The Nation We Are Becoming March 15, 2020 Immigration is profoundly changing the nation we will leave to our grandchildren.
ICE Says It Will Take 140 Years to Deport Illegals from Border Surge March 12, 2020 There are more than 3.3 million cases in ICE's "non-detained docket."
The U.S. Census, Illegals — and Counting Congressional Seats March 12, 2020 Democrats see a path to power.
Depopulation Disaster: The Balkans and Its Creeping Demographic Crisis March 10, 2020 Thousands of young and educated citizens are leaving for Western Europe.
‘Don’t Like to See Little Girls in Veils? Move Out of Sweden’: Muslim Teacher and Muslim Politician Clash on Live TV March 6, 2020 "This is my country, too."
The Latino Vote: The ‘Sleeping Giant’ Awakens March 3, 2020 They may be Sanders' "firewall" of support.
Naturalized Citizens Make Up Record One-in-Ten U.S. Eligible Voters in 2020 February 28, 2020 Most of them are Hispanic or Asian.
‘No Way Out’: Demographics Drive GOP Nosedive on West Coast February 26, 2020 “The California Republican Party isn’t salvageable at this time.”
Jesse Jackson Says His Coalition Has Helped Number of Nonwhite Voters in SC Pass 1 Million February 26, 2020 They had a special focus on registering former inmates.
Brexit Might Actually Make the UK More Racially Diverse February 20, 2020 Which probably isn't what Brexit voters were hoping for.
Video: Virginia is the Next Battleground for the Second Amendment February 19, 2020 Demographics to blame.
We Said it First: Demographic Change Is a ‘Freight Train’ February 11, 2020 Democrats see it. Why don’t Republicans?
Long Before Trump, We Were a Divided People February 11, 2020 "We were divided long before Trump got here, and we will remain so long after he departs."
What Made Virginia Change Its Mind on Guns? February 3, 2020 "At the root of this . . . political transition is a slow-moving demographic change."
Can Hispanics Put Bernie Over the Top? February 1, 2020 Someday they’ll have the power, but not this year.
Is Secession the Answer for Virginia? January 29, 2020 This new movement is the future of nationalist politics.
Demographic Shift Poised to Test Trump’s 2020 Strategy January 8, 2020 "Working-class, white voters are projected to decline by 2.3 percentage points" since 2016.
Nearly 400K Anchor Babies Born in 2019, Exceeding U.S. Births in 48 States January 7, 2020 President Trump still hasn't taken action on birthright citizenship.
Our Real Existential Crisis — Extinction January 3, 2020 "We are talking here about what historians, a century hence, will call the Lost Tribes of Europe."
70 Percent Black Baltimore in 2019 Has Homicide Rate of 57 Per 100,000 December 31, 2019 The AP writes: "Reasons for the [increase] vary and are subject to interpretation."
The Withering Away of the Blue: California Set to Lose a Congressional Seat December 31, 2019 There's a trend of blue states losing seats and red states gaining them.
Presidential Candidates Use Spanish Ads, Events to Court Latinos in Primary Race December 31, 2019 Even President Trump's campaign has been running ads in Spanish.
Italy: Birthrates at Historic Lows, Migrants Approach Nine Per Cent of Population December 31, 2019 The Italian birthrate is at 1.32 children per woman.
Immigration and Political Power December 27, 2019 One might "describe the federal immigration program as a national-level analogue to gerrymandering."
Border Trash Remains a Terrible Problem, Yet Gets Little Attention December 26, 2019 Another environmental reason for limiting mass immigration.
The Changing Face of Immigration December 24, 2019 Mexican illegals are now a minority of border arrests.
The Impact of Legal and Illegal Immigration on the Apportionment of Seats in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2020 December 24, 2019 Mass immigration is making the GOP irrelevant.
UN Must Speak Up on Erdoğan’s Plans for Demographic Change in Syria — Kurdish Leader December 24, 2019 Erdoğan "is exploiting the case of refugees to implement a demographic change."
Photos: Will Chile Go Black — or Fight Back? December 22, 2019 And the arrival of multiracialism in the Southern Cone.
Amy Klobuchar: “We Are Not Going to be Able to Succeed in the World if We Do Not Invite Everyone to be Part of Our Economy” December 20, 2019 White presidential hopeful addresses the Great Replacement.
Four Hundred Years Together: Wilmot Robertson on “The Negroes” December 20, 2019 A better source for facts than the “1619 Project.”
The Great Replacement in Belgium December 18, 2019 The Flemings and Walloons now have a reason to unite.
What the British Elections Mean for Whites December 17, 2019 Does Trump understand “the unwritten law of politics”?
As Iowa Grows More Diverse, Democratic Candidates Are Taking Notice December 17, 2019 And there's no word for "caucus" in Spanish.
Camp of the Saints, “Eco-Fascism,” and Liberal Consternation December 15, 2019 A reply to Jennifer Wright.
Another Leftist Brags About the Great Replacement December 11, 2019 Everyone knows what’s happening, except Conservatism Inc.
Prominent Anti-Abortion Chief Warned of Muslims ‘Replacing’ Christian Europeans December 11, 2019 "We’re on the same track as Europe. The church and family are in crisis.”
‘Mass Immigration Turned Virginia Blue’ Banner Hung over Bridge in Arlington December 10, 2019 A rare inner-Beltway sighting of common sense.
Too Many of Us? The Demographic Issue Must Not Be a Taboo December 10, 2019 "For Third World populations having children is often the only hope of having a chance of survival."
Record Number of African Migrants at U.S.-Mexico Border December 9, 2019 And the Congressional Black Caucus is taking interest.
Of Course Demography is Destiny. And Some on the Left Recognize It’s a Weapon December 9, 2019 Obama admin official says "we’re trying to make it destiny."
A Racist Book’s Malign and Lingering Influence December 4, 2019 The New York Times on The Camp of the Saints.
Darwin and Townsville (Australia) are Now Considered More Dangerous Than Poverty-Stricken African Capitals of Kenya and Zimbabwe December 3, 2019 But those cities are not especially "Australian."
Why Western Elites Can’t Keep Ignoring Africa’s Overpopulation Problem November 27, 2019 "Annual aid reductions should be imposed on all foreign governments which eject birth-control advocates."
The Dispossession of White America in 13 Maps November 25, 2019 A visualization of our demographic transformation.
What Is Conservatism, Inc. Actually Conserving? November 22, 2019 "The elephant in the room is demographics . . . any conservative movement that is not willing to engage with it seriously cannot be taken seriously."
Over 1,350 Migrants Arrive on Greek Islands in Single Weekend November 22, 2019 "Many in Greece are not happy about the redistribution of migrants."
Video: College Student Gives Presentation on the Great Replacement November 22, 2019 Common sense coming out of Georgia.
The Cradle of the Confederacy Has a Black Mayor November 20, 2019 Montgomery is now a monument to black rule.
California’s Changing Demographics Will Further Doom Republicans November 18, 2019 And that's the case even though Hispanics have "never exerted their full strength on election day."
Photos: The Demographic Transformation of the South November 16, 2019 The South is now turning non-white more quickly than other parts of the country.
Demographic Change: Imagined or Inevitable? November 15, 2019 If you want it it’s real; if you don’t, it’s a conspiracy theory.
Recycled Children November 14, 2019 Children are rented and sold so border hoppers can show up as a “family.”
Atlantic Thinks ‘Conservatives’ Should Conserve Leftist Power November 14, 2019 By banishing all identitarians.
Schrödinger’s Demographics November 12, 2019 Democrats celebrate demographic change, but say Republicans who notice are “racists.”
Jared Taylor Explains White Advocacy to Italian TV November 6, 2019 Italian TV appears none the wiser.
Life Expectancy for American Men Drops for a Third Year November 5, 2019 The white mortality rate in 1999 was 30 percent lower than that of blacks. Today, it's 30 percent higher.
White Students Are Now the Minority in U.S. Public Schools November 5, 2019 “Opportunities for positive growth, including increased social awareness and cultural understanding” abound.