‘Don’t Go Out Alone’: Swedish Police Warn Women After Four Rapes in Four Days August 12, 2019 Sweden’s rape count continues to rise.
CEO of Volvo Says Company Is Considering Leaving Sweden Partly Due to Rise in Violent Crime July 12, 2019 “We will only place our headquarters in a country where things work."
Viking Burial Ships Uncovered in ‘Sensational’ Archaeological Find July 10, 2019 Previously, only 10 such ships had been found.
Sweden Is Experiencing a “Small Scale War” July 9, 2019 Head of Swedish Security says Swedes should get used to it.
Swedish Politician Reported by Police for ‘Hate Speech’ for Wanting to Deport Criminal Migrants July 8, 2019 An "Alternative for Sweden" would be unthinkable.
Mette Finally Made It: Denmark to Get a New Prime Minister June 26, 2019 She promptly folded on immigration.
Number of Bomb Attacks in Sweden Has Surged This Year June 17, 2019 Criminalogy professor: “‘Certain groups’ have started using explosives more than they did previously.”
The European Left’s Dangerous Anti-Immigrant Turn June 10, 2019 “When it comes to our debate on immigration, the far right has won.”
Denmark’s Social Democrats Are Expected to Win Today’s Elections June 5, 2019 They’ve adopted the Danish People’s Party’s stand on immigration.
Survey: Over Half of Swedes Reject Taking More Refugees May 17, 2019 As do more than half of Poles and Italians.
Uprising in Europe’s Wealthiest Countries As Nordic Nationalists Vow to ‘Tear EU Apart’ May 14, 2019 Staunch Finnish nationalists could be first in Euro-elections.
Mette Frederiksen: The Anti-Immigration Left Leader Set to Win Power in Denmark May 13, 2019 She will probably be Denmark’s youngest-ever prime minister.
Danish Election Candidate Rasmus Paludan Opposes Replacement Migration in TV Debate May 10, 2019 “Danes are en route to becoming a minority in their own country.”
Sweden’s Supreme Court Overturns Deportation Decision for Convicted Rapist April 26, 2019 Court says a rape conviction is not an "extraordinary reason" to deport him.
KETUTUS — A Story of Being Seriously Pissed Off March 27, 2019 Promotional video for the Finns Party.
‘Not Beneficial’: Think Tank Puts Huge Price Tag on Iraqi, Somali Migrants March 25, 2019 The average Somali immigrant arriving to Finland will cost the state $1 million.
Denmark in a State of Unreported Collapse March 15, 2019 The country is expected to have 507,000 "non-Western" immigrants by 2060.
Denmark to Focus on Repatriation Instead of Integration Under New Law March 4, 2019 Finance minister: Denmark will no longer have a system in which “refugees become immigrants.”
Denmark Refuses to Rule Out Deporting Somalis by Force February 28, 2019 Migration minister: "[Y]ou must of course return home and rebuild the country from which you came from."
Rage and Puzzlement over Muslim Woman in Hijab Chosen for Swedish Municipality’s Welcome Sign February 25, 2019 The hijab is the problem.
Sweden Has Become for Jihadis ‘What Argentina Was for Nazis’ — MP February 22, 2019 MP: “Leave Daesh brides and widows to rot.”
Swedes Seethe Over Documentary Claiming Their Ancestors Were Dark-Skinned February 20, 2019 "The indoctrination continues."
European Girls in Vienna Are Wearing Headscarves to Avoid Assaults by Male Muslim Migrants February 14, 2019 Similar reports come from Sweden and Germany — but not Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, or Czech Republic.
Finnish City Bans Asylum Seekers from Schools amid Grooming Gang Scandal February 1, 2019 Opponents: Temporary ban makes migrants think they aren't welcome in Finnish society.
Finland’s Grooming Gangs January 31, 2019 Iraqi and Afghan migrants are 40 times more likely than native Finns to be suspected of sexual assault.
Muhammad Is the Top Name in Oslo Again — For the 11th Year January 28, 2019 Only 14 percent of the population have traditional Norwegian surnames.
Denmark: “In One Generation, Our Country Has Changed” January 18, 2019 Denmark didn’t just change; politicians changed it.
Call to Take Away Migrants’ Child Benefits to Help Norway’s Demographics January 16, 2019 Conservatives say it is "unacceptable" to use ethnicity in welfare schemes.
Sweden’s Parties Reach Deal to Keep Far-Right Sweden Democrats from Influence January 14, 2019 Four parties form coalition to “protect democracy" from nationalist party.
Sweden Hands Out over 132,000 Residency Permits in 2018 January 8, 2019 Asylum seekers and their family members made up the majority.
Sweden Invests Big in Sentencing People Who Criticise Migration: Convictions Increase Tenfold January 4, 2019 Reports by tax-supported “speech monitoring group" have led to 144 "hate speech" convictions.
Adult Migrant Violently Rapes 9-Year-Old Swedish Child ‘Because He Was Looking for Someone to Rape’ December 31, 2018 Libyan will get six years of prison, then deportation, but can come back after 15 years.
Sweden’s Parallel Society December 24, 2018 Nearly a third of Swedes have at least one parent who is not Swedish.
Possibility to Impose Imprisonment for Violation of Entry Ban as of 1 January 2019 December 21, 2018 Punishment was previously a fine.
Moroccan Is Arrested on Suspicion of Slitting the Throats of Two Scandinavian Girls December 19, 2018 The family of one of the girls warned her not to go.
Sweden’s First MP in a Hijab Challenges Swing to the Right December 18, 2018 Somali immigrant represents a segregated suburb.
Finland Shocked by Migrant Grooming Gangs Assaulting Girls as Young as 10 December 6, 2018 Criminals will receive just sentences "regardless of ethnicity.”
Swedish Left-Wingers Try Blocking ‘Biggest in Years’ Deportation of Afghans November 26, 2018 This year only 142 Afghans have been expelled from Sweden.
20,000 Armed Migrants Attack Croatia’s Border to Move into the EU, Official Warns November 6, 2018 Pakistani, Algerian, Iranian, and Moroccan men intend to invade Germany or Scandinavia.
Swedish Professor Rebels Against University’s ‘Critical Whiteness Studies’ November 2, 2018 TV host: "Gothenburg U is not a university. It is a socialist nursery for fanatic believers."
Danish Right-Wingers Want to Stop Immigration from Africa in Hungary’s Footsteps October 24, 2018 The Marrakesh Declaration “affects Denmark's social and cultural cohesion.”
Swedish Women Having Fewer Children, Migrant Birthrates Significantly Higher October 15, 2018 Real Swedes have a rate of 1.78; the foreign-born rate is over 2.
Conservative Journalist’s Young Children Threatened with Rape and Death — Swedish Media Ignore It October 10, 2018 The police dismissed his complaints minutes after he registered them.
Denmark Still Refusing to Accept Any Quota Refugees in 2018 October 5, 2018 Denmark is the only country in the world that has halted its intake of resettlement refugees.
Norway Fetes Young Muslim Refugee Writer for Trashing Norway October 1, 2018 Adventures in white ethnomasochism.
Thousands of Afghans Could Get Swedish Residence Permits September 27, 2018 9,000 migrants can stay in Sweden, even if their asylum applications have been rejected.
Majority of Swedish Moderate Party Politicians Open to Governing Agreement with Populists September 20, 2018 Sweden Democrats could join a governing coalition.
Norwegian Party Called ‘Naïve’ After Proposing to Pay Syrians to Return Home September 19, 2018 As part of a "motivation pack," outgoing Syrians would get $2,200.
Why Are the Swedes So Disgruntled? September 12, 2018 Economist: “Sweden’s experiment with large-scale immigration from the Third World to a welfare state has failed.”
How the Far Right Conquered Sweden September 6, 2018 Sweden never figured out how to “integrate” its immigrant population.
Safe Now: Norway to Cancel Refugee Status, Send Back 1,600 Asylum Seekers September 6, 2018 State secretary: “Neither our constitution, nor our international obligations imply that foreigners are entitled to a certain type of status in Norway.”
Sweden Rape: Most Convicted Attackers Foreign-Born, Says TV August 22, 2018 Over the past five years, Immigrants comprised 58 percent of those convicted of rape in Sweden.
Sweden Muslim Woman Who Refused Handshake at Job Interview Wins Case August 20, 2018 She likes the benefits of European laws, but doesn’t like European customs.
Arson Suspect Held in Turkey over Sweden Car Fires August 15, 2018 About 80 cars were set on fire in one night.
Sweden Inc. Sounds Alarm as Election Signals Jobs Clampdown on Immigrants August 3, 2018 Rise of Sweden Democrats prompts other parties to get tougher on immigration.
Almost Half of Swedes & Danes Reject EU, Prefer Their Own ‘Nordic Union’ – Poll July 27, 2018 Only about one-third happy with EU, the rest undecided.
Swedish Dental Expert Fined $50,000 for Exposing Adult Migrants Masquerading As Children July 9, 2018 Fake migrant children will stay in Sweden, even if they have been convicted of “gross violent crime.”
In Denmark, Harsh New Laws for Immigrant ‘Ghettos’ July 2, 2018 The government is forcing assimilation.
“I Couldn’t Help Being Born White” June 28, 2018 Old white man is crushed by young Latina in Dem primary.
Now Even Swedes Are Questioning the Welfare State June 26, 2018 Declining support is probably due to the influx of Syrians.
Muslim Students to Swedish Teacher: Won’t Listen to You “Because You’re White” June 18, 2018 Muslim migrants in Sweden are forming a “shadow society" and refusing to assimilate.
Iceland’s Official World Cup 2018 Video Blasted for ‘Aryan White Power Imagery’ Showing Players as ‘Inhuman Barbarians’ June 11, 2018 Too close to “white power” for liberal comfort.
Half Pupils Flunk School in Crime-Hit Swedish Districts June 8, 2018 "We’re starting to approach rock-bottom when it comes to school inequalities."
Social Democrats Go It Alone in Break with Allies over Immigration June 6, 2018 Party leader: “I do not wish to be a the forefront of a Denmark that does not have immigration under control.”
Is Sweden About to Have Its Trump Moment? June 1, 2018 Blue-collar Swedes are polling right-wing due to immigration and crime.
Swedish Far Right at Record High in Pre-Election Poll May 23, 2018 Sweden Democrats are just four points behind the leading party.
‘Something Special’: Denmark Seeks to Further Tighten Citizenship Law May 18, 2018 It’s harder to become a Danish citizen now, and fewer Muslims are doing it.
93% of Migrant Sex Crimes in Finland Are Committed by Migrants from Islamic Countries – Study May 17, 2018 And about half were committed against underage girls.