Illegal Border Crossings More than Double Since Amnesty Talks Started
Awr Hawkins, Breitbart, April 1, 2013
Reports indicate that since Senator John McCain’s “Gang of Eight” restarted their latest push for amnesty, illegal border crossings from Mexico to the U.S. have more than doubled. It appears those entering the country illegally want to be sure they are here in case a blanket amnesty pronouncement is issued.
As a U.S. Border Patrol Agent who spoke on condition of anonymity made clear, a number of those entering the country illegally are doing so to escape jail time or persecution in their own country: “We’ve seen the number of illegal aliens double, maybe even triple since amnesty talks started happening. [And] a lot of these people, although not the majority, are criminals or aggravated felons.”
Making matters worse, Border Patrol Agents currently face hour and pay reductions which Obama is blaming on the sequester cuts he signed into law in August 2011. This means there is less and less chance of catching illegal aliens as they cross over.