Posted on December 2, 2020

Arthur Jensen’s Appearance on the Phil Donahue Show Now Available

Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, December 2, 2020

Thanks to Emil Kirkegaard, Helmuth Nyborg, and Theodore Fisher, Arthur Jensen’s 1980 appearance on the Phil Donohue Show is now available online.

Jensen was a brilliant and brave man, who did pioneering work in the field of intelligence. He was endlessly reviled and persecuted, but his fundamental goodwill and dedication to the truth come through clearly in this video — as does Donahue’s shallowness.

I was fortunate to have had several long conversations with Jensen. I discovered that he was like all genuinely accomplished men I have met: He sparkled with insight on subjects in many fields, not just his own. Also, I was struck by his mild and profoundly scientific reaction to his attackers. He wasn’t angry at them; he was baffled. Why couldn’t they just look at the data?

He was a model of dignity, courage, and fair-mindedness for all dissidents.