Morgan Stanley Under Fire for Minority-Only Intern Program February 16, 2022 "This internship program is actively harming and racializing our already divided country."
Biden Calls Out Lack of Black Head Coaches in NFL in Super Bowl Interview February 14, 2022 "It’s not a requirement of law, but it’s a requirement, I think, of just some generic decency.”
Garda Recruitment Drive Seeks to Broaden Diversity of Force February 13, 2022 Irish police are just too darn white.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Are Necessities in U.S. Military February 10, 2022 The Pentagon's new priorities.
Civil Rights Leaders Call For Replacement of Rooney Rule February 9, 2022 Black activists want the power to review NFL hiring decisions.
Reporter Asks Psaki If Biden Will Pledge to Nominate an Asian-American or LGBTQ Supreme Court Justice February 4, 2022 WH spox says Biden prioritizes making the courts more diverse.
Judging Merit by Identity February 3, 2022 "Our leading institutions . . . are fast becoming nonserious entities, frittering away our civilizational legacy."
Human Rights Campaign’s First Black Leader Sues Over Firing, Alleging Racial Bias February 3, 2022 Hard to run an organization where everyone is a victim.
NFL Sued for Racial Discrimination by Former Dolphins Coach Brian Flores February 1, 2022 Black coach says he is "standing up against systemic racism in the NFL."
Will the Supreme Court Extend the O’Connor Deadline? February 1, 2022 Whatever it does, the debate ignores the interests of whites.
Biden Appointment Insults the Supreme Court January 31, 2022 He refuses to consider 96.6 percent of the best qualified candidates for appointment.
Majority of Americans Want Biden to Consider ‘all Possible Nominees’ for Supreme Court Vacancy January 31, 2022 Not even Dems like his only-a-black-woman approach.
Georgetown Law Professor Prompts Backlash by Saying Biden Will Pick ‘Lesser Black Woman’ for Supreme Court January 31, 2022 "Because Biden said [he'll] only consider black women for SCOTUS, his nomination will always have an asterisk attached."
Racial Turmoil Mars Signs of Progress at the U.S. Mint January 28, 2022 Black workers feel "threatened" by "microaggressions" at the federal agency.
Hollywood’s New Rules January 23, 2022 "I know a lot of very talented people that can’t get work because they’re not black, Native American, female or LGBTQ.”
Inslee Rescinds State Government Affirmative Action Ban January 10, 2022 Voters upheld the ban in 2019.
The Striking Race Gap in Corporate America January 10, 2022 It's "striking" that just eight percent of C-Suite executives are black.
Corporate Boards Are Too White, Too Male – and Too Old January 7, 2022 Jamaal Glenn argues that more diversity will combat corporate corruption.
GOP-Led States Slam ‘Crude and Odious’ Nasdaq Diversity Rule January 3, 2022 The Republican AGs say the mandate discriminates against whites.
Major Corporations Had ‘Woke’ Trainings Exposed in 2021 December 29, 2021 Pfizer employee: "We now have quotas, basically, in hiring and promotions."
Jesse Jackson Calls for Affirmative Action to Tackle White Male Supremacy in UK December 20, 2021 “We complain about the Taliban but we do it ourselves in a nicer, gentler way.”
Blackrock Adds Diversity Target for U.S. Boardrooms December 17, 2021 Financial giant wants all boardrooms to be 30 percent "diverse."
McDonald’s Pledges $250m to New Franchise Owners to Help Increase Diversity December 16, 2021 Nearly 30 percent of current franchise owners are non-white.
Democrats Push ‘Racial Equity Audits’ To Cement Control of Tech Companies December 14, 2021 Companies should do away with any "objective definition of merit" in order to "attract Black talent."
Tyson to Conduct Racial Audit After Outcry Over Workers December 13, 2021 The majority of its workforce is non-white.
British Military Must Embrace Diversity After Scandals, Says New Chief December 10, 2021 Admiral says the push reflects "woefulness" not "wokefulness."
Doctors Warn New Medical School Guidance Would Lead to Unqualified Physicians and Unscientific Medicine December 8, 2021 One doctor says the new standards "tripl[e] down on affirmative action."
Minority Professor Denied Grants Because He Hires on Merit December 4, 2021 "If I want to focus on merit, fairness and equality, then you get called out as a racist or sexist and I refuse to let that happen to me."
UNC School of Medicine’s Quiet “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” Revolution December 2, 2021 Teachers and students are now required to commit themselves to anti-white concepts.
McDonald’s Urged to Assess Civil-Rights Impact in Race Audit November 29, 2021 McDonald's wants to "accelerate meaningful and overdue societal change.”
Washington State Patrol Replaces Psychologist After Passing Too Many White People in Screenings November 15, 2021 Diversity trumps merit.
One of the World’s Biggest Investment Firms Are Trying to Triple the Number of Bame Staff and Cut Down on Hiring of White Men November 8, 2021 The firm allegedly requires recruiters to get special approval before hiring white men.
McAuliffe Laments Number of White Teachers Ahead of Va. Governor Vote November 2, 2021 “Fifty percent of students at Virginia schools. . . are students of color, and yet 80 percent of the teachers are white."
White Male Marketing VP at North Carolina Hospital Wins $10million ‘Reverse Discrimination’ Payout October 27, 2021 He was replaced by two women as part of a diversity and inclusion program.
As Some Black Staff Members Leave Congress, Those Who Remain Call for Change October 22, 2021 Blacks want special treatment on Capitol Hill.
Seminal ‘Diversity = Profits’ Research Doesn’t Fare Well Under the Microscope October 22, 2021 "They're not structured to detect any causal evidence [that diversity generates profits]."
How ‘Diversity’ Turned Tyrannical October 22, 2021 Even theoretical astrophysicists must profess commitment to "diversity."
MIT Axed Lecture by Geophysicist Because He Said Academic Evaluations Should Be Based on Merit Not Racial ‘Equity’ October 13, 2021 Thousands register for the scholar's new lecture at Princeton.
Famed Art Institute of Chicago Fires All Docents, Primarily White Women October 12, 2021 The museum found the white volunteers weren't diverse.
How Racial Anxiety Conquered an Orchestra and Crushed a Career September 24, 2021 Black musician lied about about a white musician and got him fired.
Universities Say They Want More Diverse Faculties. So Why Is Academia Still so White? September 22, 2021 "Academia is a place where. . . there is racism without racists."
Buffalo Philharmonic: No White or Asian Conductors Need Apply September 20, 2021 No orchestra member or board member complained about the discrimination.
The Cost of Affirmative Action September 19, 2021 Law school admissions as a case study in racial preferences.
Hollywood Says Its Antiracism Push Is Not a ‘Fad.’ Is the Industry Keeping Its Promises? September 19, 2021 Several studios have racial quotas for cast and crew.
American Express Engages in ‘Reverse Discrimination’ Against White People, Current and Former Employees Say September 10, 2021 "They're only promoting black people."
Corporate America’s $50 Billion Promise September 2, 2021 Washington Post claims that amount isn't enough to lift up blacks.
Broadway Power Brokers Pledge Diversity Changes as Theaters Reopen August 30, 2021 They vow to "never assemble an all-white creative team on a production again, regardless of the subject matter of the show."
Struggling News Industry Steps Up Recruitment of Diverse Leaders August 26, 2021 Surely that will save it.
MIT Welcomes Six New Assistant Deans for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion August 25, 2021 "[A]nd there are more in the works."
Name Discrimination Study Finds Lakisha and Jamal Still Less Likely to Get Hired Than Emily and Greg August 23, 2021 Customer-facing industries are the most likely not to follow up on Lakisha's application.
Meet America’s Race Czars August 18, 2021 A shadowy bureaucracy decides who is “black enough” to get government perks.
Hidden Bias in the Wedding Industrial Complex August 12, 2021 Wait until they learn the history of monogamy.
Navy Could Return to Using Photos for Promotions, Personnel Chief Says August 10, 2021 "You look at diversity, it went down with photos removed."
SEC Approves Nasdaq’s Plan to Require Board Diversity August 9, 2021 Exchange imposes quotas on nearly 3,000 companies.
Grammy Awards Show to Make Diversity Part of the Contract August 6, 2021 It's the first major music awards show to impose racial quotas.
Proud to Be Gay and Proud to Be White July 24, 2021 "[W]hen push comes to shove, my guess is that race trumps sexual identity."
A Call to Diversify Those Calling the Cues July 24, 2021 Stage managers remain "stubbornly homogeneous."
Why This Document Could Change Racial Identity Politics at Aussie Universities Forever July 24, 2021 Abo applicants must now prove their racial background.
White Aussies Who Pretend to Be Aboriginal Are Taking Over Universities and Stealing High-Paid Jobs Meant For Real Indigenous Australians July 15, 2021 Whites dispense with their "white privilege."
Diversity in U.S. Spy Agencies Ticks Up, Report Finds July 12, 2021 "Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion is fundamental to our democratic values and critical to meeting the IC’s mission."
A Disparaging Video Prompts Explosive Fallout Within ESPN July 8, 2021 White anchor dared complain that the network picked a black anchor over her.
NIH Releases a Plan to Confront Structural Racism. Critics Say It’s Not Enough June 22, 2021 Black researchers demand even more funding.
I Used to Be a Miscegenist — Now I’m an Identitarian June 19, 2021 "I began to see an unmistakable, dramatic difference between blacks and whites of the same socioeconomic class."
Media Giant iHeart: ‘We Are Looking at Only Diverse Hires at This Time’ June 15, 2021 No whites need apply.
The Native Scholar Who Wasn’t June 15, 2021 White academic keeps her career despite faking Indian heritage.
What Are Companies Desperate For Diversity Consultants Actually Buying? June 12, 2021 Consultants' mansions and luxury cars, probably.