Posted on July 9, 2019

Sweden Is Experiencing a “Small Scale War”

Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News, July 5, 2019

Swedish author Björn Ranelid warns that the level of crime and violence the previously sedate country is experiencing amounts to a “small scale war”.

Ranelid cites car fires which were previously unknown but have now become commonplace across the country along with an explosion in shootings.

The author said that blaming the “frustrations” of young people for the crime wave was a cop out since his generation had it just as touch but didn’t turn to criminality.


“It is a small-scale war that affects all people who live and live in Sweden. The supply of explanations is over,” said Ranelid.

As we previously highlighted, grenade attacks and deadly shootings in Sweden – concerns over which were once derided as a conspiracy theory by the media – now represent a “national emergency” according to a new report.

Deadly shootings in Sweden have also risen by a factor of 10 in one generation, exacerbated by witness intimidation and “a code of silence in the country’s socio-economically weak immigrant areas,” according to Quillette’s Paulina Neuding.

The crime of robberies against children and sexual violence has also risen, with a third of young women reporting they feel unsafe going out at night.


Meanwhile, head of the Swedish Security Service (Säpo) Anders Thornberg has told Swedes that they better get used to the current conditions.
