Between-Group Mean Differences in Intelligence in the United States Are >0% Genetically Caused November 27, 2021 Five lines of research lead to the same conclusion.
The Nuclear Family Is White Supremacist November 19, 2021 Abolishing “family privilege” is one more assault on standards blacks can’t meet.
American Psychological Association Apologizes for Contributing to Systemic Racism November 3, 2021 The APA grovels for approving of intelligence tests that "discriminated against people of color."
Working in Law Enforcement Taught Me Race Realism October 30, 2021 "I can honestly say I have met some characters whom I consider to be beasts without souls"
Can Skeletons Have a Racial Identity? October 27, 2021 Woke scientists want forensic anthropologists to stop determining race.
Scientists Built an AI to Give Ethical Advice, But It Turned Out Super Racist October 25, 2021 It recognized patterns.
Changed Race, Familiar Result: Kenyans Sweep Boston Marathon October 12, 2021 Their eighth clean sweep since 2000.
Sorority Suspended ‘Indefinitely’ After Racist Presentation on Black Football Players September 26, 2021 A member pointed out features such as "large nostrils" on photos of the players.
Welfare: Who is On It and How It Works September 5, 2021 Welfare encourages reckless procreation and is a massive transfer of wealth from whites to non-whites.
How a Black Man Discovered the Truth About Race September 4, 2021 "The best cure for delusions about race is to expose yourself to blacks."
The Lifeblood of a Nation September 3, 2021 Donating blood, organs, and bone marrow is a white thing.
AI Algorithms Uncannily Good at Spotting Your Race from Medical Scans August 11, 2021 One algorithm was able to predict race with 99 percent accuracy based on x-rays.
Oregon Scraps Need for High School Students to Prove Proficiency in Math, Reading and Writing August 10, 2021 It's all "in a bid to bolster minority students."
Why People Don’t Trust ‘the Science’ July 30, 2021 There are good reasons not to trust American institutions.
Basic Facts About Race in 13 Minutes July 30, 2021 More than you'll learn from a year of reading the New York Times.
Traffic Deaths Increased During the Pandemic. The Toll Fell More Heavily on Black Residents June 22, 2021 The Biden admin says this disparity is "unacceptable."
Poverty Across Generations Is Largely Gone for White Americans June 22, 2021 Blacks are 41 percent more likely than whites to be poor for three generations.
J. Philippe Rushton’s Race, Evolution, and Behavior June 20, 2021 A new theory on racial differences.
Charles Murray’s Empirical Wisdom Confirms Into The Cannibal’s Pot’s Analytical Truths June 18, 2021 Three cheers for Facing Reality.
Charles Murray’s Facing Reality June 15, 2021 Ruling class must accept race differences — or provoke the "disaster" of white identity politics.
American Renaissance Conference is Huge Success June 13, 2021 A report on the 1996 American Renaissance conference.
NFL Pledges to Halt ‘Race-Norming,’ Review Black Claims June 3, 2021 The NFL will pretend blacks have the same average IQ as whites.
How a Genetic Trait in Black People Can Give the Police Cover May 19, 2021 Natural racial differences may explain black deaths in police custody.
Retired Black Players Say NFL Brain-Injury Payouts Show Bias May 17, 2021 NFL used an algorithm that adjusted for racial differences in IQ.
Race Correction in Medicine: A Fight Brewing in America’s Hospitals May 10, 2021 Black doctors claim racism is "built into the very algorithms that we use."
How I Left Colorblind Conservatism May 8, 2021 "[D]uring the 2016 campaign I became very interested to know why journalists hated Donald Trump so much."
Record Turnout for 2000 American Renaissance Conference May 2, 2021 Speakers ponder the future of whites.
FTC Says Racist Algorithms Could Get You in a Lot of Trouble April 26, 2021 Government wants to make it illegal for tech to recognize racial differences.
Another Successful American Renaissance Conference April 25, 2021 A report on the 1998 American Renaissance conference.
Lawyers Battle over ‘Race-Norming’ in NFL Dementia Tests March 25, 2021 The tests account for racial differences in intelligence.
The Hunt for ‘Test Bias’ March 7, 2021 Years of detective work have failed to track down ‘cultural bias.’
Polynesian Ancestry Linked to Obesity, Heart Failure and Diabetes in Native Hawaiians March 4, 2021 Every ten percent increase in Polynesian ancestry means an 11 percent increase in odds of heart failure.
The Navy Made Me into a Race Realist February 27, 2021 "I saw more fights in ten weeks of boot camp than I had in 18 years of my civilian life."
Adam Smith Business School Postpone Seminar by “Eugenicist” February 25, 2021 The offending scholar was to argue that "genetics determines most social outcomes."
‘African Gene Theory’ Is a Myth, and It’s Harming Black Men’s Heart Health February 16, 2021 "Racism" is the only acceptable explanation.
Strange Colon Discovery Explains Racial Disparities in Colorectal Cancer February 1, 2021 "African-Americans are 20% more likely to develop colorectal cancer and 40% more likely to die from it."
Genes Help Explain Role of Race in Prostate Cancer Risk January 29, 2021 "[M]en of African ancestry inherit twice the prostate cancer risk on average as men of European ancestry."
White Men: America’s Greatest Asset January 17, 2021 Yet China seems to appreciate them more than America.
Black Applicants Significantly More Likely to Fail RAF Selection Tests Than White Counterparts January 4, 2021 RAF: "It is also important to recognise there can actually be true differences between groups."
Straight Talk on the Airways? January 3, 2021 What talk-radio hosts think about race and immigration.
Blood Oxygen Tests Can Be Inaccurate for Black Patients, Raising COVID Risks December 23, 2020 Study confirms another racial difference.
The Affirmative Action Vaccine December 22, 2020 Multiracialism makes normal government almost impossible.
SAT Math Scores Mirror and Maintain Racial Inequity December 16, 2020 Could that be because the races are unequal?
COVID-19 Vaccines May Be Less Effective for Asian Americans December 16, 2020 "Our work shows that clinical trials need to carefully consider ancestry in their study designs . . . ."
The Iconic American Inventor Is Still a White Male – and That’s an Obstacle to Race and Gender Inclusion December 16, 2020 "Breaking limits, it turns out, is most often a privilege afforded to white people."
Racism Literally Ages Black Americans Faster, According to Our 25-Year Study December 10, 2020 The study relied on self-reported questionnaires.
Take Racism Out of Medical Algorithms December 7, 2020 Algorithms incorporate "the long-debunked premise that there are innate biological differences among races."
Half a Million Men in the US May Be at an 11-Times Higher Risk of Liver Cancer Because They Carry the ‘Celtic Gene’ November 30, 2020 Researchers estimate 0.44 percent of white American men carry the gene.
The Death of Math and the Fall of America’s Premier High School November 21, 2020 "Is there nothing we will not degrade, corrupt, or discard to make minorities look good?"
Does Racism Explain Black Disadvantage? November 20, 2020 Quillette broaches the genetic basis for intelligence.