The Very Real Economic Costs of Birthright Citizenship August 25, 2015 71 percent of illegal-headed households with children got handouts in 2009.
How Trump Could Change Birthright Citizenship August 21, 2015 He could do it through legislation or by executive action.
Fox News Anchored in Stupidity on 14th Amendment August 20, 2015 Ann Coulter gives a history lesson to people who should know better.
Trump Could Boost Bill Ending Birthright Citizenship August 20, 2015 Each year, about 400,000 children are born in the US to illegal immigrants.
Voters Want to Build A Wall, Deport Felon Illegal Immigrants August 19, 2015 A majority also oppose birthright citizenship.
Trump Driving Migrant Debate Among GOP Field August 18, 2015 Roy Beck says Trump has put the immigration issue "front and center."
Mexican Drug Lord ‘El Chapo’ Ordered Wife to Give Birth to Anchor Babies in California July 14, 2015 Who knows what chain migration could bring us.
House Immigration Subcommittee Examines the Constitutionality and Merits of Birthright Citizenship May 1, 2015 SPLC testified in favor of birthright citizenship.
House Republicans Try to Gut a Key American Principle May 1, 2015 Permitting birth tourism is apparently now an American principle.
Most Voters Want More Aggressive Deportation Policies April 6, 2015 A majority of US voters continue to oppose birthright citizenship.
Vitter Seeks to Attach Amendment Ending Birthright Citizenship to Anti-Trafficking Bill March 11, 2015 Congressman tries to clear "misunderstanding" of the 14th Amendment.
Feds Raid California ‘Maternity Hotels’ for Birth Tourists March 3, 2015 "The first large-scale federal probe of birth-tourism."
Why Chinese Moms Want American Babies February 9, 2015 In 2012, 10,000 Chinese women came to the US to give birth.
Ingraham: Time for Mass Deportations ‘By the Thousands,’ End Birthright Citizenships July 7, 2014 Common sense spoken on the air for a change.
Instant Citizens May 2, 2014 Like Asians, Eastern Europeans now coming to the US for "birth tourism."
Canadian Citizenship Rules Face Broad Reform in 2014 January 24, 2014 The Conservative government wants to stop birth tourism make citizenship harder to get.
A Test for One Chinese Province: How to Educate an Influx of US-Born Children January 21, 2014 Another crazy consequence of birthright citizenship.
Chinese Women Flock to the U.S. to Give Birth November 29, 2013 An estimated 10,000 Chinese women gave birth to anchor babies last year.
Justice Scalia: 14th Amendment for All, Not ‘Only the Blacks’ October 16, 2013 The Court seems likely to uphold Michigan's ban on racial preferences in school admissions.
In California, ‘Birth Tourism’ Appears to Grow September 26, 2012 There are more than 40 operations that host 1,000 women in the LA area alone.
Tory Crackdown on ‘Birth Tourists’ Will Eliminate Canadian Passport Babies March 6, 2012 Will Canada put an end to jus soli?
‘Anchor Baby’ Controversy: American Heritage Dictionary to Add Label to Pejorative Term December 5, 2011 "Anchor baby" is now "pejorative."
New High: 65% Oppose Automatic Citizenship for Children Born Here to Illegal Immigrants November 21, 2011 But politicians won't listen to the people.
Pat Buchanan’s New Book Is Clear-Headed October 28, 2011 Congressman Virgil Goode praises Suicide of a Superpower.
Love Thy Neighbour? Not When it Comes to the Dominican Republic and Haiti October 4, 2011 Dominicans don't like Haitians.
Ten Reasons Why Rick Perry is Bad on Immigration August 19, 2011 . . . and only the first would be bad enough.
Immigration Essay Sparks Anger at Rollins College March 25, 2011 Another college student learns the limits of "open debate" in America.
CIS: Nearly 200,000 Children Born in U.S. to Temporary Foreign Visitors March 16, 2011 Tens of thousands of foreign women come to the US each year for the sole purpose of giving birth to a US citizen.
Public Favors Tougher Border Controls and Path to Citizenship February 28, 2011 Whites overwhelmingly support the Arizona law. Hispanics oppose it.
Pew Hispanic Center: Eight Percent of U.S. Newborns Are to Illegal Aliens February 8, 2011 At least 350,000 anchor babies born last year.
Arizona Bill Targets Citizenship for Children of Illegal Immigrants January 28, 2011 Opponents say it's "mean-spirited."
Birthright Citizenship–A Fundamental Misunderstanding of the 14th Amendment January 17, 2011 What "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" really means.
Legislators Work with Anti-Immigrant Hate Group to Gut 14th Amendment January 7, 2011 SPLC hate-sniffers are at it again.
State Lawmakers Announce New Law to End Birthright Citizenship and Anchor Babies January 6, 2011 Hispanics are livid.
Hispanic Group Condemns State Senator’s Use of ‘Anchor Baby’ Term January 6, 2011 Another term whites aren't supposed to use.
14 States May Target Birthright Citizenship January 4, 2011 Model legislation should be easily copied.
Born in the USA? Some Chinese Plan It That Way December 9, 2010 Helping Chinese mothers realize their American dreams.
GOP Majority in House Will Push to End ‘Birthright Citizenship’ November 18, 2010 US should do what Britain, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, France, and India have already done.
State Lawmakers Preparing Citizenship Legislation October 19, 2010 Legislators from 14 states looking to repeal birthright citizenship for illegals.
Illegal Immigrants Estimated to Account for 1 in 12 U.S. Births August 12, 2010 340,000 children of illegals were born in US in 2008.
Across Texas, 60,000 Babies of Noncitizens Get U.S. Birthright August 9, 2010 Efforts to modify 14th amendment gathering steam?
White Citizenship August 6, 2010 Black wacko thinks fight against birthright citizenship could lead to stripping blacks of citizenship.
U.S. Immigration Fight Widens to Native-Born August 2, 2010 Legislators finally talking about birthright citizenship.
Graham Eyes ‘Birthright Citizenship’ July 29, 2010 May introduce a constitutional amendment to withhold citizenship from anchor babies.
Treason Lobby Does Damage Control on Birthright Citizenship July 6, 2010 An excellent summary from VDARE on anchor babies.
Arizona’s Next Immigration Target: Children of Illegals June 14, 2010 Oh dear. Now those "racists" in Arizona are going after newborns.
Rand Paul: U.S. Should Stop Granting Citizenship to Children of Illegal Immigrants May 28, 2010 "We shouldn't provide an easy route to citizenship."
Birth Tourism in US on the Rise for Turkish Parents March 16, 2010 12,000 new Turkish-Americans since 2003.
More Welfare Going to Parents Here Illegally October 27, 2009 With an anchor baby a non-citizen gets welfare.
Group Seeks to Limit Services for Children of Undocumented September 29, 2009 States proposing to do what the feds will not.
Illegal Immigrants Account for $10.7 Billion of Nation’s Health Care Costs, Data Show July 30, 2009 Illegals "not covered" by House plan, but they'll get medical treatment anyway.
Citizenship for Sale? June 30, 2009 Tucson hospital recuits rich Mexicans for birthright citizenship.
Georgia Lawmaker Wants to End ‘Birthright Citizenship’ May 26, 2009 Fourteenth Amendment never meant to give citizenship to illegals.
Targeting Illegal Immigrants May 11, 2009 California ballot initiative to require parents of newborns to prove legal status.
Midwife Births Raise Questions About Citizenship February 11, 2009 Many anchor babies may have been born on wrong side of the border.
California Taxpayer Protection Act January 2, 2009 Ballot initiative takes aim at birthright citizenship.
Berman Will File 9 Bills About Illegal Immigration November 17, 2008 Including one that challenges birthright citizenship for children of illegals.
Deal Seeks To End Birthright Citizenship For Illegals August 28, 2007 Congressman says effort to end automatic citizenship gathering momentum.
Legal Immigration — The Bigger Problem August 1, 2007 There are dozens of ways immigrants get into the country legally—and then stay.
Illegitimate Births Among Immigrants April 19, 2007 Rate of illegitimate births now about the same for immigrant and native mothers.
Bill Rekindles Debate On Birthright Citizenship November 22, 2006 The 14th Amendment was never intended to grant citizenship to children of illegals.