The Natalist July 23, 2024 "Childlessness has spread, a modern plague: / women ignore their body when it begs."
Julie Powell and White Self-Hatred November 4, 2022 A lover of French cuisine hates the race that produced it.
White Ethnomasochism: A Global Sickness September 24, 2020 From American hamlets to the great cities of Europe.
Moria Migrants: Greek Ships to Help Shelter 13,000 After Fire September 10, 2020 Pathological altruism sets sail.
Interview with an Israeli Journalist August 29, 2020 Race realism, the moral righteousness of self-preservation, and of course, Donald Trump.
At Theaters, Push for Racial Equity Leads to Resignations and Restructuring August 21, 2020 "Not all of the change taking place is voluntary."
Portland Driver Adam Haner Believes He Was Attacked Because He Is White August 20, 2020 "I’ve had cops beat me up before. I was for their cause."
Black Lives Matter Reveals a Generation of Damaged Straight, White Women July 22, 2020 Perhaps not straight.
‘White Fragility’ Is Everywhere. But Does Antiracism Training Work? July 16, 2020 A look at its promoters, practice, and impact.
White Women Are in an Abusive Relationship with the Left July 11, 2020 The Left hates its new allies.
US Population Growth Is Driven Only by Minorities with the White Population Declining July 6, 2020 This will be the first decade in US history that the white population declined.
Target: The White Man June 25, 2020 The attack on statues is an assault not just on “racists” but on whites.
Do the Soaring Sales of anti-Racism Books Signal a True Cultural Shift? June 17, 2020 "Every one of the 10 books on the New York Times’s combined e-book and print nonfiction best-seller list this week is about anti-racism."
Free Citizens Do Not Kneel June 13, 2020 "Kneeling specifically appears in Greek literature as an emblem of political slavery."
Silence is ‘Complicity,’ Say Many White Protestors June 8, 2020 "White silence is violence" is a recurring theme.
White Police Officers and Community Members Wash the Feet of Black Faith Leaders in North Carolina to ‘Express Humility and Love’ June 8, 2020 "This is how racial healing starts."
Why The Small Protests In Small Towns Across America Matter June 6, 2020 Ethnomasochism in the heartland.
Protests Spread Beyond Big Cities, From Raleigh to Santa Rosa June 3, 2020 Even majority-white communities in the South are protesting.
Serial Rapist Cannot Be Deported from Sweden Because He Was Child Refugee April 30, 2020 The African migrant has attempted to rape men, women, and children.
Editorial: The Danger of Denying Coronavirus Relief to Undocumented Immigrants April 15, 2020 "We must demand our lawmakers expand relief to this vulnerable population, too."
Deaths of Despair: Why America’s Medical Industry Explains Working-Class Suicides March 19, 2020 "[O]ver the past two decades [life expectancy] fell by 25% for white Americans without a university degree."
D.C. Sniper’s Jailhouse Bride Is a ‘Trust Fund Baby’ Turned Activist March 18, 2020 She was arrested for protesting with Black Lives Matter in 2016.
Germany: Thousands Rally Urging Government to Accept More Refugees March 9, 2020 "Hamburg has space."
The Opioid Crisis Has Not Peaked February 22, 2020 Overdose deaths may only going down because of the emergency antidote naloxone, not because drug use is down.
A History of How Sedatives Took Hold in White South Africa February 11, 2020 Sedatives are usually used to treat stress and anxiety.
Why Liberal White Women Pay a Lot of Money to Learn Over Dinner How They’re Racist February 4, 2020 Struggle sessions for our time.
Manchester Sex Abuse: Exploited Children ‘Were Not Protected’ January 30, 2020 Police and social workers knew the children were suffering "the most profound abuse."
Moral Support for Suicide by Race January 29, 2020 Whites are almost twice as likely as blacks to believe assisted suicide is moral.
Minnesota Governor Doubles Down on ‘Refugees,’ Rubs Constituents’ Faces in It January 4, 2020 More lunacy from America's Scandinavian outpost.
UK: Fentanyl Deaths on the Rise as Drug Is Added to Heroin, Warns Report January 4, 2020 Opioid crisis may be crossing the Atlantic.
Our Real Existential Crisis — Extinction January 3, 2020 "We are talking here about what historians, a century hence, will call the Lost Tribes of Europe."
Sweden: The Wages of Self-Loathing Is Civil War December 20, 2019 "If the state does not maintain its monopoly on violence, the state ceases to exist."
Beating Victim to Cuomo: Don’t Add Subway Police on My Behalf! December 16, 2019 White woman beaten by black man fears police will mistreat men who look like her assailant.
Why Are Whites Dying of Despair? December 13, 2019 Arjumand Siddiqi and Odmaa Sod-Erdene can explain everything.
Whites Are Dying of Despair December 5, 2019 Society feeds us poison and experts are surprised we are dying.
‘Jack Would Be Livid His Death Has Been Used to Further an Agenda of Hate’ December 3, 2019 An ethno-masochist writes about his dead son.
Jack Merritt and Saskia Jones, RIP December 2, 2019 Both of the Britons who died in their homeland's last Islamist terrorist attack were white ethno-masochists.
Noel Ignatiev and the Anti-Establishment Establishment November 15, 2019 A liberal lamb in radical wolf’s clothing.
Photos: The White Victims of Our Opioid Crisis November 11, 2019 It is a plague ravishing our people.