Government Proposing Zero Tolerance in Racism Prevention August 13, 2007 Finland takes another step in the wrong direction.
6 Africans Desert Soccer Tournament August 8, 2007 Were to play in the "Homeless World Cup" in Copenhagen.
Police Struggle With Hate Crimes Caseload August 1, 2007 Did Sweden have a hate-crimes problem before there was mass immigration?
Swedes: Integration Is Not Working July 27, 2007 Is Sweden bad at integrating immigrants? Or are immigrants bad at assimilating?
Comments In Interview Could Bring Charges Of Inciting Racism Against PM Vanhanen’s Father July 23, 2007 "Fundamental right of expression" doesn’t include telling the truth about race.
Sweden Struggles To Integrate Muslim Immigrants July 17, 2007 Immigrants came seeking "asylum," not work.
Swedish Attitudes Harden On Immigration June 1, 2007 Twenty-five percent prepared to vote for a party in favor of restricting immigrant rights.
Immigration Maintains Urban Population Growth In Finland May 22, 2007 Every second person to move to Helsinki from somewhere else in Finland is foreign-born.
Iraqis Finding A Haven In Sweden May 21, 2007 Desert-dwellers don’t feel at home near the Arctic Circle. Who knew?
Swedish Town Learns Chinese, Clawing Back Jobs Lost To The East May 14, 2007 Chinese trading centers to be built across the Baltic; many new jobs to be held by Chinese.
Immigration To Norway Increasing May 10, 2007 Immigration from Europe up, immigration from Asia and Africa down.
Far-Right Party Pushes For Racially Pure Pre-Schools May 1, 2007 Thinks non-Swedes should learn about their own heritage—back in their country.
Sweden Takes Aim At Honor Crimes March 21, 2007 Sweden experiencing "emerging" traditions, courtesy of Muslim immigrants.
Cost Of Receiving Immigrants ‘To Double’ By 2010 March 15, 2007 Iraqis account for large increase in the number of foreigners allowed to stay in Sweden.
Oslo Rape Statistics Shock March 2, 2007 80% of victims are Norwegians; 65% of perps are immigrants; 90% of cases not prosecuted.
We Are About As Smart As We’re Going To Get, Says IQ Pioneer December 18, 2006 IQ gains have stopped rising, especially in Scandinavia.
Soft-Headed Swedes November 15, 2006 Gov. minister wants all schoolgirls examined for signs of genital mutilation — even ethnic Swedes.
Swedish Welfare State Collapses as Immigrants Wage War March 29, 2006 Young Muslims say they are waging a war against Swedes through robbery.
The Epidemic of Ethnic Rape December 23, 2005 Muslim men see nothing wrong with raping Western "whores."
Immigrant Rape Wave in Sweden December 15, 2005 Blogger urges Sweden's media and politicians to recognize immigrant rape epidemic.
UN to Investigate Racism of Danish Cartoonists December 8, 2005 UN experts on racism to investigate paper that published cartoons of Mohammed.
Ramadan Rioting in Europe’s No-Go Areas November 4, 2005 For years, many neighborhoods in European cities have been "no-go" zones for whites.
Bangladesh, Chad Rated World’s Most Corrupt Nations by Global Watchdog Group October 19, 2005 Iceland, Finland, New Zealand, and Denmark are the world's least corrupt countries.
Politician Campaigns In India July 12, 2005 Norwegian who wants immigrant vote campaigns in their home countries.
The Norwegian Inquisition — Sunset in the Land of the Midnight Sun May 23, 2005 Norwegians are guilty until proven innocent under new Discrimination Act.
Muslim Rape Epidemic in Sweden and Norway—Authorities Look the Other Way March 22, 2005 Nowegian provides evidence of epidemic of Muslim crime wave.
Can It Happen Here? October 4, 2004 AR's Jared Taylor says whites aren't protected by Sweden's "hate speech" laws.
Life Expectancy Plummets In Africa July 15, 2004 The average child born today in Zambia or Zimbabwe will die in their early 30s.