Rep. Steve King on The Political Cesspool November 30, 2022 Fresh off his appearance at the AR conference.
Rep. Steve King Says His Book to Be Released Within Weeks September 23, 2020 He's also planning to form an international organization to defend Western civilization.
We Should Cancel Conservatism June 12, 2020 National Review denounces “cancel culture” while celebrating Steve King’s ouster.
Can Republican Steve King Keep His Seat After Becoming a ‘Pariah Inside the Party’? June 2, 2020 Not even President Trump backs him.
A Racist Book’s Malign and Lingering Influence December 4, 2019 The New York Times on The Camp of the Saints.
Why a Banking Heiress Spent Her Fortune on Keeping Immigrants Out August 15, 2019 Cordelia Scaife May’s fortune made the immigration-control movement and Donald Trump’s presidency possible.
‘It Was a Political Lynch Mob’: Steve King Pledges to Fight GOP over His Exile June 6, 2019 Steve King is in danger of being “primaried” out of Congress.
Betraying Steve King and Roger Scruton April 15, 2019 They are victims of media deception and conservative cowardice.
Both Parties Defend Israel. What About Defending America? February 25, 2019 "Conservatives" will stand up for Jews but not white gentiles.
MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace: “There Isn’t a Strain of Racism on the Left’ January 16, 2019 To rid themselves of "racism," Republicans "would have to completely reinvent the party."
Steve King Removed from Committee Assignments over White Supremacy Remark January 15, 2019 Democrats are working on resolutions to censure him.
Before Trump, Steve King Set the Agenda for the Wall and Anti-Immigrant Politics January 10, 2019 He's dared speak of demographics, multiculturalism, and race.
Black Republicans Betray Conservatives December 5, 2018 They impose left-wing dictates on their own party.
Trump’s Immigration Push May Have Stemmed Gop Losses November 7, 2018 “You’ve got to give credit to the president. He closed the gap by making this about him.”
Rep. Steve King: Immigration Is ‘Slow-Motion Cultural Suicide’ October 22, 2018 Rep. King opposes "the great replacement."
Make America Speak English Again? July 26, 2018 GOP can't recognize a winning issue when they see one.
Twitter Is “Shadow Banning” Prominent Republicans Like the RNC Chair and Trump Jr.’s Spokesman July 25, 2018 Twitter claims the censorship is part of an effort to improve discourse on the platform.
The “Scary Ideology” that Haunts the Left July 6, 2018 Journalists love to rail against imagined enemies.
Trump Immigration Plan Could Keep Whites in U.S. Majority for up to Five More Years February 6, 2018 This is supposed to be a point against it.
The Notorious Book That Ties the Right to the Far Right February 5, 2018 A liberal's meditation on Camp of Saints.
Trump Immigration Plan Hits Wall of Opposition January 26, 2018 Mark Krikorian: "Time to start burning your #MAGA hats."
CBO: At Least 4.5M Anchor Babies in U.S. December 27, 2017 Estimate does not include "potentially millions" who are older than 18.
Rep. Steve King: ‘Diversity Is Not Our Strength’ December 8, 2017 He thinks America's greatest strength is assimilation.
White Nationalism Is the Real Threat to the West. Not Islam. October 13, 2017 Western Civilization is not threatened by mass immigration, but by reaction to it.
Trump Bets Base Will Stick with Him on Immigration September 19, 2017 . . . but that might not be the case.
Video: Steve King: Use Funding From Food Stamps, Planned Parenthood to Pay for Border Wall July 12, 2017 CNN host can barely contain her rage.
‘Other People’s Babies’ March 21, 2017 Wall Street Journal admits immigration brings social instability, but wants it anyway.
What Rep. Steve King’s ‘Racist’ Statements Teach March 20, 2017 "There’s a class of people for whom no identity is permitted. They’re the people of Europe and the Anglo-sphere."
Austria Election: Far Right Leader Norbert Hofer Concedes Defeat to Alexander Van Der Bellen December 5, 2016 "Far right" leader still received 46.7 percent of the vote.
Catholics Must Resist Ethno-Nationalism July 28, 2016 Because Protestants once treated Catholics poorly, whites should give away their countries.
‘Pro-White’ Radio Host Interviewed 4 GOPers at RNC About Support for Trump July 26, 2016 James Edwards was admitted to the GOP convention as a member of the press.
Jon Stewart Tears into Trump Supporters: ‘This Country Isn’t Yours’ July 22, 2016 "There is no real America. You don't own it."
What, Congressman Steve King Asks, Have Nonwhites Done for Civilization? July 19, 2016 The congressman fought back against gloating about white decline.
Trump Could Boost Bill Ending Birthright Citizenship August 20, 2015 Each year, about 400,000 children are born in the US to illegal immigrants.
Trump Driving Migrant Debate Among GOP Field August 18, 2015 Roy Beck says Trump has put the immigration issue "front and center."
Four Republican Hopefuls Return Money After ‘Dylann Roof Manifesto’ Revelation June 22, 2015 "Racists" aren't entitled to political speech.
House GOP Votes to Block Obama Administration from Spending Money on Immigration Lawsuit June 4, 2015 Also passed an amendment blocking spending on trade deals that add visas.
House Immigration Subcommittee Examines the Constitutionality and Merits of Birthright Citizenship May 1, 2015 SPLC testified in favor of birthright citizenship.
House Republicans Try to Gut a Key American Principle May 1, 2015 Permitting birth tourism is apparently now an American principle.
Muslim Congressmen Want To Block ‘Islamophobic’ Dutch Lawmaker Geert Wilders from Entering US April 29, 2015 No free speech for him.
House Nears Passage of Homeland Bill Without Conditions March 3, 2015 Steve King says "This is the signal of capitulation."
Conservatives Express Anger That Amnesty Not Defunded in Omnibus December 10, 2014 Some congressmen are sponsoring an amendment to defund it.
The Case for Reparations (to Undocumented Workers) December 5, 2014 Author says we owe between $22,000 and $101,000 to each illegal.
States Moving to Adopt English as ‘Official Language’ September 9, 2014 83 percent of Americans want official English.
House Votes on and Approves Rep. Steve King’s Amendment, Again May 30, 2014 Rep. King wants an investigation into the release of criminal illegal aliens.
House Republicans’ Secret Immigration Ploy April 3, 2014 They want amnesty for "DREAMers" who join the military.
John Boehner Blasts Obama for Using Executive Order to Hike Minimum Wage for Federal Contract Workers by 39 Percent January 29, 2014 Obama will continue making policy by executive fiat.
Liberal Icon Urges Obama Impeachment January 22, 2014 Says he is guilty of unprecedented abuse of power.
12-Year-Old Drug Smuggler Reignites Immigration Debate December 27, 2013 He was caught bringing in 80 pounds of marijuana.
On “Dream” 50th, Race Is Less Black & White, More Scale of Grey September 3, 2013 What AmRen is up to should be treated as a "criminal act."
Steve King Is Right About the KIDS Act July 29, 2013 But that doesn't stop John Boehner from calling straight talk "hateful language."
July 15th in Washington, D.C.: Anti-Amnesty March and Rally July 11, 2013 Blacks organizing a rally against amnesty.
Rubio Stares Down the Right over ‘Undocumented Democrats’ June 18, 2013 Pro-amnesty Republicans want to repeat history, but expect a different outcome.
Rep. Steve King Leads House Press Conference on Immigration May 16, 2013 He asks: "How is this bill good for Americans?"
Rep. Steve King: ‘I Have No Moral Obligation’ to Help Illegal Aliens Stay in USA May 15, 2013 It's about time a congressman said so!
U.S. Opens Spigot After Farmers Claim Discrimination April 26, 2013 Even the New York Times has discovered the fraud.
BRC (“Black Run Conservatism”) vs. GAP — (“Generic American Party’) February 14, 2013 Republicans have found a new "black savior."