Posted on February 15, 2020

Hungarian MEP: Rising Antisemitism in Europe Fueled by Illegal Immigration

Thomas D. Williams, Breitbart, February 14, 2020

Hungarian European Parliamentarian Balázs Hidvéghi declared this week that “radical Muslim antisemitism” is on the rise in Europe thanks to massive illegal immigration.

Speaking in Strasbourg in a Parliamentary discussion on antisemitism, Mr. Hidvéghi insisted Europe must have “zero tolerance for antisemitism,” noting that this is the only suitable stance after the Second World War.

“There is full social and political consensus on this issue in Hungary,” said the MEP. “Members of the Jewish community live in safety, practice their religion and live their identities. Ensuring this is not only a constitutional obligation but also a moral obligation.”


“We are proud to be flourishing in Hungary and today experiencing a renaissance of Jewish culture, with Jewish people and families feeling safe and caring for their heritage,” Hidvéghi said. “In contrast, violence and attacks against Jewish communities in Western Europe are on the rise.”

“While all such attacks must be firmly condemned and rejected, it must also be talked about that the emergence and spread of radical Muslim antisemitism in Europe contributes to the rise of anti-Semitic attacks,” he said.

“Attacks against Western European Jewry are therefore another reason for taking decisive action against illegal migration,” he concluded.

Mr. Hidvéghi’s remarks coincide with the analysis of David P. Goldman, who in a 2018 “Spengler” essay asserted Hungary stands out as uniquely safe for Jews, due in large part to its refusal to accept immigration quotas from the European Union.
