Waters Opens NAACP Conference with Fiery Defense of Race-Conscious Politics July 27, 2011 Play the race card, Waters says.
NAACP Blasts Lack of Diversity in Prime Time News July 8, 2011 Apparently, there is a "glaring omission" in CNN's news lineup.
NAACP Sues Myrtle Beach for Discrimination June 1, 2011 Says businesses don't want black bikers. Can't imagine why not.
NAACP to Monitor Myrtle Beach for Discriminatory Practices During Black Bike Week May 27, 2011 Black pressure group threatens businesses with law suits to make them stay open.
‘I Am Grateful for a Second Chance,’ Says Officer Suspended Over Ethnic Insult May 13, 2011 A single word, "Mexican," ruins officer's career.
Canyons District Announces Plans to Combat Racism April 11, 2011 Entire Utah school to become a diversity re-education center.
Office of Civil Rights to Examine Discipline of Black Students March 24, 2011 Too many blacks are being suspended.
NAACP to Pete King: Drop Your Effort to Stereotype Muslims March 10, 2011 NAACP says investigating radical Islam is akin to discriminating against blacks.
NAACP President Attacks Huntsville School System, Threatens Legal Action February 15, 2011 NAACP blames schools for black student failure.
Counting by Race Can Throw Off Some Numbers February 10, 2011 NAACP resists any reclassification that would reduce the number of blacks.
SC NAACP: No Insult to Washington Intended January 20, 2011 NAACP says it wasn't trying to hide statue of George Washington.
Rally Draws 1,200 to State House January 18, 2011 Statute of George Washington gives offense to crowds "honoring" Martin Luther King Jr.
Maine Gov. Changes MLK Plans After Telling NAACP, ‘Kiss My Butt’ January 17, 2011 Governor knuckles under after NAACP whining.
Accreditation Agency Will Visit Wake Schools Next Month January 14, 2011 NAACP had sicced accreditation body on schools that had stopped busing.
Schools Get Flak for Makeup Day Choice January 13, 2011 School system planning to use MLK day as a snow make-up day.
NAACP Voluntarily Dismisses Bias Suit Against US Airways November 9, 2010 Another successful NAACP shakedown.
Who Wrote the NAACP ‘Racist’ Tea Party Report? November 5, 2010 The low-down on "anti-racist" Leonard Zeskind.
NAACP Releases Report Accusing Tea Party Groups of Links to Bigots October 20, 2010 NAACP shocked that whites might become politically active.
NAACP’s Eye Cast on W-B Area October 18, 2010 Blacks say that all children deserve to have teachers who look like them.
NAACP Takes Wake to Feds September 27, 2010 Assigning kids to schools closer to their home is "intentionally discriminatory."
NAACP Leaders Reach Out to Gay Rights Groups September 23, 2010 NAACP bosses act contrary to membership's views.
Freedomworks Fights Back Against NAACP’s Accusations of Tea Party ‘Racism’ September 9, 2010 Tea Party advertising to "showcase diversity."
Traffic Enforcement Near School Prompts NAACP Complaint September 3, 2010 NAACP demands blacks be allowed to jaywalk.
NAACP Watches for ‘Tea Party’ Racism, Stirs Controversy September 2, 2010 Blacks and lefties biting at the bit to find something to call "racist."
African-Americans for Charter Schools August 4, 2010 Why do the official blacks oppose what ordinary blacks want?
Ed Dept, Civil Rights Leaders Discuss Reform July 27, 2010 They think money will close the racial achievement gap.
What the NAACP/Tea Party Battle Is Really About July 22, 2010 The fuss is not about insults or racism: it's about tyranny and power.
USDA Official Resigns Amid Race Controversy July 20, 2010 Black racist USDA official says she's trying to unite people.
Video Proof: The NAACP Awards Racism–2010 July 19, 2010 Black government employee says white applicant should get help from his "own kind."
NAACP: Never Called Tea Party ‘Racist’ July 16, 2010 Just wants Tea Party to get rid of "racist elements."
Tea Party to NAACP: ‘Grow Up’ July 14, 2010 Groups playing race card "a foolish embarrassment to their own party."
Michelle Obama Rouses NAACP Before Vote Condemning ‘Racist’ Elements of Tea Party July 12, 2010 NAACP: Tea Party isn't really about limited government.
Black Political Leaders to Recapture 08 Momentum July 9, 2010 Next week's NAACP convention to close "enthusiasm gap"?
African American Groups Seek Ouster of California NAACP Head for Stance on Legalized Marijuana July 8, 2010 California NAACP says the "war on drugs" is a "war on blacks."
California NAACP Backs Marijuana Ballot Measure June 30, 2010 Only because blacks are more likely to be arrested for using it.
Police Arrest Civil Rights Leaders After School Board Takeover June 16, 2010 So-called leaders not acting very "civil."
Why the NAACP Should Get off the Wells Fargo Bandwagon May 4, 2010 Wells Fargo exploited blacks, so NAACP shouldn't take its money.
Houston NAACP President Addresses Council Over WRPD Racial Makeup April 6, 2010 "Civil rights" group wants black quotas in local government.
State Sued for Allegedly Underfunding Historically Black Colleges April 5, 2010 Wicked whites continue to "hobble" and discriminate against black institutions.
Black Leaders Troubled by Alleged Racist Comments by Asheville Police Officer April 1, 2010 He joked about fried chicken, malt liquor, and gold teeth.
Other Racial Taunts Reported at Turnersville Wal-Mart March 22, 2010 NAACP wants to help Walmart set up "sensitivity training."
NAACP Head Says Majority-Black Muscogee Elections Board’s Trying to Reduce Black Voting Strength March 2, 2010 NAACP offended that it wasn't consulted about Georgia county's voter plan.
Partisan ‘Bottleneck’ in Congress Still Hindering Civil Rights Gains, Says NAACP February 10, 2010 "Non-partisan civil rights organization" issues report card on Congress.
Former Clayton NAACP Treasurer Charged With Pilfering Funds February 9, 2010 Accused of embezzling $30,000.
NAACP Sees Win in Court Ruling on Race Profiling February 4, 2010 NAACP believes Maryland State Police quashed accusations of racial profiling.
NAACP Seeks Dept. Probe for Bias Against Black Police Officers January 27, 2010 The usual complaints.
NAACP Renews Schools Crusade January 12, 2010 For NAACP, race-based busing more important than academic achievement.
NAACP Sues US Airways, Accuses It of Discrimination January 11, 2010 NAACP says black employees got bad work assignments.
Racial Concerns at Conn. Child Welfare Agency November 9, 2009 Race hustlers upset because welfare commissioner is white.
An NAACP Chapter of a Different Hue November 3, 2009 NAACP president: "Colored people come in all colors," even white.
NAACP Demands Wake School Runoff Go On October 23, 2009 Pro-diversity candidate wants to withdraw, but NAACP insists on election anyway.
NAACP Claims Former Director Stole More Than a Quarter Million Dollars October 15, 2009 Embezzlement shocks members.
NAACP Spearheads Prison Vote Drive in Maine October 6, 2009 White members of NAACP registering criminals who will vote while still in prison.
Ex-Judge to Stand Trial on Sex Charges October 5, 2009 As usual, NAACP says race is behind the charges.
The Lack of a Black Agenda August 4, 2009 Obama has turned his back on the blacks who really need him.
Racial Justice? Bill That May Be Voted on This Week Would Allow Judges to Throw Out Death Penalties July 14, 2009 Legal priority of the NAACP nearing enactment into law.
100 Years On, the NAACP Notes Its Accomplishments and Challenges July 13, 2009 Next on the agenda: "reform" the criminal justice system.
NAACP Issues Ultimatum on Confederate Flag Ban June 15, 2009 Miami NAACP demands Florida city crack down on freedom of expression.
News Corp. Forms Diversity Council June 10, 2009 Rupert Murdoch caves in to NAACP demands to make up for Obama cartoon.
Why We Should Get Rid of the NAACP April 21, 2009 "The NAACP is like a favorite elderly relative, telling the same story every time he sees you."
Is the NAACP’s Relevance Fading? March 26, 2009 There are still plenty of wrongs for the NAACP to right.
Local NAACP Vice President Arrested on Drug Charges March 11, 2009 Baltimore prosecutor thinks he can't make charge stick.