Self-Interest and Partisan Politics October 1, 2023 A review of The Hidden Agenda of the Political Mind.
The Bible Taught Me to See Race February 12, 2022 "At a minimum, the Bible takes note of the differences among different peoples."
Minority Women Most Affected If Abortion Is Banned February 3, 2022 In Mississippi, non-whites are 44 percent of the population but 80 percent of women who get abortions.
Embracing Multiculturalism: The Path to White Nationalism January 16, 2022 How to use the multicultural zeitgeist against itself.
Here Are 7 Things You Need To Know About Amy Coney Barrett September 25, 2020 She has two adopted Haitian children and a son with Downs Syndrome.
Nigerian Bishop Ranks Migration a Bigger Issue Than Abortion, Climate May 8, 2020 "Whether east or west, home is the best."
Abortion’s Twisted Logic of Racism During Black History Month March 3, 2020 An estimated 20 million black babies have been aborted since 1973.
Is Mass Civil Disobedience Our Future? January 21, 2020 "How does it all stay together? And for how long?"
Prominent Anti-Abortion Chief Warned of Muslims ‘Replacing’ Christian Europeans December 11, 2019 "We’re on the same track as Europe. The church and family are in crisis.”
The Scientific and Social Policy Implications of Racial Differences September 7, 2019 Even if you don't care about genetics, genetics care about you.
‘Make Families Great Again’: Hungary Seeing More Babies, Less Abortions Through Pro-Family Policies March 18, 2019 “What can you best invest in if not in your future generations?”
A Frank Assessment of Nationalism in Poland November 9, 2018 A basically sound country is beginning to crack.
Abducted as a Teen and Held Prisoner for 12 Years, Sarah Was Repeatedly Raped, Twice Forced into Marriage and Had Eight Abortions September 18, 2018 "She was made to learn the Koran in Arabic and allowed to speak only in the Pakistani languages of Urdu and Punjabi."
Dysgenics and Low Creativity: Why China Can’t Save Civilization September 6, 2018 The most intelligent women in China are not having children.
Anti-Abortion Leader Emerges as White Nationalist April 18, 2018 Dallas Morning News will no longer publish her articles.
New Film Dives into the ‘Black Genocide’ of Abortion January 5, 2018 Blacks account for 40 percent of the country’s abortions.
Study: Abortion Patients on TV Are Overwhelmingly Young, Wealthy and White December 17, 2015 In America, whites have 36.1 percent of abortions; on TV, the figure is 87 percent.
Technology Driving Rise in Abortions of Girls in India February 13, 2015 You can get an ultrasound in villages that don't have clean water.
Doctor to Appear in Court in UK’s First Gender Abortion Prosecution December 1, 2014 New crimes for a new era.
Abortion Targets Blacks in England: Blacks Are 3.3% of Population But Have 9% of Abortions June 17, 2014 Blacks "targeted" in the US as well.
NYC: More Black Babies Killed by Abortion Than Born February 21, 2014 24,700 black babies were born in NYC; 31,328 were aborted.
Russian Health Ministry Plans to Set up Pregnancy Centers to Lower Abortion Rate January 30, 2014 Another way to fight population decline.
Rand Paul Warns Eugenics on Horizon Unless Conservatives Stand up Against Abortion Rights October 29, 2013 He asks: “Are we prepared to select out the imperfect among us?”
38 Latin American Nations Sign Document Urging Radical Support for Abortion, Homosexuality August 29, 2013 More evidence of Hispanic "family values."
Katie Taylor Was Drugged and Raped for Two Years–and Endured Pregnancy and Abortion–After Being Abducted by a Predatory Gang Aged 13 April 24, 2013 Police had to be delicate with the case for fear of being called "racist."
Study: African-American Teen Abortion Rates Reach Twice National Average March 15, 2013 Four times the white rate, twice the Hispanic rate.
Transgender Hormone Treatments, Abortion Access for Detained Illegals Irks Congressman March 2, 2012 U.S. immigration policy: the makings of a Kafka novel.
Russian Parliament Adopts Law Restricting Abortions October 24, 2011 Law is part of greater effort to reverse population decline.
The Myth of Hispanic Family Values July 29, 2011 By no measure do Hispanics have "strong family values."
Billboard, New Law, Highlight Racial Turn for Abortion Debate March 30, 2011 It's now illegal in Arizona to abort because of the race or sex of fetus.
Black Children Are an Endangered Species January 12, 2011 70 billboards in Los Angeles are proclaiming this message.
41% of NYC Pregnancies End in Abortion January 10, 2011 In NYC, 60% of black pregnancies are aborted; 20% of white.
Heroic Media: ‘The Most Dangerous Place for African-American Children Is the Womb’ January 5, 2011 Black women 5 times more likely than whites to have abortions.
Georgia Considers Outlawing Abortions Based on Race, Gender March 18, 2010 Bill seeks to reduce the number of black abortions.
Antiabortion Activists See a Racial Conspiracy March 2, 2010 They claim abortion is "ethnic cleansing."
Georgia Billboards Link Abortion, Race February 15, 2010 Black women more than three times as likely to get abortions as white women.
Study Finds Major Shift in Abortion Demographics September 23, 2008 Black abortion rate five times that of whites.
The Myth of Hispanic Family Values June 20, 2008 By no measure do Hispanics have "strong family values."
Anti-Abortion Group Seeks to Keep Israel Jewish May 19, 2006 Non-profit group pays Jewish women not to abort.
Lawmakers React Angrily to Abortion Remarks February 16, 2006 Australian politician opposes abortion drug because it will make Muslims the majority.
Abortionist Accused of Eating Fetuses June 15, 2005 Indian abortionist's clinic was a house of horrors.
Pre-emptive Executions? May 6, 2005 Was the legalization of abortion the reason crime fell in the 1990s?
40 Excuses and a Mule October 28, 2004 Columnist accuses Democrats of cynical manipulation of black vote.
Many Indians Abort Unwanted Girls September 21, 2004 Abortion — and infanticide — kill five million Indian girls every year.
Blacks’ Abortions Tragically Ignored September 14, 2004 Black women are three times as likely to get abortions as women of other races.
GOP’s House Contest Deadlocks August 4, 2004 Immigration reformer Kris Kobach ahead in close Kansas election.