Sweden’s Moderates Open to Sweden Democrats Immigration Deal May 9, 2018 Sweden’s anti-immigration party is expected to do well in September’s election.
Sweden: Underage Schoolgirl Gang Raped, Police Don’t Want to Describe Attackers May 7, 2018 On study found 85 percent of gang rapes in Sweden involve migrants.
Migrant Has Sex with Girl Aged 10 — But Court Says It’s Not Rape May 7, 2018 23-year-old man didn’t coerce the 10-year-old girl, so it wasn’t rape.
Sweden: Syrian Migrant Claims He Didn’t Know Sex with 12-Year-Old Was Illegal May 1, 2018 Besides, he thought she was 14.
EU Parliament Member Calls for Banning Political Parties that Criticize Immigration April 17, 2018 “In a democratic society everyone should be entitled to participate and feel safe,” says pro-immigration MP.
‘Sweden Doesn’t Need Foreign Cleaners’: Finance Minister April 17, 2018 She says the country should focus on high-skilled labor immigration.
Sweden’s Violent Reality Is Undoing a Peaceful Self-Image April 16, 2018 "Social unrest, with car torchings, attacks on first responders and even riots, is a recurring phenomenon."
A Call for Help to the American People April 4, 2018 A new political party in Sweden wants to “end the madness.”
Swedish Student Suspended for Telling the Truth About Migrant Sex Crimes April 2, 2018 The truth is no defense.
Sweden Withdraws Child Marriage Booklet After Public Backlash March 30, 2018 It was called "Information for Those Who Are Married to a Child.”
‘Part of Society’: Giant Mosque Gets Green Light in ‘Turbulent’ Swedish Town March 26, 2018 They will hold meetings to “enlighten” the locals during construction.
Swedish Lady on Trial for Saying Migrants ‘Drop IQ to Goldfish Level’ March 16, 2018 A Swedish organization prowls the internet for “hate speech” to report to the police.
‘Hair-Raising’: Sharia Law Makes Its Debut in Swedish Court March 7, 2018 Man acquitted because he comes from a better family than his wife does.
Humanity Keeps Getting Smarter March 7, 2018 A possible cause is unspecified “recent social and cultural changes.”
Hand Grenades and Gang Violence Rattle Sweden’s Middle Class March 5, 2018 For the NYT, the problem is the weapons, not the people using them.
Swedish Left Pushing for ‘Skin Color Registry’ to Weed Out Discrimination February 16, 2018 Social justice race registry, good; crime perpetrators’ race registry, bad.
Safe, Happy and Free: Does Finland Have All the Answers? February 13, 2018 How can it, with so little diversity?
Swedish Students Forced to Write Essays on ‘White Male Privilege’ — Reports February 7, 2018 “Postmodernism is spreading through academia like a malignant tumor."
Denmark’s Biggest Party Wants to Cap ‘Non-Western’ Asylum Seekers February 6, 2018 It no longer has the means to “inegrate” foreigners.
‘Too White’: Norway’s New Government Grilled for ‘Lack of Diversity’ January 30, 2018 The whiteness of Norway’s government is a “democratic problem.”
Finland’s Marine Le Pen January 29, 2018 She hates the EU, cheered Brexit, supports Trump, and believes Islam is a “religion of pedophiles.”
Swedish Feminist Hushes Up Refugee Sex Assault Against Own Daughter January 24, 2018 A #MeToo activist was afraid the man who assaulted her 12-year-old afraid would be sent back to Afghanistan.
Sweden: Not Everyone Can Say #MeToo January 12, 2018 The police have no time to investigate rape cases because of the many murders.
Trump Questions Taking Immigrants from ‘Shithole Countries’ -Sources January 12, 2018 "We should have more people from Norway."
Swedish Government Orders Investigation into Rise of Reported Rapes January 12, 2018 Sweden's Moderate Party wants an investigation into the races of perps.
Asylum-Seekers Streaming Out of Denmark January 9, 2018 Denmark’s tough asylum rules send 1,500 of them south to Germany.
Intelligence of Norwegians and Danes on the Wane, Say Researchers December 28, 2017 Authors say it's because improvement in the quality of schooling has stopped.
‘Go to Other Countries’: Swedish Finance Minister Says Refugee Integration Capacity Stretched December 26, 2017 "Integration is not working properly.”
‘An Embarrassment’: Anger in Sweden over Gang Rape Acquittals December 22, 2017 There are demonstrations across the country.
Swedish Police Retract Safety Advice to Women Despite Third Gang Rape in One Month December 19, 2017 Advising women not to go out alone after dark was “unfortunate and unclear.”
Sweden Forced to Raise Retirement Age to Pay for Mass Immigration Policy December 18, 2017 We thought immigrants were going to pay for whites’ retirement!
‘100% Guarantee’: Systematic Trade in Fake Asylum Stories Revealed in Sweden December 13, 2017 Many websites offer fake backstories and counseling for getting into Sweden.
Denmark’s Government at Risk in Row with Nationalists over Syrian Refugees December 12, 2017 Nationalist party wants tighter immigration reform in exchange for budget support.
Claim: Newly Arrived Migrants Arrested for Swedish Synagogue Attack December 12, 2017 Even a Soros-funded group knows that “asylum seekers” can be terrorists.
Sweden Data Breach: 82 Per Cent of People Sent to Prison for Gang Rape Are Foreign Born December 5, 2017 Report is being treated as a “data crime,” and is more of a problem than the crimes themselves.
The Danish Exception December 1, 2017 Its immigration and speech policies outshine those of Western Europe.
Crime Wave Engulfs Sweden as Fraud, Sexual Offenses Reach Record November 16, 2017 "Analysis is needed to improve understanding of the reasons for the increase."
‘Men, Not Immigrants’: Sweden Rules Out Mapping Rapists’ Ethnicity November 15, 2017 Immigrants don’t commit rape; men do.
Migrant Boys Replacing Girls as Prostitutes in Gender-Equal Sweden November 14, 2017 “It’s still better than living in Afghanistan,” chirps refugee advocate.
‘Politically Incorrect’ Report on Rape-Prone Migrants Inflames Debate in Sweden November 7, 2017 More than 90 percent are committed by non-Swedes; two-thirds by “asylum seekers.”
Police Report Filed After Swedish Daycare Listens to Pippi Longstocking Stories November 6, 2017 Incident highlights sharp differences with more sensible Denmark.
Millennial Red-Pilling and the Future of Europe September 22, 2017 The keynote speech of our 2017 conference.
Video: Number of No-Go Zones in Sweden Has Dramatically Increased August 31, 2017 Local Kurdish shopkeeper: “If you run a company in this area, insurance companies do not want to insure you.”
4 Teenage Girls Raped at Swedish Music Festival, 11 Sexually Abused – Police August 2, 2017 No mention of nationality, religion, race, or immigration status . . .
Improving Muslim Integration: Sending in the Clowns July 20, 2017 "Clowns Without Borders" will liven up integration events.
From Italy to Sweden, Europe is Dying July 6, 2017 Even the most cursory look at the news shows as much.
Norway’s Dhimmi-in-Chief July 5, 2017 Erna Solberg may be the most ethnomasochistic leader in the West.
2,000 Islamist Extremists in Sweden: Security Police July 3, 2017 That's a tenfold increase since 2010.
Sweden Sees Sharp Rise in Violent Islamist Extremists as Numbers Soar From 200 to ‘Thousands’ in Seven Years, Warns Intelligence Agency June 16, 2017 It's "the new normal."
Norway to Ban Full-Face Veil in Nurseries, Schools and Universities June 12, 2017 Scandinavians show a little backbone.
Norway Migrant Integration Goes Into Reverse After 5 to 10-year Stay May 1, 2017 After a decade, many migrants drop out of the labor market.
The Failure of Open Borders in Germany and Sweden April 14, 2017 May they serve as lessons for the rest of the West.
Sweden Will ‘Never Go Back’ to Mass Immigration After Stockholm Terror, Says Shocked PM April 10, 2017 Swedes start to stand up for themselves.
Photos: Third Terror Suspect Is Arrested and Confesses to Ramming a Truck Into Shoppers in Stockholm and Killing at Least Four April 7, 2017 More terror in Scandinavia.
Swedish Football Ultras Wear Niqab to Get Around Law Banning Face Masks April 6, 2017 Soccer hooligans exploit multiculturalism.
Video: Swedish Girl Attacked by ANTIFA, Describes Sweden Today March 29, 2017 They threw rocks through her windows after she spoke in support of Trump.
Report: 9 in 10 Gang Rapists In Sweden Have Foreign Origins March 24, 2017 A website compiled the cases manually.
‘One in Five’ Newborns in Denmark Has Foreign Heritage March 20, 2017 "The influx of refugees from Syria is one of the biggest factors in the statistic . . . ."
Sweden Can’t Find Contractor Willing to Build Police Station in Migrant Suburb — ‘It’s Too Dangerous’ March 14, 2017 Project now on hold.
Swedish War Correspondent Says Iraq Is Safer Than Stockholm Amid Rising Violence March 8, 2017 Especially for lone women at night.
FAKE NEWS: Sweden’s Integration Minister Admits Lying to BBC About Rape Stats March 6, 2017 She claims she was misinformed.
Video: The Truth About Sweden March 3, 2017 The truth about "last night in Sweden?" How about the last five years?
‘Trump Was Right!’ Inside the Stockholm Suburbs Where Cars Are Torched, Drugs Sold Openly and Fire Engines Must Be Bulletproof February 23, 2017 Resident: "I am scared most of the time when I leave my apartment."
Videos: Swedish Police Accused of Inaction Over Stockholm Riot February 22, 2017 No one has been arrested.