America Again Has a Choice Between the Past and the Future November 3, 2020 CNN analyst says white America is the nation's past.
North Carolina Is the Center of the Political Universe as the State’s Demographics Shift Dramatically October 28, 2020 Trump voter: "We realize that we have been infiltrated by other people that have more liberal views."
Will Asians Stay Woke? October 28, 2020 Or could they lead a conservative shift in elite attitudes about race?
End Minority Rule October 27, 2020 Two political scientists want to reduce the influence of America's "white Christian core."
American Politics: Beyond Black and White October 26, 2020 How Hispanics and Asians complicate the mix.
The Texas Congressional Delegation Doesn’t Reflect the State’s Diversity. Will the Election Change That? October 26, 2020 A professor notes that "Representatives of color make more ethnic-specific policy proposals."
The Relentless Shrinking of Trump’s Base October 24, 2020 The number of whites without college degrees has dropped by more than five million since 2016.
How Fast Is France’s Muslim Population Growing? October 24, 2020 Nearly 22 percent of French newborns have Islamic first names.
Citing White Birth Rates, Chinese Ambassador Claims Western Leaders Are Pursuing a ‘Genocide Policy’ October 23, 2020 "Is this the result of the genocide policy pursued by their leaders?”
The Great Replacement Isn’t Happening. It’s Good That It Is October 20, 2020 More doubletalk from the New York Times.
Trump’s Last Stand for White America October 20, 2020 NYT columnist celebrates "the great replacement."
The Rise of Gen Z Could Foretell the Fall of Trumpism October 15, 2020 Sixty-eight percent of young adults support Black Lives Matter.
The White Vote, the Hispanic Vote, and the Future of the GOP October 9, 2020 A look at 2020 and beyond.
How a 1965 Immigration Law Forever Changed the Makeup of America October 8, 2020 And how the President claimed "it is not a revolutionary bill."
Changing Voter Demographics Will Alter Future Elections October 7, 2020 Analyst says demographic changes since 2016 may doom Trump's re-election chances.
How a White Pastor Became a Race Realist October 3, 2020 "Our compassionate God wants white Christians to wake up."
The Changing Racial and Ethnic Composition of the U.S. Electorate September 28, 2020 Since 2000, three-fourths of all new voters are non-white.
Austin’s Asian Community Outnumbers Black Residents for First Time, Census Data Show September 19, 2020 "[T]he city’s Asian population has grown 71% since 2010."
The Golden State Goes Brown September 9, 2020 California was incorporated into the United States on September 9, 1850 — 170 years ago.
‘A Political Awakening’: How South Asians Could Tilt Key US Elections September 3, 2020 A new flavor of Balkanization.
Interview with an Israeli Journalist August 29, 2020 Race realism, the moral righteousness of self-preservation, and of course, Donald Trump.
He Set Out to Mobilize Latino Voters. Then the Virus Hit. August 15, 2020 "[Voter] registration plummeted 70 percent nationally during the first two months of the pandemic compared to 2016."
Kamala Harris and the Rise of Indian-Origin Politicians in the West August 14, 2020 "To an extent, this reflects a simple demographic reality."
Kamala Harris’s Nomination Is a Turning Point for Democrats August 13, 2020 "Biden has positioned the Democratic Party for a profound generational and demographic transition."
Will Kamala Harris’s Multiracial Background Help or Hurt in Attracting Voters? August 13, 2020 Blacks may be less likely to vote for her than they would be for an all-black candidate.
A Conversation with Renaud Camus August 7, 2020 We are fighting against what may be the worst crime in human history.
The Great Replacement: Richmond July 31, 2020 The Confederate capital is now just another black-run city.
Context is King: How the Left Talks About Demographic Change July 23, 2020 Now you see it, now you don't.
Rising Diversity Is Joe Biden’s Worry, Too July 21, 2020 "The Democratic left wants to terminate the succession of white folks making the history of the country."
Once a Republican Bastion, Arizona is Now a Key State That Could Decide the Election July 20, 2020 What's changed?
The Lost Boys: The White Working Class Is Being Left Behind July 17, 2020 "[W]hite working-class males are the largest disadvantaged minority."
Fertility Rate: ‘Jaw-dropping’ Global Crash in Children Being Born July 15, 2020 Africa is the outlier.
Teen Birthrates Decline Another Year, CDC Report Finds July 14, 2020 "While white teenagers saw a significant decline in 29 states, Hispanic and black teenagers saw a decline in only 10 states."
US Population Growth Is Driven Only by Minorities with the White Population Declining July 6, 2020 This will be the first decade in US history that the white population declined.
The Attack on John Wayne Is an Attack on White America June 27, 2020 The nation's hall monitors have dug up some of his "racist" quotes.
Change is Coming: Non-Whites and Hispanics Make Up Majority of U.S. Under-16 Population June 26, 2020 “We are browning from bottom up in our age structure.”
Mass Immigration — Why You No Longer Recognize Your Country June 12, 2020 Ann Coulter on the immigrant origins of these — and past — riots
Low White Birthrate: This Isn’t Going to Get Better in 2021 May 26, 2020 Steve Sailer examines the bad news.
The Great Replacement: Indianapolis May 23, 2020 The “Crossroads of America” is a different place now.
After Twenty Years Working in Multiracial Public Schools, a White Teacher Tells All May 12, 2020 The reality is grim.
Asian Americans Are the Fastest-growing Racial or Ethnic Group in the U.S. Electorate May 7, 2020 From 2000 to 2020, the number of Asians eligible to vote grew by 139 percent.
Joe Biden to Launch $55 Million Latino Vote Campaign as Fight with Donald Trump to Win Over Hispanic Men Heats Up May 6, 2020 Biden's support with Hispanic men is 50 percent to Trump's 34 percent.
Re-Reading Peter Brimelow’s Alien Nation 25 Years Later April 25, 2020 A reflection by Peter Bradley.
Black Voters Are Also ‘Suburban’ Voters April 9, 2020 "[S]uburbs are no longer synonymous with white upper-middle-class voters."
Naturalized Citizens Could Be Critical in This Fall’s Election April 7, 2020 "Naturalizations tend to spike in an election year and drop right after."
The Great Replacement: Washington, DC April 6, 2020 The rise, fall, and rise of the "Chocolate City."
Can Hispanics, Asians, and White Progressives Launch a Socialist Insurgency in the Western United States? April 1, 2020 If not now, soon.
Immigrant and Native-Born Fertility, 2008 to 2018 April 1, 2020 Immigrant fertility is declining more rapidly than native fertility.
2020 Primary Polling Proves the ‘Latino Vote’ Isn’t at All Monolithic April 1, 2020 Cubans and Mexicans don't vote alike.
In Defense of Gentrification March 19, 2020 "This process does not constitute ethnic or genetic cleansing, but the similarities are obvious."