July 19, 2024
Refreshing views from a time when whites could speak their minds.
July 16, 2024
The humble origins of our next vice president.
May 10, 2024
And none too soon.
May 3, 2024
A report on the VDARE conference.
December 16, 2023
Happy Day of the Vow.
October 27, 2023
A review of Dr. Virginia Abernethy's autobiography.
October 22, 2023
A portrait of the "Roma."
September 3, 2023
An analysis from Dan Roodt.
July 30, 2023
F. Roger Devlin on Gregory Clark.
July 14, 2023
And how it destroyed freedom.
July 2, 2023
A warning.
May 12, 2023
When race trumps merit.
May 5, 2023
"Stimulate your heart, inspire your mind."
August 5, 2022
Hispanic author doubts it.
July 14, 2022
Happy Bastille Day!
May 13, 2022
A review of Douglas Murray's latest.
April 27, 2022
What Sam Francis called a “squeeze play.”
March 3, 2022
F. Roger Devlin’s speech from the 2021 American Renaissance conference.
January 7, 2022
A review of Richard Lynn's latest book.
November 19, 2021
And what can be done about it.
October 15, 2021
The press coverage, deplatforming and doxing campaigns, and criminal and civil suits.
October 12, 2021
A review of Charlottesville Untold: Inside the Unite the Right Rally.
September 17, 2021
One scholar's attempt.
January 8, 2021
Where hatred of whites can lead.
October 16, 2020
But not race realism.
October 2, 2020
An investigation that does not seek to pass judgment.
July 3, 2020
Censorship isn’t by any means new in America.
June 1, 2020
A career as a thought criminal.
May 27, 2020
The years before his fateful meeting with Arthur Jensen.
May 8, 2020
Why are white people dying of despair?
April 3, 2020
We need someone like him today.
February 4, 2020
F. Roger Devlin on Richard Lynn's latest book.
January 17, 2020
Japan’s victory over Russia and what it meant for our race.
January 2, 2020
A superb breakdown by F. Roger Devlin.
September 13, 2019
How will multi-racialism end?
March 1, 2019
Progressives reluctantly admit it won’t be easy to get rid of us.
January 25, 2019
“Passover Syndrome” and other signs of white madness.
November 2, 2018
Al Sharpton’s rise to power and profit.
August 13, 2018
Can it survive immigration?
March 23, 2018
Africans will be moving north.
December 5, 2017
Liberalism spirals out of control.
October 27, 2017
Sobering precedents from the animal kingdom.
August 22, 2017
An American expat learns about Islam the hard way.
June 9, 2017
Academic offers "new philosophical foundation for anti-racism."
April 28, 2017
What we can learn from hillbilly culture.
April 23, 2017
A portrait of a tragic people.
April 9, 2017
A comprehensive diagnosis of our current insanity.
March 19, 2017
Witchcraft on the rise in Africa.
February 9, 2017
Frenchmen are moving to the East to rediscover ethnic and cultural homogeneity.
February 3, 2017
New book explains the mentality that led to the Milo Yiannopoulos riot at Berkeley.
January 15, 2017
F. Roger Devlin reviews America’s Half-Blood Prince by Steve Sailer.
September 4, 2016
Why are whites failing to reproduce?
August 5, 2016
His magnum opus finally sees the light.
March 4, 2016
The perils of trying to "make a difference."
February 12, 2016
The search for European identity.
October 16, 2015
The numbers are even worse than we thought.
July 24, 2015
The hero of To Kill A Mockingbird is now a “racist.”
November 28, 2014
The Gypsy problem and its origins.
November 14, 2014
French bestseller chronicles decline of La Grande Nation.
September 5, 2014
The campaign against the Afrikaners.
April 4, 2014
The heritability of social status.
January 17, 2014
The campaign against free speech on campus.
September 11, 2013
Standing Tall
Commentary by F. Roger Devlin
John Derbyshire is well-rid of “respectability."
June 21, 2013
The new direction for white activism.
May 31, 2013
Reissue of classic work on Haiti by Hesketh Vernon Hesketh-Prichard.
February 3, 2012
Creative ways to muzzle students.
August 1, 2011
A former South African on the new South Africa.
July 23, 2010
Why are whites failing to reproduce?
January 22, 2010
Why are whites failing to reproduce?