The Taboo That Could Break America, Part II November 22, 2020 Yes, the races are not equal in intelligence and genes are part of it.
Yale Scientists Discover Genes That Could Be COVID Treatment Targets November 10, 2020 Are there racial differences in these genes?
‘I Have Had A Good Life’ October 6, 2020 A review of Richard Lynn’s Memoirs of a Dissident Psychologist.
Intelligence-Associated Polygenic Scores Predict g, Independent of Ancestry, Parental Educational Levels, and Color October 1, 2020 Genes that predict intelligence in whites also predict intelligence in blacks and Hispanics.
Racial/Ethnic Variation Found in Nasal Gene Expression of Key Protein Used By SARS-CoV-2 September 14, 2020 Helps explain Covid’s disproportionate impact on blacks.
Who is Capable of Democracy? August 22, 2020 Remembering the work of Tatu Vanhanen, who died five years ago today.
No Skin in the Game August 12, 2020 More evidence that Arthur Jensen and J. Philippe Rushton were right.
DNA Study Reveals How the Slave Trade Shaped the Modern-Day Genetics of Black People in America July 24, 2020 "Government and slave-owner practices had an enormous impact on African genetics."
Study Shows Highly Reproducible Sex Differences in Aspects of Human Brain Anatomy July 22, 2020 "[T]hese differences are likely not primarily the result of environmental effects alone."
Video: The Nature of Human Nature July 22, 2020 Sam Harris interviews Robert Plomin, author of “Blueprint: How DNA Makes Us Who We Are.”
I’m a Sociologist Who Got Canceled – and I Fear Charles Darwin Might Not Survive This Purge of Science & History June 16, 2020 He understood too much about race and eugenics.
Systemic Racism: Science Must Listen, Learn and Change June 11, 2020 "The enterprise of science has been — and remains — complicit in systemic racism."
Increased Fertility for Women with Neanderthal Gene, Study Suggests May 27, 2020 One in three women in Europe has it.
Rushton Tells His Own Story: Part I May 27, 2020 The years before his fateful meeting with Arthur Jensen.
The American Renaissance Guide to Women, Sex, and Family May 24, 2020 Notes on fertility, feminism, and females.
Italy’s North South Genetic Divide Revealed: First-Ever Study Into Italians’ Genetic Diversity Reveals It Dates Back 19,000 Years May 23, 2020 Genetic differences affect production of melanin and susceptibility to disease.
Long-run Trends in the U.S. SES-Achievement Gap May 21, 2020 After half a century, gaps are "unwavering."
3 Africans in Mexico City Grave Tell Stories of Slavery’s Toll May 2, 2020 The men may be among the first to be "stolen from their homelands" and brought to the New World.
Norwegian Girl Disappointed to Discover She’s ‘So White’ April 24, 2020 As she says, we live in a “crazy world.”
Cancer Mortality Among US Blacks: Variability Between African Americans, Afro-Caribbeans, and Africans. April 18, 2020 African immigrants do the best; African-Americans, the worst.
It’s About Racism, Not Race, When Coronavirus Hits Communities of Color Hard April 17, 2020 "Racism" makes blacks sick.
Autism Prevalence Rises 10 Percent Among 8-Year-Olds April 4, 2020 Blacks and whites are now diagnosed at almost identical rates.
Red Pandas Are Two Separate Species, Study Finds March 31, 2020 "Interbreeding between species may harm the genetic adaptations already established for their local habitat environment."
California Autism Prevalence by County and Race/Ethnicity: Declining Trends Among Wealthy Whites March 23, 2020 Hispanic children still have the lowest rates.
Coronavirus Outbreak Revives Dangerous Race Myths and Pseudoscience March 20, 2020 "Black people are not, in fact, immune to the coronavirus."
Science Sez Ageing Populations Are Making Us Stupider March 10, 2020 Could help explain why the Flynn Effect is lessening.
Do a DNA Test to ‘Find Out My Roots’? That’s Complicated for a Black Woman Like Me February 25, 2020 "DNA ancestry tests can be problematic."
NYT ‘Reviews’ Charles Murray’s ‘Human Diversity’ February 14, 2020 The key qualification for a reviewer? A closed mind.
Genetics Will Revolutionize Social Science February 11, 2020 And the revolution will start soon, says Charles Murray.
What Science Can Tell Us about Race, Gender, and Class Differences February 10, 2020 National Review's sensible review of Human Diversity.
Neural and Sociocultural Mediators of Ethnic Differences in Pain February 4, 2020 Blacks appear to be more sensitive than whites.
Racial and Ethnic Differences in BRCA1/2 and Multigene Panel Testing Among Young Breast Cancer Patients January 29, 2020 Cancer isn't colorblind.
Israeli High Court Allows DNA Testing to Prove Judaism January 27, 2020 But says "the rabbinate must formulate written rules on the issue within a year."
Area Deprivation Amplifies Racial Inequities in Premature Mortality January 25, 2020 Poor whites appear to be healthier than poor non-whites.
The Extinct “Ghost Modern” Race of Africa and the Bantu Expansion Genocide January 24, 2020 What's the politically correct word for "pygmy?"
The Old, Weird Africa: Ancient Pygmy DNA Uncovered by David Reich January 23, 2020 And the NYT's squeamishness about reporting it.
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in the Risk of Intracerebral Hemorrhage Recurrence January 10, 2020 Rare example of blacks and Asians having something in common.
Racial/Ethnicity Differences in Endorsing Influential Factors for Prostate Cancer Treatment Choice January 8, 2020 Race matters.
The Intelligent Person’s Guide to Race & Racial Differences January 2, 2020 A superb breakdown by F. Roger Devlin.
Molecular Genealogy of a Mongol Queen’s Family and Her Possible Kinship with Genghis Khan January 2, 2020 Genealogy is not a social construct.
He Jiankui: Scientist Who Edited Babies’ Genes Jailed for Three Years December 31, 2019 Chinese court says researcher "crossed the bottom line of ethics."
Memoryholed: Bret Stephens’s IQ Article December 31, 2019 Some scientific facts are more equal than others.
Prevalence of Diabetes by Race and Ethnicity in the United States, 2011-2016 December 30, 2019 Study wisely categorizes "Hispanics" into more precise sub-groups.
How Long Ago Was the Most Recent Common Ancestor of All Living Humans? December 27, 2019 Perhaps as little as 3,400 years ago.