Posted on September 9, 2014

States Moving to Adopt English as ‘Official Language’

John Blosser, Newsmax, September 8, 2014

While bills to make English the official national language languish in Senate and House committees, five more states are moving to adopt legislation to establish English as their states’ only official language.

The Washington Post reports that West Virginia, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania all have bills pending in state legislatures that would establish English as their official language, joining 31 other states who have taken that step.

Meanwhile, California provides election services and government materials in nine languages and has a Spanish-language Department of Motor Vehicles website.

A Rasmussen poll conducted last month discovered that 83 percent of Americans want English adopted nationally, while only 10 percent disagreed.

“I am pleased that an overwhelming majority of Americans continue to recognize the English language as the factor that unites us in our diversity,” Mauro E. Mujica, chairman of U.S. English, an advocacy group with over 1.8 million members, said of the poll.


However, bills offered last year by Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa and Republican Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma are pending in committees.


“I’ve introduced the Official English Act every session I’ve been in Congress because I know that an official language will keep this nation bound together,” King told Fox News. “Now we need to get Official English passed into law.”
