Trump Off to a Roaring Start
Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, January 22, 2025
A clean break with Biden/Harris.
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This was no gracious farewell. On Monday, Joe Biden got about as vicious a kick in the pants as any outgoing President ever got from the new guy. Mr. Trump called the Biden administration “radical and corrupt,” “the worst in our country’s history,” and promised to “totally reverse a horrible betrayal.”
Credit Image: © Chip Somodevilla-Pool/CNP via ZUMA Press Wire
And as soon as he was sworn in, the new President started issuing orders. He announced an end to birthright citizenship. He declared a “national emergency” and “an invasion” at the border.
Credit Image: © David Peinado/ZUMA Press Wire
He will admit zero refugees “for at least four months.”
He turned off the absurd Biden CPB One phone app. Since January 2023, it had let nearly a million border-hoppers make appointments—for Pete’s sake—to amble in, apply for amnesty, and get turned loose. About 30,000 people got a new message: “Your appointment is canceled.”
Mr. Trump ended an outrageous Biden program that flew in half a million people—at our expense—from about the most awful of awful places: Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Haiti.
And this is really important. He will expand “expedited removal” to the whole country. It’s a way to boot illegals without having to go through clogged immigration courts that have a backlog of three million cases. Other Presidents used expedited removal only at the Mexican border.
Mr. Trump will vigorously seek the death penalty for illegals who commit capital crimes.
What will probably be his first piece of legislation—the Laken Riley Act—just passed the Senate and went to the house.
Credit Image: © Gina M Randazzo/ZUMA Press Wire
It will mean any illegal who commits a crime—from shoplifting on up—will be locked up. No more catch-and-release at the police station.
Mr. Trump will root out government DEI. He also canceled every single Biden DEI order, which grotesquely ordered every agency, including the armed forces, to make race preferences a top goal.
Credit Image: © Kyodonews via ZUMA Press
And he means it. He has already fired the commandant of the Coast Guard. She’s a lady admiral named Linda Fagan, appointed with great fanfare by Joe Biden, as the first woman to lead a branch of the military.
Credit Image: © Bonnie Cash-POOL/CNP via ZUMA Press Wire
Among her sins: “excessive focus” on diversity. I can believe it from this woman.
Credit Image: © Michael Brochstein/ZUMA Press Wire
He just issued a very important order ending all race and sex preferences in the government and he set up a plan to stop what he called “illegal and immoral” race discrimination in the private sector and in universities. It’s about time!
There will be a fight over birthright citizenship. Twenty-two states and two cities—San Francisco and DC, naturally—have already filed suit to keep it. What an insult to America! They want every child of an MS-13 gunman or a Haitian crack ho hatched on our soil to be a citizen.
The Supreme Court will have to decide, and Mr. Biden’s quota hire on the bench won’t help.
Credit Image: © Eric Lee – Pool Via Cnp/CNP via ZUMA Press Wire
If Mr. Trump wins, it will stop 150,000 foreigners each year from dropping anchor babies. This would cover all non-permanent residents, including H-1B visa-holders.
Declaring an invasion and an emergency at the border gives the President emergency powers. He can spend money without Congress’s approval to finish the wall.
Credit Image: © Carlos A. Moreno/ZUMA Press Wire
Soldiers can collar illegals, not just help with transport and warehousing.
Credit Image: © Liu Jie/Xinhua via ZUMA Press
The plan is to “seal the border.”
Credit Image: © Walter G Arce Sr Grindstone Medi/ASP
No more border-hoppers.
Mr. Trump will also declare foreign gangs and cartels terrorist organizations.
Credit Image: © Xinhua/ZUMA Press
That means anyone helping them is a criminal. Every street-corner thug who pushes cartel drugs could face serious jail time or expulsion.
Credit Image: © Sebastian Barros/LongVisual via ZUMA Press Wire
We never even heard of Tren de Aragua until Sleepy Joe waved in hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans. Trump wants them out.
His big, glaring failure is on H-1B visas.
His tech pals don’t seem to realize that America first means Americans first. I want all those scab workers out.
So far, I give the new President an A minus. Where could he improve? I want an immediate end to temporary protected status or TPS for illegals. Just 10 days before he was evicted, Joe Biden extended TPS for 800,000 Venezuelans and Salvadorans. That’s right.
Those nice people who brought us MS-13 and Tren de Aragua. Out.
Credit Image: © Vladimir Chicas/DPA via ZUMA Press
Only Congress can abolish the diversity visa lottery, but I want a full-scale assault on a system that treats America like a prize in a bingo game.
And I want mass deportation. On Monday, Mr. Trump said he would be “returning millions and millions of criminal aliens back to the places from which they came.” “Millions and millions” is lyrical, but don’t stop with criminals. Out. All of them.
In just two days, Donald Trump has dug a chasm between his presidency and the dog’s dinner that just ended. Hooray. And this time, he’s swooping into Washington with a crack team of dedicated people. He won’t be hoodwinked by RINOs who secretly despise him. His opponents act like demoralized losers.
Credit Image: © Carlos Chiossone/ZUMA Press Wire
Will this be a “new golden age” for America, as he promised on Monday? No. But it’s a start.
Next on my list? A remigration plan for unassimilables here legally. A working group on repealing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to restore freedom of association. An end to the ridiculous doctrine of disparate impact. A Tenth Amendment Czar to promote local autonomy. A Presidential commission to study the societal impact of race differences in IQ. But I can wait until next week for those things.
Mr. Trump’s got four years. We’ll keep the pressure on him the whole time.