Eight D.C.-Area Homicides Linked to MS-13 Street Gang March 22, 2016 Some of the murderers entered the US illegally as "unaccompanied children."
El Salvador and Venezuela Vie for Dubious Title of Murder Capital January 4, 2016 They might just catch up with Honduras.
Africa in Our Midst August 27, 2015 "The story of Hurricane Katrina does have a moral for anyone not deliberately blind."
Far-Right Group’s Poster Campaign in Stockholm Stirs Outrage August 5, 2015 Advertisements apologize for "the mess" caused by "forced begging" in Sweden.
3 Held Without Bail in “Brutal, Barbaric” Rape of 16-Year-Old Girl in Long Island Woods: DA June 8, 2015 Teenagers are immigrants from El Salvador.
Frat Suspends Clemson Students over Racially Charged Party April 6, 2015 Students who dressed like gangsters must now take a course on social justice.
Sen. Sessions Releases Timeline of Obama Administration’s Dismantling of Immigration Law February 17, 2015 It's lengthy.
Local Impact of Illegal Border Surge August 29, 2014 They mayor of Lynn, Massachusetts, explains what the surge means for her town.
Report Reveals ‘Disturbing Trend’ of Brazen Attacks Against Border Security July 31, 2014 A report from a border we're told is secured.
American-Grown Gangs Fuel Immigration Crisis from Central America July 28, 2014 When we deport gang members they start gangs back home.
Border Resident: Nancy Pelosi Should Visit My Ranch June 27, 2014 Pelosi would hear captured aliens say "That’s okay, Obama’s gonna let me go."
This Is a ‘Cheat Sheet’ Found at the Border to Coach Illegals on How to Stay in the U.S. June 26, 2014 Traffickers give illegals all the right answers.
The ‘Rehearsed’ Answers Illegal Immigrants Are Using at the Border to Gain Entry into the U.S. June 16, 2014 Before they even give their names, immigrants say "We're fleeing gang violence."
Tensions Rise at Digital Harbor High Between African-American and Latino Students June 4, 2014 Students will take a "Stop Hatin, No Mas" pledge to solve the problem.
Mexican Cartel Allegedly Hired MS-13 To Carry Out Torture Operation in Minnesota May 9, 2014 Local boys are just as ruthless as Mexican drug gangs.
Good Samaritan Who Tried to Save Newlywed Nathan Trapuzzano, 24, Who Was Shot on His Morning Walk Claims Attack Was Part of a Senseless Gang Initiation April 8, 2014 Victim's wife is due to give birth next month.
Obama Admin Unilaterally Changes Law to Allow Immigrants with ‘Limited’ Terror Contact into US February 6, 2014 DHS calls the change "commonsense."
Four MS-13 Leaders Sentenced February 6, 2014 We will have to feed and house these foreigners until they die.
Rep. Jackson Lee: ‘Don’t Condemn the Gangbangers’ — We Need Gun Legislation April 16, 2013 They surely aren't responsible.
‘Senseless’ Killing Puts Gang in Focus January 4, 2013 MS-13 may have beef with Puerto Ricans. Innocent man pays the price.
In a First, U.S. Labels MS-13 Street Gang ‘Transnational Criminal Organization’ October 12, 2012 US banks are now required to freeze MS-13's assets.
Racial Tensions Create Concern February 20, 2012 It was not always this way in Northeastern Pennsylvania. What changed?
Luis (Baby) Ortiz, Suspected of Shooting Officer Kevin Brennan, Yells ‘I Love the Latin Kings’ in Show for Police-Hating Posse February 2, 2012 His aunt yells back: “We love you, we love you!"
‘Race War’ Rumors Postpone Assembly at Highland High November 23, 2011 Assembly "to celebrate cultural diversity . . . postponed due to racial tensions on campus."
Group of Deaf, Mute Friends Stabbed at Bar After Thug Mistakes Sign Language for Gang Signs May 2, 2011 The headline says it all.
Brutal Mexican Drug Gang Crosses Into U.S. April 20, 2011 DHS: Mexico's violent Zetas "most serious organized-crime threat" to US.
Britons Shot in Florida Killed as Part of ‘Gang Initiation’ April 19, 2011 Tourists are victims of American-style diversity.
Brutal Fights Caught on Tape at Hayward High School April 18, 2011 "Tensions" between blacks and Hispanics.
More Than 60 Arrested in Nationwide Mexican Drug Gang Sweep February 25, 2011 Arrests are response to murder of ICE agent.
Why Won’t Feds Come Clean About Chandra Levy’s Killer? February 17, 2011 Government is sealing reports about aliens who kill Americans.
Krazy Locos, MS-13: Feds Crack Down on South Florida’s Violent International Gangs November 11, 2010 ICE can arrest and deport illegal alien gang members without filing criminal charges.
LA Protests Underscore Frustration of Immigrants September 13, 2010 A picture of a Los Angeles barrio.
A City at War with Itself: Chicago — Fast Tracking to Anarchy September 7, 2010 Needless to say, the Carothers brothers are black.
Gang Members Blast City, Police Policies September 2, 2010 Chicago gang leaders to police: Quit harassing us. We're not the cause of the violence.
MS-13 Member’s Trail Shows Gang’s Movement April 2, 2010 Illegal immigrant gets 60 years for violent crime spree in Virginia and Maryland.
The Rise of Asian Race Consciousness April 2, 2010 The one group that tried to assimilate is giving up.
Montgomery Co. Crime Rate Eclipses Neighboring Fairfax February 3, 2010 Gang members going to Montgomery County to avoid Fairfax County police.
Use of Twitter, Facebook Rising Among Gang Members February 2, 2010 Gang members can't resist bragging about their handiwork.
Irish Actress Shot on ‘Kill a Tourist Day’ in South Africa January 11, 2010 Actress finds police indifference almost as surprising as being wounded.
Officials: Gang Rivalry Led to Calif. Prison Riot December 10, 2009 Prison system's integration plan meeting with "mixed results."
Frederick County Sheriff Worried About Montco Gangs November 2, 2009 Maryland county's immigrant-crime policies make problems for neighbors.
Gangs Flee N.Va. for Havens in Md., D.C., Report Says October 29, 2009 "A jurisdiction which welcomes illegal immigration also welcomes gang activity."
Judge Lets Victims’ Kin Sue S.F. Over Sanctuary September 15, 2009 Family of murder victims can sue the city.
Specific Numbers on Gangs Sketchy August 24, 2009 Gang culture now so glamorized it attracts middle-class blacks.
Family Seeks U.S. Asylum After Fleeing Gang August 24, 2009 Yet another route into the United States.
Has the Time Come for Another Mexican Punitive Campaign? August 6, 2009 The equivalent of Pancho Villa is back.
Gang Members Shot Men for Wearing Red, Cops Say July 10, 2009 If you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear . . . well, not red.
Feds Arrest Head of Anti-Gang Group in LA June 29, 2009 "Former" MS-13 hood conspired to kill rivals, was granted political asylum in 2002.
Chicago Bulls’ Derrick Rose Responds to Photo Controversy June 16, 2009 NBA rookie of the year "is not now nor has he ever been" affiliated with any gang.
Boys With ‘Warrior Gene’ Likely to Join Gangs June 8, 2009 As usual, total silence on racial differences.
Cities Which Adopt Illegal Alien ‘Sanctuary’ Policies Are Placing Americans in Grave Danger June 1, 2009 Court rules that San Francisco police must follow state law when arresting probable illegals.
Charges Against Youths Dismissed May 5, 2009 Gang chose white victims because they wouldn't retaliate.
Gang Dealt Blow in Colorado Busts February 25, 2009 Officials: MS-13 crippled in effort to expand to state
FBI: Burgeoning Gangs Behind up to 80% of US Crime January 30, 2009 FBI: Gangs "follow the migration paths of immigrant laborers."
The Times’s Crime Confusions Persist January 6, 2009 Liberals refuse to face the reality of black crime.
Greektown Develops Latin Flavor October 21, 2008 Hispanics move in, change character of Baltimore neighborhood.
How Many Non-Citizen Voters? Enough to Make a Difference October 1, 2008 Two studies—one on non-citizen voting and one on gangs.
US Census Bureau Presents Diversity Propaganda As Impartial Information September 19, 2008 Putting a happy face on immigration and white dispossession.
Family Blames Sanctuary Policy in 3 Slayings August 25, 2008 Lawsuit blames SF for harboring illegals who are felons.
Killings Turn Focus on San Francisco Sanctuary Law July 24, 2008 Ordinary Americans pay the price for the liberals' "false mantle of compassion."
Chief: Blacks Prey on Hispanics July 1, 2008 Protecting Hispanic immigants from blacks imposes new costs on small Pa. town.
MS-13 Primer: ‘The Most Dangerous Gang’ In North America June 5, 2008 MS-13 sets its sights on Toronto.
Jump in Homicides Not Tied to Racial Animosity, LAPD Says March 19, 2008 Hispanics kill Hispanics; blacks kill other blacks.
San Diego Gang-Rape Case Coverage Colorless — Except When “Racism” Is in Question. January 31, 2008 Pictures tell the tale when words are withheld.
Are Blacks Our Natural Allies in Immigration Control? January 3, 2008 Blacks could, but won't, act in our interests as well as their own.