At 100, NAACP Fights to Keep Struggle Alive February 12, 2009 NAACP cautions supporters not to get caught up in the "euphoria" of Obama's election.
NAACP Chief Outlines New ‘Human Rights’ Focus February 4, 2009 NAACP says Obama's being black gives them "no advantage."
Alabama NAACP Criticizes Use of Trail Maids in Inaugural Parade January 13, 2009 NAACP head says pretty Southern girls in hoop gowns remind him of slavery.
NAACP Report Finds TV Networks Lagging in Diversity December 18, 2008 Still not enough non-whites in front of and behind cameras to satisfy NAACP.
Teacher Sorry for Binding Girls in Slavery Lesson December 8, 2008 History lesson a little too real in New York elementary school.
FBI’s Civil Rights Initiative: No Trials Yet September 8, 2008 Joint SPLC-FBI initiative fails to produce.
For Those Once Behind Bars, A Nudge to the Voting Booth August 11, 2008 Black lawyer wants black felons to vote so Democrats can win Florida.
Governor Deval Patrick: “Together We Can” Have Racial Preferences July 31, 2008 Massachusetts governor supplies preview of Obama presidency.
Media Conceal Black Interracial Crimes December 27, 2007 Walter Williams discovers the Knoxville Horror.
NAACP: Feds Must Toughen Noose Law November 20, 2007 At a minimum, displaying a noose should be a felony.
What of the Jena 6 Funds? November 13, 2007 Some of the money raised has disappeared without a trace.
African-American Firms Get Less Work October 2, 2007 Milwaukee looks for ways to use race-based hiring schemes.
La Raza Threatens To Cancel Convention In KC, Cites Controversial Park Board Appointee September 5, 2007 Wants city to sack Minuteman member serving on parks board.
Black Leaders Demand Apology For Editorial Cartoon August 23, 2007 "Stop snitching" cartoon hits too close to home for some.
Slavery: Many Apologies, But No Reparations — Yet May 9, 2007 Blacks will never forget slavery as long as they can make whites feel guilty about it.
Miami Activist Opposes Push For Immigration Amnesty April 27, 2007 Unchecked immigration is a threat to blacks, economically and politically.
NAACP President Quits, Cites Conflicts March 5, 2007 Had sought to find "practical solutions to black America’s problems."
‘Hate Blacks’ Writer Dismissed By AsianWeek March 2, 2007 Hating whites and hating Asians was tolerable, but not hating blacks.
Domestic Terrorism: The Nation of Islam And The Zebra Murders October 23, 2006 Blacks interfered in search for Muslims who killed more than 200 whites.
Judge Blocks Omaha School Race-Division Law September 19, 2006 Black Nebraskan state senator wanted segregated school districts.
NAACP Ends Wal-Mart Fight September 19, 2006 Wal-Mart store in black neighborhood will close at night and has no self-checkout lines.
A Black “Old Right Conservative” On The Black Elite’s Immigration Betrayal September 13, 2006 Black hatred for whites eclipses self-interest.
New York Governor Asked to Investigate Participation by an Assistant District Attorney at Hate Group Meeting March 6, 2006 NAACP demands state explain what actions may be taken against AR conference attendee.
Idaho Women Who May Have Been Infected By HIV-Positive Man Get Tested December 28, 2005 HIV-positive Zambian man had sex with 20 women in Idaho.
Students Rapped for Thug Day Attire November 1, 2005 NAACP in a tizzy over "Thug Day" at white high school in Dallas.
Apologies From NAACP Are Long Overdue July 13, 2005 Black columnist criticizes black organization for ignoring "hate crimes" by blacks.
Forbes’ Role with Bureau, NAACP Questioned June 22, 2005 NAACP chapter president used government job to do favors for contributors.
Civil Rights Concerns Doom House Measure March 24, 2005 NAACP uses specter of racial profiling to help defeat sensible crime bill.
Minority Groups ‘Fighting As One’ March 3, 2005 NAACP and LULAC, a major Hispanic organization, vow cooperation.
NAACP Urges Parents to Step Up March 2, 2005 University of Virginia Dean doesn't think white teachers can educate blacks.
The IRS Probe of the NAACP February 3, 2005 NAACP refuses to cooperate with IRS investigation into whether it is politically partisan.
NAACP Members Divided Over Venerable Group’s Future Course January 18, 2005 NAACP chapter president finds almost no schoolchildren know what the acronym stands for.
Mobile NAACP President Charged With Assault January 4, 2005 Female NAACP chapter president fired at and pistolwhipped two women.
NAACP In Hot Water Over Speech October 29, 2004 The IRS reviews NAACP's tax-exempt status because it campaigned for Sen. Kerry.
Groups Criticize Remark About ‘Bad Gene Pools’ October 27, 2004 Psychiatrist says foster children come from 'bad gene pools'; NAACP protests.
Valley Man Sentenced to Prison for Defrauding Medicare October 25, 2004 NAACP chapter president who owns medical business stole $500,000 from Medicare.
Confederate Flag Removed Ahead Of NAACP Event October 6, 2004 NAACP gets Confederate flag near its convention site removed.
NAACP State President Apologizes To Gregoire For Attack September 2, 2004 NAACP official charges candidate with "white supremacy" for sorority past.
Kerry Gives ‘Black Power’ Salute to NAACP August 4, 2004 Candidate appeals to base by imitating Black Panthers.
NAACP Leader Says Some Black Groups Aid Right Wing July 15, 2004 Kweisi Mfume lashes out at race traitors.
Willfully Misleading, or Stunningly Ignorant? July 14, 2004 Editorialist at a loss to explain why President wouldn’t want to meet with NAACP.
Mayor: Don’t Like It? Go GOP July 13, 2004 Mayor Street boasts of black domination of Philadelphia government before NAACP.
Comedy Act Stirs Questions July 12, 2004 White comedian impersonating a black provokes complaints, but not the other way around.
NAACP Head Says Bush Treats Blacks Like Prostitutes July 8, 2004 George Bush is the first president since Warren Harding not to meet with NAACP.