s Riots in Minneapolis May 28, 2020 This is a neighborhood where mass violence was just waiting to happen.
Twin Cities Public Transit Shuts Down in Effort to Contain Minnesota Riots & Looting May 28, 2020 Will looters be fazed?
Kaepernick on Minneapolis Riots: ‘Revolting Is the Only Logical Reaction…We Have the Right to Fight Back!’ May 28, 2020 He's lost interest in kneeling.
George Floyd Protest Turns Deadly; Minneapolis Mayor Requests National Guard May 28, 2020 Arson, vandalism, and widespread looting.
George Floyd Was Arrested Because He ‘Tried to Pay Store with a Counterfeit $20 Bill’ May 28, 2020 Minneapolis mayor: "He'd be alive today if he were white."
Videos: Riot Cops Fire Tear Gas & Rubber Bullets as Huge Crowds March in Minnesota After Police-Involved Chokehold Death May 27, 2020 “No justice, no peace, prosecute the police.”
New Black Panther Party Launches Boycott of ‘Chinese Merchants’ to Protest Racism May 20, 2020 It's part of a “Buy Black Offensive" against China.
Trump to Blame – Again! May 11, 2020 Atlanta mayor says White House "rhetoric" may be to blame for the Arbery shooting.
Man Who Took Video of Ahmaud Arbery’s Shooting Will Also Be Investigated, Georgia Official Says May 8, 2020 The Georgia Bureau of Investigation promises to "to go wherever the evidence takes us."
The Killing of Ahmaud Arbery May 7, 2020 Charles Blow: "Arbery’s body is confined to a coffin, deep in a grave."
Shooting Death of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia: What We Know About the Video, Grand Jury and Arrests May 7, 2020 Is this the next Trayvon Martin?
‘This Was America’s First Multi-Ethnic Riots’: 1992 in LA Remembered by Eyewitnesses Through Lens of Race May 4, 2020 They were the first riots to involve blacks, whites, and Asians.
‘How Did We Become Enemies?’: Racism and Reconciliation in Canada May 1, 2020 "There's no question the effects of colonization are still happening."
A 21-Year-Old American Boxer Likened to Floyd Mayweather Said He’d ‘Never Let a White Boy’ Beat Him May 1, 2020 "Fight a white boy 10 times, I'm gonna beat him 10 times."
Army and Police Violence Spurs Racial Tensions April 30, 2020 South African blacks blame "colonial mind control."
How China Shut Down African Protests over Racial Discrimination in Guangzhou April 28, 2020 And how the Nigerian House Speaker dressed down a Chinese ambassador.
Race in the French Foreign Legion April 25, 2020 Another example of the failures of multiculturalism.
Italy, China, and the Coronavirus April 24, 2020 Outbreak spotlights huge, unassimilated Chinese colony in Italy.
Erased From Utopia: The Hidden History of LA’s Black and Brown Resistance April 16, 2020 An extract from radical historian Mike Davis' latest book.
Streaming While White March 31, 2020 Movie and TV recommendations for our brothers and sisters in quarantine.
How Poles and Hungarians Turned Back the Mongol Horde and Saved Europe March 27, 2020 Christendom at its finest.
From Massive to Passive: George Lewis’s Massive Resistance March 26, 2020 The rise and fall of white resistance to the Civil Rights Movement.
China Threatens Electronic Strikes on Navy March 21, 2020 Potentially opening a new style of international conflict.
Israel to Greece: Shoot Muslim “Infiltrators” . . . In the Knee. It Works. March 11, 2020 Israeli snipers typically use a .22 Long Rifle.
More ‘Apartheid Cities’ Seen in India After Deadly Delhi Riots March 7, 2020 India is diverse but segregated.
Gadgets for Tech Giants Made with Coerced Uighur Labor March 5, 2020 The forced labor is part of a broader indoctrination program.
Hungarian MEP: Rising Antisemitism in Europe Fueled by Illegal Immigration February 15, 2020 Limiting immigration means preventing antisemitism
Video: Parent Responds with Racist Retort at School Meeting: ‘Why Didn’t You Stay in Mexico?’ February 7, 2020 The community is now "reeling."