FBI Investigating Possible ISIS-Inspired Knife Attack in Virginia August 23, 2016 Wasil Farooqui yelled "Allahu akbar" as he knifed a man and woman.
Maine Refugee ‘On Welfare’ Fought for ISIS August 22, 2016 He was on the dole for four years before he caught a flight to Turkey.
Paul Ryan’s Primary Opponent Asks ‘Why Do We Have Muslims in the Country?’ August 5, 2016 Good question.
Police Officer for D.C. Subway System Accused of Trying to Help ISIS August 3, 2016 Muslim convert is the first U.S. law enforcement officer to be charged with trying to help ISIS.
Sorry, Khizr Khan (And Clinton Democrats), Muslim Immigration Is Still a Bad Bet August 1, 2016 Muslims are far underrepresented in the US military, and some have killed fellow soldiers.
DHS Grants Syrians Temporary Amnesty August 1, 2016 They can stay in the US for the next 18 months regardless of legal status.
3 Arrested in Palm Beach County for Allegedly Trying to Help ISIS July 25, 2016 They "rejoiced" at news of the Bastille Day attack in Nice.
FBI Has Found No Evidence So Far That Orlando Shooter Targeted Pulse Because It Was a Gay Club July 15, 2016 Nor have they found any evidence that he was attracted to men.
Clinton to Resettle One Million Muslim Migrants During First Term Alone July 15, 2016 That's not including chain migration of Syrian refugees' family members.
Ontario Facing ‘Epidemic of Islamophobia’ Survey Finds July 12, 2016 A possible result of 12,000 Syrian refugees.
Bill O’Reilly Shares Photos of Barack Obama in Traditional Muslim Dress Saying They Prove His ‘Deep Emotional Ties to Islam’ July 7, 2016 It's supposedly how he dressed for his polygamous brother's wedding in the 1990s.
Children’s Character Curious George Observes Ramadan July 7, 2016 In his latest adventure, George accompanies his friend Kareem to a mosque.
How an American Went from Ivy League Student to Disillusioned ISIS Fighter July 5, 2016 Then begged the US government to come save him.
Al Qaeda Urges Lone Wolves to Target Whites, to Avoid ‘Hate Crime’ Label June 27, 2016 They know you hit whites if you are targeting "America."
Muslim Women Kicked Out of US Cafe Accused of ‘Civilizational Jihad’ by Lawyer June 24, 2016 He says Council on American-Islamic Relations aims "to weaken Western Civilization."
Poll: Voters Trust Trump Most to Keep America Safe June 22, 2016 48 percent of Americans support a temporary ban on Muslim immigration; 40 percent oppose.
FBI: Indiana Teen Wanted to Join ISIS, Researched Homeland Terror Targets June 22, 2016 The feds tried to deradicalize him in 2013.
LGBTQ Protestors Disrupt Donald Trump at Press Conference, Saying ‘Lies Equal Violence’ June 22, 2016 A Muslim massacres homosexuals in Orlando. LGBTQ protesters blame Trump.
Why the ‘Lone-Wolf’ Terrorist Is a Myth June 21, 2016 "Lone wolves" have families and communities that help radicalize them.
Donald Trump: U.S. Must “Start Thinking About” Racial Profiling June 20, 2016 He cites Israel as a model.
Orlando, Paris, Yorkshire, and Donald Trump’s Unanswerable Questions About Immigration June 20, 2016 Relentless logic from John Derbyshire.
‘I Love You Babe’: Text Messages Omar Mateen and His Wife Sent During Orlando Massacre June 17, 2016 She may be charged with 49 counts of murder.
Half of Americans Suddenly Support Muslim Immigration Ban June 16, 2016 That's a 7 percentage-point swing from before the Orlando attack.
Bulgaria Becomes the Latest Country to Ban the Muslim Face Veil June 16, 2016 Latvia is planning a similar measure.
After F.B.I.’s Inquiry into Omar Mateen, a Focus on What Else Could Be Done June 15, 2016 The bureau is investigating 1,000 potential "homegrown violent extremists."
Sessions: More Than 570 Charged, Convicted or Connected to Terror Since 9/11; Almost All Muslims June 15, 2016 Two thirds were foreign-born.
Gunman’s Wife Says She Tried to Talk Him Out of Attack, Officials Say June 14, 2016 Trump was right: The families knew.
Ex-Wife’s Bombshell Claim: Club Shooter Was Gay June 14, 2016 Says FBI told her not to tell this to the US media.
Furious Obama Accuses Trump of Making America Less Safe by Attacking Muslims June 14, 2016 Claims his refusal to say "radical Islam" has "nothing to do with political correctness."
Muslim Believers Should Be Welcome as Visitors–but Not as Immigrants June 14, 2016 Pat Buchanan: "The more Islamic the West becomes, the less it remains the West."
American-Born Children of Immigrants Proving Fruitful Recruiting Ground for Jihad in U.S. June 14, 2016 At least half of US jihadi attacks in the last decade have been by second-generation immigrants.
Donald J. Trump Addresses Terrorism, Immigration, and National Security June 13, 2016 Trump says "immigration is a privilege" and renews his call for a Muslim ban.
Inside the Orlando Nightclub Massacre, Breaking Down the Three Horrific Hours Inside June 13, 2016 Witness claims shooter asked, "Are you guys black? . . . I don't have an issue with the blacks."
‘Pro-Taliban’ Father of Orlando Shooter Says His Son Should Not Have Attacked Gay Club Because ‘Homosexuals Will Be Punished by God’ June 13, 2016 Shooter's father appears to be a good Muslim.
Facebook Deletes Pamela Geller’s ‘Stop Islamization of America’ Page After Orlando Attack June 13, 2016 Group with over 50,000 members deleted.
Orlando Mayor: 50 Dead in Nightclub Shooting June 12, 2016 Shooter, Omar Mateen, is probably a jihadi.
American ISIS Fighter Who ‘Found It Hard’ Returns to Face Criminal Charges June 9, 2016 He's the first US-born Muslim to be captured on the battlefield.
State Dept. Expects Syrian Refugees to U.S. To ‘Increase Exponentially’ This Summer June 8, 2016 114 came in February. In may, it was 1,069. 761 in the first five days of June.
Police: Woman in Burka Attacks Lawrenceville Family with American Flag June 3, 2016 Somali woman attacked Georgia mother and child.
Authorities Find Accused Somali War Criminal Working as Airport Security Guard in Washington, D.C. June 3, 2016 He passed the federal government's security checks.
Islamic State Group Leader Urges Attacks in Europe and US May 23, 2016 "There are no innocents in the heart of the lands of the Crusaders."
Homeland Security to Look Into Claim That Somali-Americans Were Targeted May 6, 2016 Common sense is not allowed.
Trump: Muslim Migration “Destroying Europe, I’m Not Gonna Let That Happen to the U.S.” May 4, 2016 He was asked if he'd back down on his ban on Muslim immigration.
In State After State, Strong GOP Support for Trump’s Muslim Proposal April 27, 2016 In exit polls across the country, about two-thirds of Republican voters support the temporary ban.
Backlash Greets Plans for Muslim Cemeteries Across US April 25, 2016 Some towns have rejected plans for Muslim cemeteries, but judges overturned the bans.
ISIS Suspect Reveals Plans to Open Up Route from Syria to U.S. Through Mexico April 22, 2016 He and nine Somali friends in Minnesota hoped to go join ISIS or attack the U.S.
Anti-Muslim Speaking Circuit Runs Through Rural Minn. April 20, 2016 Speakers critical of Islam regularly draw crowds in the hundreds.
The Citadel Considers First-Ever Uniform Exception: Allowing a Muslim Hijab April 15, 2016 It would be the first exception in the schools 175-year history.
Sesame Street Debuts First Afghan Muppet, Six-Year-Old Girl Zari April 8, 2016 She'll be teaching her young viewers about "girls' empowerment."
Migrants Ushered In from Muslim Countries Double Those from Europe April 7, 2016 In 2013, the U.S. took more migrants from Pakistan than from Britain.
GOP Voters Still Support Trump’s Muslim Ban April 5, 2016 67 percent still favor a temporary ban of Muslim immigration.
Middle Eastern Student Admits She Slashed Herself Across the Face April 1, 2016 She said a white man who called her a "fucking terrorist" did the slashing.
French Fashion Mogul Pierre Bergé Hits Out at ‘Islamic’ Clothing March 31, 2016 High-fashion brands are selling hijabs and burkinis.
Half of Americans Back Trump’s Temporary Muslim Ban March 29, 2016 71 percent of Republican voters and 34 percent of Democratic voters agree.
17 Men Reportedly Heard Chanting, Firing Off Shots In Apple Valley Detained, Released March 29, 2016 Men in turbans were shouting "Allah Akbar."
Obama: ‘Our Most Important Partners Are American Muslims’ March 28, 2016 Obama thinks "our openness to refugees" will help defeat ISIS.
Stephen Miller Exposes Faux-Feminism of CNN Panel with Facts About Muslim Migration and Open Borders March 28, 2016 Trump policy adviser: 500,000 U.S. girls are at risk of female genital mutilation.
Feeling G.O.P. Peril, Muslims Try to Get Out Vote March 25, 2016 They hope to register one million of the faithful to vote for the first time.
Islamic State Video Calls for Jihad After Brussels Blasts March 24, 2016 "Every Muslim . . . knows that the holy war against infidels is an integral part of Islam."
Trend: 680,000 Green Cards Issued to Migrants from Muslim Nations in Only 5 Years March 23, 2016 "Iraq, Somalia, and Iran alone contributed 124,000 individuals."
Immigrants from Terror Hubs Claiming ‘Credible Fear’ to Seek US Asylum March 23, 2016 80 Syrians, 191 Pakistanis, and 776 Somalis have used the loophole.
Donald Trump on Brussels Attacks: ‘I Would Close up Our Borders’ March 22, 2016 “We have to be very, very vigilant with who we let in."
When It Comes to Terror, Isn’t It Time We Started Listening Seriously to Trump? March 22, 2016 Piers Morgan says Trump is the only leader with a "concrete plan" to stop Islamic terrorism.
Faisal Mohammad, California College Stabber, May Have ‘Self-Radicalized’, FBI Says March 18, 2016 It took feds four months to admit he was inspired by ISIS.
Pictured: ISIS Fugitive Behind Paris Massacre Fleeing His Brussels Hideout and Trying to Run Past Phalanx of Armed Police March 18, 2016 Bataclan killer finally caught
Toronto Attacker Said ‘Allah’ Told Him to Stab Soldiers March 15, 2016 Ayanle Hassan Ali was born in Canada.
Islam Has a ‘Serious, Serious Problem of Hate’: Donald Trump Doubles Down in Debate on Muslims ‘Hatred’ Claim March 11, 2016 "I don't want to be so politically correct. I like to solve problems."
Chairman McCaul: The Terrorist Exodus Has Begun and We’re Not Ready for It March 10, 2016 Terrorists and foreign fighters are "a daily part of the refugee flow into Europe."
Head of American Islamic Forum for Democracy: ‘We Need to Put a Pause on All Immigration’ March 7, 2016 A good idea, no matter where it comes from.
Egyptian Flight Student May Be Deported for Threatening to Kill Trump March 3, 2016 Trump is having an early effect on banning Muslims.
Judge: Resistance to Obama’s Migrant Program Futile March 1, 2016 Constitution requires that Indiana accept Syrian refugees.
The Government Frets Over an iPhone While Opening Borders to 100,000 Syrians February 26, 2016 Who, it concedes, can not be properly vetted.
Measuring Donald Trump’s Supporters for Intolerance February 24, 2016 Supposedly 20 percent of Trump voters think slaves shouldn't have been freed.