Tribes Balk at Dartmouth’s Native American Director October 7, 2015 She could be another "pretendian."
Vandals Desecrate Carmel Mission Where Junípero Serra Is Buried September 28, 2015 Targets are not just Confederates.
Why Pope Francis’ Canonization of Junipero Serra Is So Controversial September 23, 2015 Indians don't like the "patron saint of immigration."
Alaska-Bound, Obama Makes Waves by Renaming Mount McKinley August 31, 2015 The name will be changed to Alaskan Native "Denali."
Obama Administration Likely to Block New Redskins Stadium July 6, 2015 Unless the team changes its name.
Meet the Native American Rachel Dolezal July 2, 2015 Another woman voluntarily gives up white privilege.
Case Closed? DNA Links 8,500-Year-Old Kennewick Man to Native Americans June 19, 2015 He was an Indian despite the shape of his skull.
Hollywood on Alert: Actors’ Ethnicities Under Scrutiny Amid Heightened Sensitivities June 12, 2015 Casting directors must navigate a racial minefield.
Pew: White-Native American Adults Largest Multiracial Group June 11, 2015 New study finds multiracial population is higher than the Census Bureau reports.
Racist Remark Ended General’s Career May 5, 2015 The phrase "drunker than 10,000 Indians" ends a 34-year career.
Could The Slants’ Trademark Suit Affect NFL’s Redskins’ Flap? April 29, 2015 Should trademarks be an expression of free speech?
Tepee Art Pulled After Native American Students Complain March 27, 2015 Indian students are "appalled by the insensitiveness."
Obama Stiff-Arms Constitution: Admin Lawyers Fight ‘Redskins’ Trademark March 24, 2015 They say the name is "commercial speech" and is subject to "relaxed First Amendment review."
Official Census Bureau Projection for 2060 March 4, 2015 Whites will be just 43.6 percent of the population.
Seattle School Board Votes to Observe ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’ on Columbus Holiday October 3, 2014 City must oppose "systematic racism towards Indigenous people."
Link Found in Genetic Connection Between Modern Europeans and Native Americans September 17, 2014 Geneticists unravel some of them mystery of European origins.
Seals Helped Europeans Wipe Out Native Americans August 27, 2014 Seals may have brought TB from Africa to the New World.
The Kennewick Man Finally Freed to Share His Secrets August 27, 2014 Anthropologists battled Indians and the government for the right to study the 9,000-year-old skeleton.
Mike Ditka on Redskins Name Debate: ‘It’s So Much Horses*** It’s Incredible’ August 22, 2014 "It should never be anything but the Washington Redskins."
Dem: Redskins a ‘Hateful Mascot’–‘Racism and Hate Speech’ a Priority in Congress July 25, 2014 Redskins mascot gives young Indians mental problems.
Patent Office Didn’t Receive a Single Public Complaint Before Stripping Redskins Trademark July 2, 2014 Bureaucrats bossing us around for our own good.
Native Groups Look to Retire the Cleveland Indians’ Chief Wahoo June 25, 2014 Moving on from their Redskins victory.
‘Redskins’ Stripped of Trademarks June 18, 2014 If the ruling stands, anyone could make and sell Redskins merchandise.
Kit Carson Park in New Mexico Renamed over American Indian Concerns June 13, 2014 "We have got to heal the wreckage of the past."
50 Senators Call on NFL to Change Redskins Name June 4, 2014 Virginia's two senators did not sign the letter.
Obama’s Hawaiian Giveaway: Plots to Grant Natives Sovereignty as ‘Indians’ June 3, 2014 They would enjoy tribal sovereignty.
Scripps National Spelling Bee Draws Racially Charged Comments After Indian Americans Win Again May 30, 2014 13 of the past 17 winners have been Indians.
#CancelColbert: Comedian Stephen Colbert Under Fire for Racially Offensive Tweet from His Comedy Central Show’s Account March 28, 2014 "Don't make fun of racism or you'll be called a racist apparently."
Redskins Owner Snyder to Create Foundation for Native Americans March 26, 2014 He's been to 26 Indian reservations in the past four months.
NASA Announces 2014 Tribal College and University Awards March 26, 2014 Indian universities receive NASA grants to "inspire the next generation of explorers."
Rural Area Rocked by Deadly Shooting at Tribal Meeting February 24, 2014 Change of leadership for Northern Paiute.
FBI Accuses American Indian Movement of Killing Black Civil Rights Activist in ’73 SD Uprising February 20, 2014 Indians reportedly tortured and killed black man who wanted to help fight "social injustice."
Washington Redskins Write Scathing Response to Lawmakers Who Want Team Name Changed February 12, 2014 An unusual example of backbone.
Lawmakers Press N.F.L. on Name Change for Washington Redskins February 10, 2014 Press? Threaten is more like it.
Redskins Name Debate Reaches United Nations January 24, 2014 Indian leader will meet with a "human rights" bureaucrat from the UN.
“Redskins” Is Derogatory, US Trademark Office Says January 8, 2014 Vise closing on Washington Redskins.
24,000-Year-Old Body Is Kin to Both Europeans and American Indians November 20, 2013 Body found in Siberia is evidence Europeans and East Asians mixed before traveling to America.
Some Well-Dressed White Nationalists Gathered in DC Last Weekend October 29, 2013 What happens when a "conservative" reporter attends a racially aware conference?
Ancient DNA Links Native Americans with Europe October 28, 2013 Indians acquired some of their European admixture at least 24,000 years ago.
‘Offensive’ Halloween Costumes Banned by US University October 24, 2013 Even cowboys are a "crude stereotype."
Hail to the Redskins! October 22, 2013 Pat Buchanan recalls a time before racial sensitivity ran amok.
How Many Native Americans Think ‘Redskins’ Is a Slur? October 8, 2013 Survey says less than 10 percent of Indians are offended by the team name.
A Brief History of American Race Relations September 27, 2013 Conflict is inherent; tragedy is frequent.
The Real-Life Tontos: How Comanche Indians Butchered Babies, Roasted Enemies Alive and Would Ride 1,000 Miles to Wipe Out One Family August 20, 2013 The truth Hollywood prefers to ignore.
When Cars Assume Ethnic Identities June 24, 2013 Times still thinks naming a car after Indians is an insult.
Sherman Alexie on Living Outside Cultural Borders April 15, 2013 Should whites look forward to a similar fate?
First Nations Chiefs Threaten to Boycott Meeting with Harper Unless He Comes to Them January 11, 2013 Eskimos threatened to bring the country to a standstill if the Prime Minister would not meet them.
American Indian Student Union to Host Anti-Thanksgiving Potluck November 21, 2012 UVA group will also show film of Indians "being forced to adopt white American society."
Washington Steps Back From Policing Indian Lands, Even as Crime Rises November 14, 2012 More rapes on the Navajo reservation than in the city of Detroit.
Victoria’s Secret’s Racist Garbage Is Just Asking for a Boycott November 13, 2012 Oh, no. Not more insensitivity!
Gap Forced to Pull T-Shirt After Backlash over ‘Manifest Destiny’ Slogan That ‘Normalizes Oppression’ of Native Americans October 17, 2012 Would liberals be willing to cede the conquered territory?
Kennewick Man Was Just Passing Through, Anthropologist Says October 15, 2012 Ancient skeleton was not related to modern-day Native Americans.
Suicide Is Epidemic for American Indian Youth: What More Can Be Done? October 11, 2012 "Adolescents may not fully understand that shooting or hanging themselves can have permanent results."
Conversation with a Conservative Comanche July 2, 2012 David Yeagley gets some of the attention he deserves.
Phantom Debt Collectors from India Harass Americans, Demand Money June 21, 2012 All with the help of a Mr. Patel in the US.
Bizarre Baby Tossing Ritual in India May 10, 2012 Throwing babies off building in ritual is supposed to make them stronger.
The Designer Baby Factory: Eggs from Beautiful Eastern Europeans, Sperm from Wealthy Westerners and Embryos Implanted in Desperate Women May 7, 2012 Indian surrogate mothers carry babies with "blond hair and blue eyes."
Sonepat: School Teacher ‘Killed for Not Allowing Student to Cheat in Board Examinations’ April 12, 2012 Many Indians take cheating for granted.
Power Struggle over Indian Tribe Splinters into Violence in California March 1, 2012 . . . and elsewhere, too, apparently.
Indian Police Arrest 2 Men for Sacrificing Child January 2, 2012 It was part of a ritual for a better harvest.
I’ll Get You Anyone in from India for £3,000 October 26, 2011 British journalists expose full-scale illegal immigrant operation.